Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ideological Subversion - Psychological Warfare

Truth is stranger than fiction? Sometimes, even with what I know, I'm still amazed how accurate that idiom is.

Sometime ago, I had mentioned to some friends about seeing a video on You Tube, years ago, regarding a Russian KGB defector but couldn't remember his name. He had mentioned a Russian system being used to demoralize, etc., the Western World (America). This system could take about 15 to 20 years and since he gave this interview in 1984, we may be seeing a new wave of this ideology affecting us again. From what I can see, albeit more than 20 years, his prediction seems pretty accurate. In fact, some people claim it's Obama's game plan, but if this is true, one would have to wonder who's really controlling Obama's thoughts and why?

I found a full length video (link below) of his interview to share. If you haven't seen it, please take the time to view it. It is over an hour long, but you can view it incrementally if you need to. The last ten to fifteen minutes, just before the ending, sums it up but try to watch it all. Please don't let any thought enter your mind to ignore it. Something he mentioned, regarding controlling "idiot" minds, made me think about that warning. If you had seen this 30 years ago, you may have, egotistically, scoffed - no way! I may have too, but not today. Today, I look back with hindsight and don't wonder why I was awakened and was taught what I was taught, as well as, eventually, making videos to teach others. Turn about is fair play. 

To continue, the video I saw that day gave me an ah-ha moment. It mentioned things that caught my ear, especially because I was aware of this mind controlling process, but I was now teaching others by my videos. This was done in order to let people know about "hidden" subjective thought, where it may be coming from, so they could protect themselves. However, since his name was mentally blocked, at that time, I decided it must not be very important. Eventually, I had placed him out of my mind and decided that, maybe, when the time was right, I would remember.

Today, the time must be right because I saw my Facebook Note about "The Power of Thought" which was, originally, written by me for a New Age magazine in 1990. Just so you know, I read it in my video as well as another one I had written back then before going onto more explanation. And, before you ask, no I didn't know anything about this man back then. It wasn't until after 2009, while I was watching You Tube videos that I saw his. Anyway, this note led me to my 2009 video which I had made about this concept, plus more. As I was watching it, his name popped up (an annotation) on my video. I was surprised to see it, as I had forgotten I had listed him.

All good things come to those who wait. To understand more, please watch my video first, which led me back to Yuri, in order to see why he is mentioned. You might want to watch the video, not just listen, as I have other annotations on it as well. Also, it may help to read my video notes and comments.

Power of Thought & Thought Seeding

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job: "This is G. Edward Griffin's shocking video interview, Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984), where he interviews ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.  Find out how the KGB utilized various individuals to undermine the Western society in its morals and values."

It's interesting that he was advised to "leave the leftist alone." He may be gone but not the ideology he warned us about, including greed. Russia may not be the communist country it was then, but are there those who may still be unconsciously stuck in the past and seeding thoughts? The answer to that may be in our current national issues.

1 comment:

  1. I discovered the video I posted about Yuri's interview was removed by YouTube as hate speech. I was shocked as I didn't think an interview was hateful. But I found another one.
