Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Question: Walk-in Soul - Possession

I had someone ask a question regarding walk-ins and possession on my video (link) and I thought I'd share my answer here.
A walk-in is only an interchange of souls and done for numerous reasons, but anything or anyone (physical or non-physical) can "possess" us at any time - good or bad.
These are the things that may affect a person's current mind which might create an obsession, for example. People can be possesed by a pay check due to their lifestyle, a relationship, or a bad habit. Maybe due to a desire to help others. Many things that can "possess" someone to do strange or beautiful things because of it.
People can even have past life emotions that can guide or possess. Lots of things to consider when it comes to possession. Not all is evil. Some may be the "influence" of guidance to keep us on our chosen path.
I hope this helps.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Children: Solid Foundation Values

My mom believed that learning started in the cradle. She knew that teaching values early on was important. As I grew older, I learned that these values were outside of any faith one has. This isn't a faith based ideology; it is the teachings of solid foundations that all children need. They learn to be a team player at home and eventually in their future environment.

Those foundations are, but not limited to: learning to limit their wants and desires, learning that hearing no is just as important as hearing yes, understanding love and compassion, abiding by the rules and regulations within the family structure for peace and harmony, learning to be respectful and honorable, learning honesty and integrity, understanding the rights and needs of others and learning about give and take for fairness.

Children should be taught good values with firmness. They should be aware that bad choices will lead to disciplinarian consequences. A parent should not turn a deaf ear to whining and complaining without letting children know that this too will have consequences. Children are not stupid. They can learn to manpulate parents. They learn by observing and will do what they can to avoid those consequences; including wearing a parent out with crying.

Many times, it seems that a child's objective is to avoid discipline and push boundaries. A parent's objective should be teaching values with understanding and love, even if that includes tough love. Tough love isn't abusive love. 

In my personal experience, I have learned that children not only need but appreciate loving discipline and solid foundations, as it gives them grounding and prevents them from being unruly at home and in public. You cannot let them run wild at home and expect them to be calm in public. This will only cause them confusion. Establishing these values will create peace, love, joy and harmony for everyone.

If parents cannot teach these solid values, they will have the opposite. This may create chaos, not only within the child but, eventually, within the world ... as you sow, so shall you reap.

As far as dealing with children who are manipulative, my blog on how to control this might help. One of the worse thing that can happen is a child learning that their parent was similar when younger. Nip it in the bud. Tell them that we don't want history repeating itself. We're supposed to be learning to improve ourselves as humans. Unless they prefer being a wild animal living on a farm ... there's always that next lifetime. ;-)

Controlling Manipulating Children blog link:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Easier to Change Attitude Than Color

I have many friends of various skin color, faith and culture. One of them is a dear friend, Mon, who wrote a blog called: "As vast as the universe." It's about her feelings of being black and dealing with attitude more from black than white, as well as so many other awesome things that I asked permission if I could share it.

Mon's blog is base on her insight and experience. Below are just a few excerpts to entice you to read more from it. Thanks.


I'll tell you something, growing up, whenever I had an issue, I don't think I ever assumed it was because I'm black.

I've had more issues with black than I have had with whites. Does that make me racist?

I don't ever base anything on race, simply on attitude.

I've never EVER, had a white person shame me over anything like this. Am I a white person lover? What the heck does that really mean??

People I will give my time to are those who are respectable. When we can disagree without name calling and actually talk about it, this is worth my time.

I've taken two stands in my life. One was to release myself of the bounds of religion in search of some truth. Two, to release myself of the bound of skin color and choosing to make statements that my skin color is what holds me back.

There's this thing going about that black people can't make it in the world. Who says this? Who make this true?

The idea of skin color may very well be an illusion. I've always imagined that if we were all similar, we'd still try to find something to separate ourselves.

I'm not sure what some blacks are trying to prove to anyone.

Why do you have to feel the need to be above someone? When in reality, you are just a small piece of something bigger. In this vast universe, (and I really want you to go to google and look at a picture of the universe) is this really the only thing you can worry about?

We can learn something from this. An ant is small, yet it feels it's purpose in life is much bigger than we see it. Does it make it any less worthy to life? No. Honey bees are small, and yet they provide us with life as well. A simple cloud in the sky, among many, is just as important as all the rest as it provides us with shade.

I'll say one thing, I think the reason why I've gotten along with white people, is because I see them as people lol I don't try to fight with them over something as small as something we can't control.

The thing that I don't want people to do, is to waste their lives on trying to change something outside of themselves, when in reality, the true changing was to be from within.


Here's the link for the full blog.

As vast as the universe ...


Like many things that can morph out of control from the original concept, elementals are no different. Distortion can occur with any truth over time, mainly due to human error input, which often has me wondering why. Maybe it's to prove it's nonsense. To move us on due to the confusion and discrepancies.

My spiritual training has moved me away from such medieval ideas and concepts that don't have merit with me as it does others. To each their own, but I wish they would tell it like it is as opposed to all the fanciful concepts that it has changed into from when it originally began.

This is why I decided to share this link about when it started and why. Notice that it states that an elemental is a mythic being. All myths can have a basis of truth but I find that most long ago supernatural "truths" are cover-ups to what was really going on in the universe.

Besides, how would they know back then? They didn't have the technology we have today. However, to have the technology and not investigate facts is ridiculous in this day and age.

Please, if it's important, do your research. Don't take anything, especially today, at face value.

Wikipedia: An elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus. There are four elemental categories: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders. These correspond to the classical elements of antiquity:  earth, water, air and fire. Aether (quintessence) was not assigned an elemental.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Occasionally, I read things that people say about something being terrible but the flow of emotions in the universe isn't in accord with the sentiment expressed. It may be only a brief expression of emotion before moving on to the next subject.  Because of this, I'm beginning to wonder if our current "awareness overload" is desensitizing humanity.

Here's why.

When people continually do horrible things, in the world, it makes others fearful. This may lead them to do horrible things in return, due to this fear. It's the "shoot first ask questions later" mentality. We become less concerned in harming another due to this fear of needing to survive. 

Add in apathy, due to being scammed way too often or inundated with other's needs. It's not just our family, friends or neighbors, we now have to save the world ... often. It becomes overwhelming and the "who cares anymore" attitude begins. Many times, leading to limited feelings over another's emotional stress or sorrow. 

Let's not forget indifference, due to this desensitizing. We are bombarded daily with a plethora of negative images and words which are overloading our minds. We see them with barely any knee jerk reaction. Movie death and dismemberment merges with real life situations. What's real anymore?

Delusions are running rampant as well. Earlier, as I was wrapping up this blog, a friend commented on another blog of mine that she's seeing a lot of delusional people and questioned why this is occurring. I told her, "These delusional attitudes are part of crossing boundaries. Makes me question why too." I began to think that maybe delusion is helping to counterbalance the impact of the negativity some are feeling. As in, I can't take anymore, so I'll fantasize to help me handle this evil world. Maybe they feel it's the lessor of other escapism evils: drugs, alcohol or suicide.

Sadly, all the aforementioned programming seems to be a part of our world mindset and getting stronger. Those who aren't in this mindset may catch up soon enough if this flow continues. It's only a matter of time before they too will know fear, apathy, indifference or even delusion. They too will become desensitized unless we can turn the tide. Or, is the tide meant to be turn?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Manipulation 101

Many times, I wonder about the thinking of some people and shake my head. It's okay to show pictures of breastfeeding moms because it's "natural." And ... oh look at the cute baby ... that might work to shame people from having any opposing opinion. Seriously?

Peeing and pooping is "natural" too, folks, but do we really want to be inundated by pictures of it? Even from animals? Maybe we can just throw in a bear to distract us from seeing "this" natural thing too. That should do it. Not! You know thinking will go beyond that and eventually boundaries. It's called programming.

I'm still amazed how easy people are manipulated. Don't watch TV because the commercials are brainwashing but movies and social media aren't? Tsk-tsk! Thank goodness we still have a check and balance system that can help people from going too far into the rabbit hole. After all, having sex is natural too. Think about it.

Are Dragons Real?

If you only want to have your feelings placated and not discuss actuality, please don't come to me. Below is my response on one of my videos from someone who must not have done research or read my video notes.

Comment: I see dragons. They are spirits I photograph daily. Peace and love.

My reply: You have a very vivid imagination but flights of fancy isn't actuality. I've done the research and they never walked this planet as a physical being to say they are "real." However, due to creative thinking, we can manifest all kinds of creatures in our minds and put them on canvas and now in movies. That creativity has given us various types of flying and fire breathing dragons (now ice breathing too) but that still doesn't make them physically real. They're a figment of mankind's imagination and only real to the minds that are not aware of facts. Read my video notes if you want to know more. Hugs and peace.

I kept my reply short but what he may be seeing is no different than what our minds do when viewing some kind of distortion in pictures or when viewing clouds.

I wrote another blog (link below) that might be more helpful for anyone wanting to know more. It is more involved then my brief response above. I've been at this dragon debate since before making my "Are Dragons Real?" You Tube video and not one person has proven anything to me other than their mind is under attack because they're blocked in any ability to reason.

Furthermore, they, obviously, don't have my training, or others who are trained like me, to investigate the unseen worlds for facts too. I've made plenty of videos and blogs about mind games/mind attacks to help people. Yet, as the saying goes: you can lead a human to knowledge, but you can't make them think.

In conclusion, many scientist have already proven they are not real for many reasons. This means someone, believing that they are real, needs to prove it. Good luck with that.

Dragons - Promoting Mindfulness or Mindlessness?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ideological Subversion - Psychological Warfare

Truth is stranger than fiction? Sometimes, even with what I know, I'm still amazed how accurate that idiom is.

Sometime ago, I had mentioned to some friends about seeing a video on You Tube, years ago, regarding a Russian KGB defector but couldn't remember his name. He had mentioned a Russian system being used to demoralize, etc., the Western World (America). This system could take about 15 to 20 years and since he gave this interview in 1984, we may be seeing a new wave of this ideology affecting us again. From what I can see, albeit more than 20 years, his prediction seems pretty accurate. In fact, some people claim it's Obama's game plan, but if this is true, one would have to wonder who's really controlling Obama's thoughts and why?

I found a full length video (link below) of his interview to share. If you haven't seen it, please take the time to view it. It is over an hour long, but you can view it incrementally if you need to. The last ten to fifteen minutes, just before the ending, sums it up but try to watch it all. Please don't let any thought enter your mind to ignore it. Something he mentioned, regarding controlling "idiot" minds, made me think about that warning. If you had seen this 30 years ago, you may have, egotistically, scoffed - no way! I may have too, but not today. Today, I look back with hindsight and don't wonder why I was awakened and was taught what I was taught, as well as, eventually, making videos to teach others. Turn about is fair play. 

To continue, the video I saw that day gave me an ah-ha moment. It mentioned things that caught my ear, especially because I was aware of this mind controlling process, but I was now teaching others by my videos. This was done in order to let people know about "hidden" subjective thought, where it may be coming from, so they could protect themselves. However, since his name was mentally blocked, at that time, I decided it must not be very important. Eventually, I had placed him out of my mind and decided that, maybe, when the time was right, I would remember.

Today, the time must be right because I saw my Facebook Note about "The Power of Thought" which was, originally, written by me for a New Age magazine in 1990. Just so you know, I read it in my video as well as another one I had written back then before going onto more explanation. And, before you ask, no I didn't know anything about this man back then. It wasn't until after 2009, while I was watching You Tube videos that I saw his. Anyway, this note led me to my 2009 video which I had made about this concept, plus more. As I was watching it, his name popped up (an annotation) on my video. I was surprised to see it, as I had forgotten I had listed him.

All good things come to those who wait. To understand more, please watch my video first, which led me back to Yuri, in order to see why he is mentioned. You might want to watch the video, not just listen, as I have other annotations on it as well. Also, it may help to read my video notes and comments.

Power of Thought & Thought Seeding

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job: "This is G. Edward Griffin's shocking video interview, Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984), where he interviews ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.  Find out how the KGB utilized various individuals to undermine the Western society in its morals and values."

It's interesting that he was advised to "leave the leftist alone." He may be gone but not the ideology he warned us about, including greed. Russia may not be the communist country it was then, but are there those who may still be unconsciously stuck in the past and seeding thoughts? The answer to that may be in our current national issues.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Transgender: It's a Setup!

My husband said something earlier, about this current topic of transgender rights, that had me thinking ah-ha! He said, "it's all about the money."

He didn't say it hatefully and neither was my ah-ha epiphany that I received (slightly expanded for clarity). It wasn't about judging but a reason, albeit bazaar for some, yet with my knowledge it made perfect sense. Of course, this scenario may not fit every person, I firmly believe everyone should be treated on an individual basis, but it's a reasonable scenario that warrants consideration. This particular path didn't start yesterday; like many situations, it's been in the making for a long time.

~~~~~ Epiphany

You have two professions that need to make money: psychology and attorneys. What do you do to make sure they have income? You set someone (or a bunch of someones) up to provide for this need.

You create a transgender scenario (or any scenario but we'll stick with this one), which feeds into this mindset creating ill will and a need for counseling. This helps provide an existence for the psychologist. Counseling suggests any number of issues. They are persecuted or misunderstood. They're born this way. We need to be compassionate and understanding. Yet, they're still judged, which keeps patients coming back for more counseling and more money for that profession.

Then the misunderstood and angry transgenders decide to push this further. They've had enough. They want their rights. Deliberately pushing beyond what's collectively acceptable. Maybe seeking revenge. This feeds into discrimination and a lawsuit, which helps the other profession - attorneys. Attorneys exist via fees and lawsuits. They not only make money off of this, but so will the transgender, if they're lucky.

Now, the transgender will have the money to have corrective surgery. That is, if they haven't been totally messed up in being used by this system and decide to commit suicide first. This could be due to a young soul who's not prepared for being used in this manner. If not, it could be an older soul that's been around the block a few times and will turn a negative into a positive. They will use their lawsuit money for whatever they choose, including surgery. After all, not everyone is lucky to be born with money either. In that case, it's a win-win situation for all concerned.

Possibly a win-win-win situation, because now we can include the plastic surgeons who will be involved, also making money in order to survive. Then there's the situation of making money through television and that too will help pay for surgery, if that's their objective.

~~~~~ End

As all this plays out before us, the rest of the world may be sitting back and shaking their heads thinking what a crazy world we live in. Some may call them sick and want to throw stones (in a manner of speaking). Some may think things are spinning out of control and demand the universe to pull back the reins. Asking - how far will this go?

However, and pay attention, all these people are unknowing players in a universal play of answering prayers and wishes of putting food on someone's table, clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads. Someone's got to do it!

Apparently, my husband's money remark may have had more insight than he even realized. It is all about the money and using it to support ourselves and our desires. I felt this wasn't anything new. Prayers are answered in various ways. As they say, be careful what we ask for.

Furthermore, as these professional or other employment fields expand, and money is needed to exist, we may see more people set up in ways that will have us all asking: where's this leading?

Recently, a friend told me that our perspective about a mountain depends on which side we're viewing it. This epiphany is a perspective that may be from a different point of view than some may be seeing it. It's not meant to be the complete picture, yet it's part of a very big picture that started eons ago.

By now, I'm sure this information may have many shaking their heads thinking I've lost my mind, but can you come up with a more plausible reason? I know one thing that I felt strongly, while discussing this with guidance: it sucks to be used! It sucks because of other's collective thought or reasoning, for survival, and to not know why or from whom. It sucks being you? Well, it sucks being me too! Now what?

With knowing, all too well, that feeling of being used, I will try to regain my sense of humor and sum this blog up with my husband's words: dem bastids!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Let's Talk Reincarnation

Before anyone rebukes reincarnation, let's discuss why you may be mentally blocked from knowing more. Yes, people can be blocked from knowing any truth for numerous reasons. Wouldn't that be a way to keep someone, deliberately, in the dark? We all know this can happen, sometimes leading to serious consequences; ignorance isn't always bliss. People need to be educated on any subject before they critique or naysay it. Reincarnation is no different.

Many historians, philosophers, ancient religions and cultures believed in reincarnation. After all, if our soul is promised eternity, this means it survives death. Eternity is a long time, why wouldn't someone want to experience new things along that eternal path? Does anyone really enjoy anything repetitive, especially if it's for all eternity? To me, that would be hell!

The Catholic dictionary defines incarnation as: "The union of the divine nature of the Son of God with human nature in the person of Jesus Christ. The Son of God assumed our flesh, body, and soul, and dwelled among us like one of us in order to redeem us. His divine nature was substantially united to our human nature. Formerly the Feast of the Annunciation was called the Feast of the Incarnation. In the Eastern Churches the mystery is commemorated by a special feast on December 26. (Etym. Latin incarnatio; from in-, in + caro, flesh: incarnare, to make flesh.)"

The above description has the Son of God incarnating: assuming flesh or to make flesh. However, there are some who believe Jesus was God and not the Son of God. That would still take God's divine energy incarnating into a body. If God (or Jesus) knew how to do that, then why couldn't He have done it before that time or since? Yet today, many people still deny reincarnation. Maybe they think only God or Jesus has this ability. But, why wouldn't this be common knowledge for others to know or do? Why would God allow only himself, or only one of his children, to have this experience? In my humble opinion, that wouldn't represent a loving parental figure.

Is it only hidden from us until we're ready to receive it? For instance, if you look closely, it is in the bible. People are asked to accept that John is the promised return of Elijah. Return of a deceased prophet now embodied (incarnated) in John? Jesus even said that "Elijah is come already, and they knew him not ..." That means many were not aware that John was the reincarnation of Elijah. Probably no different than those unaware of who's incarnated today.

Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Are there lessons to be learned first? Hidden teachings? Empowerment? As Jesus did with his disciples? My questions would be: why is it hidden and for what purpose? Is it because we have to be prepared? Is it because our minds are blocked because our heart isn't in the right place? Is it for privacy or to have us move on from our past life memories?

Perhaps it's all of the above and the real reason that Jesus told us no one will know of his return. Could he be saying that we all have to be trained like him, first, in order to know? After all, he said John was Elijah. How did he know that? How would we know if that chosen soul for Jesus' life hasn't returned since then? Until we know what Jesus knew, we may not know, or that he could be here now. Yes, I'm sure you'll say that you will know ... but will you ... absolutely?

Of course, understanding these Bible mysteries (reading between the lines) may make sense to me because of my training. Is it possible that things aren't hidden from me, and people trained like me, because of it? As I wrote above, perhaps he's already incarnated on earth today; possibly hidden out of a need for protection. I repeat, how would you know? More importantly, if you were taught these lessons, as many like me were, would you even care?

Think about it.


If interested, there's much more in my book Eternity Proven.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Insomnia or Restlessness: Our Unconscious Connections

After I wrote my last blog, regarding how I deal with insomnia, I started thinking of a few reasons why insomnia, along with some waking restlessness, etc., may occur. These scenarios would be reasons outside of what most may think. It may only resonate with those that suffer with it more so than others.

Imagine, for a moment, that one reason someone may be having trouble sleeping, or concentrating, is that their mind may be unconsciously connected to another's mind, which is in another time zone or dimension. This may be argumentative to some but let's think about it.

Research has shown us that people have had an emotional connection with loved ones when they're away from one another. There are many reports of people "knowing" when something's happened to a loved one before hearing about it by physical means. Also, there are many reports of those who feel they are still connected to a deceased loved one via dreams or feelings.

So, taking it a step further, it's not difficult to believe that there are people who are attached to another or others, even unconsciously, that may be in another dimension/time zone. The people affected may be having difficulty adjusting to their own dimension/time zone due to it. You would have to shake off their emotional attachments in order to better adjust to your own. However, what if you don't know about this? What if they won't let go of you because of their desires or beliefs? How can anyone disconnect under those circumstances?

That's the unpleasant side of getting attached to another through desires, dreams, or past life situations, including attachments created by jealousy or hate. People living in the past may keep others from moving on, causing them to have a restless mind. They may be unconsciously holding a connection because of a past life desire. For example, yearning for a soul mate. They're only thinking of that past life, or their wants, without understanding that this "someone" has moved on, is not "that" person anymore, and completely unaware of the invasion to their space.

Here's another scenario. Imagine any popular, historical figure from a long ago past. Now, imagine this soul being incarnated. Maybe it's hundreds of years later since that lifetime. Yet, this incarnated soul is restless, confused, unable to sleep, and may not know why. It's quite plausible to believe it's due to that historical moment in time, which has created some kind of good or bad impact for others, even if he/she doesn't remember it anymore. Without realizing it, those who are seeking this past life, for whatever reasons or demands, may be unconsciously connecting during their waking or sleeping hours. This unconscious connection may cause either side to have turmoil, as in the aforementioned sleeplessness or being unable to focus.

It's one thing to stay busy during one's waking hours, but not so much when one is now wishing to sleep. What now? One thing, that can be done, is referring to my previous blog about what I do or by using anyone's suggestions that may help. Also, you can ask everyone involved to disconnect, but since we're not always privy to who's invading our space, or why, this may not be as easy. First, it takes educating people to be more aware, as well as being more respectful, and all of this takes time.

In the meantime, hopefully this will give food for thought for anyone experiencing insomnia, among any other mental distractions or confusion. Please keep in mind that we're not alone and never have been. We connect with others in many ways, for many reasons, and from many areas.

It might be time to start asking ourselves: what other time zones or dimensions are we experiencing, because of who we are, or who we were, to others?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Insomnia ... Ugh!

Lately, I've been seeing Facebook posts regarding people dealing with insomnia. As I, too, have issues with insomnia, off and on, I thought I'd share a couple of major things I do or have learned.

Besides the typical advice of: no caffeine before bedtime and have a good mattress.

My dad told me once, many years ago, when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, "If you can't sleep at least lie down, because you'll still be resting." His philosophy became the main way that I deal with my bouts of insomnia.

Sometimes, I wonder if he was seeing into my future.

Anyway, I once read that it's worse if you get up and move around or watch TV. Too mentally stimulating. I discovered that if I continued staying in bed with my eyes closed, even if wide awake, I would, eventually, fall asleep. Curiously, by staying in bed, even if I had restless sleep, I felt rested. I was very rarely tired or irritable, throughout the day, even when I was still working.

Thankfully, being retired has made it easier.

In addition, I, humorously, tell myself that my restlessness is due to my active and interesting mind. It's taking more time to slow it down because of all that wonderful information I've gained over my lifetime. To me, telling myself that was much better programming instead of fretting about it.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Also, I thought I'd take care of my runaway thoughts like adults do with children at bedtime: hearing bedtime stories. I started allowing my mind to think of them as something similar. We know how they help a child fall asleep. Well, why not us?

Turn a negative into a positive.

Needless to say, I didn't want to get into taking prescription medication either. That may be okay for some but it wasn't a path I wanted to take. I kept getting images of people overdosing. Why risk it? I've tried melatonin and benedryl with little to no success. Maybe I didn't take enough or didn't like the side effects. I've been taking a little extra Vitamin D and Magnesium, with slight improvement, but I heard on TV last week that a Potassium depletion may also be a problem with insomnia. My daily multivitamin may not have enough.

You can read more about it here.

So, staying in bed, allowing my thoughts to calm down, and looking into any vitamin depletion, seems to have been the best solution for me. It may not be perfect but it's helped me more often than not. I still have my off nights, which I feel is affected more by collective energy as opposed to my individual energy. There's also a Japanese legend that says we're awake in another's dream (if so, I do wish they'd behave). Whatever the myriad of reasons, whenever these things happen, I, jokingly, tell myself there's a storm brewing or the universe must be in turmoil. It helps me keep my sense of humor.

Lastly, the main thing, whatever you choose to do, is to see what works for you and don't give up.