I don't consider myself an expert but I try to be better each day in what I know and do. Even with writing blogs and books, even after the many videos I've made, I believe there is room for change and growth daily. I'm always asking God/Universe for guidance and direction. Has something changed? Is there something new I need to understand?
I do my best not to assume anything, because, over the years, I've also learned that there are many "experts" who think they know it all. If not careful, they can become obstacles to advancing our knowledge. We can get stuck in a rut due to thinking they know it all and we stop investigating on our own. We should have a willingness to seek and expand our awareness by asking questions.
I've always been a questioner and, I suppose, it's why I appreciate the challenge of questioners, too. If there was anything that I could bestow, it would be the gift of a perpetual seeker. One who never stops asking, never feels foolish in asking, and never assumes, because they know that "truths" can change.