Thursday, October 31, 2013


You came to me with hurt and hate in your heart to attack me, but you were actually seeking me out to help you ... not the other way around. 

Our adversity with one another is not because I refuse to change to meet your expectations but that you refuse to change to meet mine ... because you haven't realize this is why you knocked on my door. That's why you're here. 

When you have internal controversy, it means your truth isn't adding up and you will seek a teacher to show you how to calm the controversy. You will fight the teacher as if the teacher is your problem and not you. 

You will stop knocking, and fighting, when you find that peace within. Peace within leads to peace without. 

I hear you; you're still knocking ... looking ... fighting. 

Patiently waiting. 


Friday, October 25, 2013

Dualistic or Total Awareness

I may have blogged about this before, but some things bare repeating. When I see people post some spiritual quotes, I sometimes think: ahh, but they obviously don't know what I know. However, I also understand that everyone is on their path and all I can do is share what I know and maybe the seeker will find it. 

So, I will share ...

Quoting wisdom of people from our past history may not be as valid with the information we have available today. Wisdom that's quoted is generally because of how it resonates with someone ... me included ... but as we advance in our awareness they may cease to resonate. 

Per Teilard de Chardin, we are shown only one form of existence (spiritual beings having a human experience), but we have learned that no matter how we want to twist it to meet our expectations, we are still a dualistic planet of beings (developed to help us explain our feelings with words), which means we can be either or both sides of a situation. He wasn't completely wrong in his perception, he was only missing more to broaden it or wasn't allowed to tell more of what he may have known because of the time period. 
This is an excerpt from my free downloadable essay (link below) that I wrote:
"After all, if we are, per Teilhard de Chardin, not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience,” then why would we be attacked by these same spirits that need our bodies to have this earthly wisdom?" 

For years, I have dealt with mine and others telekinetic attacks. I realize that, throughout history, this has been an ongoing issue ... nothing new ... even thoroughly talked about in religious text. This is why I wrote this essay and to reinforce the understanding that we can be "spiritually" more than what many still quote today. As I've said before, there's two sides to every situation and lately I've been adding ... and then there is God's take to it. 

This also tells me that we have spiritual teachers who do not understand the other side of the spectrum or the full spectrum. Yes, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, yet we are humans having a spiritual (awakening) experience. Then there are the more enlightened, the more aware, who know we are both experiences. 

We are what we are. That's why some things resonate and some things don't. May the seeker find the solution. 


A Multidimensional Telekinetic War? by Charlene Lerch 


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Psychic Attacks: To Help or Not Help

There are ways to tell if someone may be under a psychic attack, without necessarily the painful physical attacks but just mental influences that could be causing a possible personality change. I won't go into all of them because there are many helpful web pages that already have a lot of information, however I will share something I've learned. 

Attacks, or influences, can be from a person's soul, based on past life emotions, and not always an outer attachment. Also, not everything is an evil possession, it could be an attachment from a family or friend that has crossed over. When we have a planet under attack, due to battles or wars, it could be an attachment of a confused or angry soul pick up during a conflict. This is a big reason for suicidal thoughts that they start having. 

There are many aspects to investigate to determine the cause and to see if help will be allowed or necessary. Below is an amended comment I made to someone this morning about psychic attacks and why some situations can be difficult to determine or help ... even from those who know they're under attack ... because those around them are influencing them not to listen or causing them to be argumentative when advice is offered. 


I think I know their frustrations in telling people what they feel is going on around or within them. It's the same as anyone that is under attack and "spirits" not wanting anyone to know what they're doing. They will subject confusing thoughts for us, who are trying to help, to pick up on, and will tell the recipient of the attack not to listen to anything we say. Dealt with this way too many times, even had it happened to me a few times. 

Now, when I start feeling this is happening to me, I say - whoa, wait! Let's hear this out to see if there is merit ... or let's talk about it. In other words, before immediate rejection of a thought or idea, someone is suggesting, let's talk it out ... iron out the wrinkles. Not everyone is willing to do so, due to possible outer influences creating this scenario.  


Talking things out should be utilized in any dimension and compromise is important too. After all, we are taught not to be hasty in our judgments of something or someone. Once we do that, then nothing will be resolved and we could become more of a problem by not helping them at all. 

It only makes sense that attachments don't want a person to listen to the advice of a knowledgable metaphysician. Then they wouldn't be able to get away with as much. Right?

Sometimes, it's best to walk away until they are ready to listen or they find another to help. That's something else I've learned: I'm not the only one that can do things. They need to find the one they are comfortable with and even that may take time. 

In that case, I let what I've learned from God to be the deciding factor ... relinquish them. I get attacked for helping another. Yes, I do! First: I cannot help someone if I'm not physically here to do so. Second: Why help someone if I'm not being appreciated for sticking my neck out. No one needs that attitude ... ever. They can utilize the help on the Internet including my book about psychic attacks based on other's stories. Reading increases awareness and knowledge empowers. Maybe that's God's plan ... to teach us to do for ourselves. 

This is a short video I made with the link to my book, please read the notes too. I won't push it at anyone to read it, because I've discovered that those under any "evil" influence may be turned away. Why would they want you educated? Think about it. There are a lot of free teaching videos on my YouTube channel as well. 

In conclusion, I've learned that in order to survive, we have to be smart. I taught my children to pick their battles wisely. It's important for me to listen to my own advice. The battle I save may be my own. 


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bullying: Interesting Lessons Learned From My Dad And Life

This is some of my childhood memories I have about my dad when it came to dealing with bullying within our family. He rarely yelled or spanked, he would reason with us. He would pull us aside and tell us (bigger kids) that one day our younger siblings will grow up and remember how they were treated. He would then add, and they could be bigger then you. 

That left an impression on me that I wish others could understand. That growing up mentally and/or physically will happen and you will be the recipient of your actions. 

The thing that amazes me is that there are bullies who think no one will see them do what they do. That's their second mistake. The first one was touching another without their permission. That's another thing my dad would say to us ... keep your hands and feet to yourself. 

Maybe he should have added ... no elbow punches either. It's amazing how someone can obey without obeying. 

No matter what dimension, if you feel you have to punch someone, it's generally fear based; generated by feeling tired of being punched ... verbally or physically. 

I know that one has to always stand up to any form of bullying as I did when I was eight and then again at eleven ... as well as any other time in my life. I did not back down because I felt that right was might ... even if I got my butt kicked. I always believed, and taught my children, never throw the first punch. That makes one the aggressor and not the defender. I always tried to understand and reason before resorting to defending. 

Maybe by understanding what generates the fear could help stop it. I had a bully tell me once that he bullied to keep from being bullied. He feared it. He stopped bullying when he got over his fear by talking it out ... dealing with the situation. 

Just as my dad did with us in order to keep peace in the family. He let us talk it out and reasoned with us. However he had a strong presence that we all knew we better obey, he would only take so much nonsense before a stronger penalty would be enforced: mainly being grounded. 

However, I do remember him telling me that if someone was bigger then me, and picking on me, then pick up something to equalize the situation. I think he also realized that there are times where some bullies may need a lesson in seeing how something feels in order to stop doing what they are doing. 

I always had a problem with that, because of the saying, as you sow, etc., until a spiritual teacher, who did not advocate violence, explained that there are those that may need to understand the situation further. They could be only seeing something from their point of view. 

This brought back a memory of when I was 13 and babysat for some children. I was still learning, but I feel I was guided to do what I did in teaching one of the children a lesson; a boy, that kept biting his siblings. The mother and father were trying to correct him of it, to no avail. One day, while they were out, the child reach over and bit my arm. Without hesitation, I turned around and bit him back; biting him hard enough but not breaking the skin. I looked at him, seeing the shock in his face as he started to cry, and warned him that anytime I saw him trying to bite me, or his siblings, he would be bitten. About an hour later, while playing on the floor with his brother, he started to bite him. I saw it and immediately yell to him about biting him again. He pulled away and after only a few more warnings, he didn't bite anymore ... and I only bit him once to get the job done. 

Like my spiritual teacher had said, it is those moments that we are used to get a point across. It's not done out of meanness or hate, but to teach a lesson ... and I was selected to teach that lesson. 

That made me understand that lessons given in love are no where near the lessons learned in hate. Yes, we learn, either way, but which teacher would you want? 

That was the kind of teacher my dad was. The kind that didn't make it worse then it already was. Teach the lesson with love, to keep peace, not with hate to create more hate. Hate is fear based which can create bullies who fear being bullied and may become bullies because of it. A vicious circle. 

My dad was never a bully. He didn't have to be. Yet, he didn't put up with any nonsense either. We may have only crossed that line once or twice .. to learn not to try it again. You see, "picking up something to equalize yourself" can be another person, with a commanding presence, who can intervene in your behalf. 

It's difficult to get over "wrong programming" in our society, but we have to start somewhere. We learned it, we can unlearn it. 

Let's stop bullying. 

What future do you want to create?



My dad and I in August 2011, he passed away in April 2012. I can only hope he's still teaching in the spirit world. ;) 

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's the TRUTH!

Truth, like humans, can be imperfect. 

Remember "witch hunts," when hearing anyone's truth, before jumping on someone's bandwagon. 

Truth should always be backed up with solid proof and not hearsay.

Weigh everything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Selling the Soul of a Country

Sometimes, I feel that our country has gotten itself into such dire straights that it's resorting to prostitution. I can only hope that, because of it, it will have enough sense to become a high price call girl instead of a corner hooker.

I posted that comment on Facebook the other day and since then thought "why do we still get into such a predicament that we feel we have to sell our souls in order to survive?" I posted it about the USA but as I look around the world, I believe it fits many other countries that are trying to dig themselves out of the pits of desperate people doing desperate things. 

To me, when one has to prostitute one's principles, it's like selling your soul. Yet, how many times have we had to do that over eons to get where we are today? 

Then I thought, where are we today and why are we still surrounded with all this discontent? If anyone has ever studied history, they'll understand this question completely. 

We seem to be a planet of unhappy people, no matter what anyone does. It's not just recent event, it's throughout history. Maybe we've become so programmed into madness and mayhem that we don't know how else to act. Maybe people still don't think history is important enough to understand and we repeat our mistakes over and over because of it. 

Are you listening Congress? Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves because of the destruction of a system you're prostituting. 

I do know that when two heads are butting, like our Congress, nothing is resolved and, as they say, "you cannot reason with unreasonable people." 

Maybe the problem with our country is we have two parties and we should have three. A party that can break a tie - right or wrong. It works in family situations when two siblings are arguing, mom or dad steps in and a decision is made. The decision could even be a settlement on both parties where neither gets everything they want but it's better then nothing ... hopefully. Could it be any worse then what we have dealt with for eons? 

I think that King Solomon had it right ... a motive to his madness. Give them such an extreme decision to make, that throws both parties into a dither and then it's easier to resolve the issue with something second best ... another idea presented to soothe the ruffled feathers. 

However, was it second best or was it the original intent? Sometimes it takes that proverbial earthquake to move a stubborn mountain ... to keep us from prostituting our principles or selling our soul. 

How did we get ourselves in between a rock and hard place? How do we get out without more damage to our egos? Could our President have a plan up his sleeve? An intent to soothe ruffled feathers and remove us from our current predicament? Will he be like the wise Solomon or sell the soul of America?   


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Satan Is Bad?

Someone made a comment on a music video regarding it being satanic and to seek God. This brought about my morning contemplation and this blog. 

Why is everything that is not another's belief immediately labeled satanic? Yet, in the same breath they say ... everything is God, He created everything. 

Wouldn't that mean He created Satan? Wouldn't that mean He had a reason for doing so? Wouldn't that mean we are judging His decision for doing so? 

Wouldn't that mean we might be using our free will to do what WE want with it and God gave us a scapegoat? 

Could it be that God gave us "grace" from being humanly and sinfully frail by letting us point a finger at another ... the devil made me do it? 

This makes me wonder why we hate this being so much that God gave us to kick. We should be saying thank you God for giving us someone that can take the heat off of us and thanking His "creation" for allowing this hate to be redirected from us. 

Now that's ingenious! 

Satan is bad? Hmmmm ... maybe not ... under this scapegoat analysis ... it gives a different perspective.  

Thank you God and your creation. Why anyone should judge or doubt your motives is beyond me ... beyond anyone for that matter. But, of course, that's because we're not You. 

Anyway, it's just something to think about. Maybe while we are pointing our finger at Satan, he's pointing back to God about us. 

Have an awesome day and remember to try and show a little more appreciation and not so much hate. How would you feel getting all hate and no love ... all the time? 



Wikipedia: Satan is primarily understood as an "accuser" or "adversary" in the Hebrew Bible, and is not necessarily the personification of evil that he would become in later Abrahamic religions.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Melatonin: My Pineal Gland is Shrinking?

Quote: "Age and aging: the pineal gland is large in children but shrinks at puberty and has diminished activity in the elderly."

I had a brief chuckle while reading that part of the article (link below) as I had a image in my mind of the witch on The Wizard of Oz when she says, "I'm melting!" At least, based on this medical report my pineal gland is ... well, shrinking not melting. I'm weird, I know, but my humor during stress is my safety mechanism. It helps me when my mind is also saying ... what the heck next?!
Quote: "Melatonin inhibits human cancer cell growth in cultures, has been shown to exert oncostatic activity by antiproliferative actions, stimulation of anticancer immunity, modulation of oncogene expression and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-angiogenic activity."

Wow! I always say that I learn something new every day. I never knew that the lack of melatonin could create so many issues in people.

Anyway, to continue, this is a medical study regarding the pineal gland and it's effects on insomnia, jet lag, seasonal disorders, mental and/or physical disease including chronic pain, among other issues, with the reduction of melatonin and pineal gland shrinkage due to age or damage.

It's a interesting article and doesn't take long to read for anyone interested.

Hmmm ... I just had another thought. Maybe that's a reason the witch on Oz was such a meany. Insomnia can make anyone feel like they're having a bad day, especially if it's causing medical issues too.

Pineal gland and circadian rhythm.
As always, please do your research on anything you read from anyone. 

Wikipedia: this offers more on the pineal gland and melatonin; also the pineal gland calcification. 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Request

Message from my guides about me: Will you, or your guides, stop projecting "upward" to me (Charlene/Atomarane). 

Thanks. Much appreciated. 

I felt it was more of a command as opposed to a request. <3


Clarity given after I received the message I was asked to give: There are those that let their thoughts go upward  to their guides or whomever. It's the "whomever" that is creating a physical attack to people. I'm almost reminded of my dad saying - keep your thoughts to yourself. 

Apparently, a very long time ago, someone wanted to show me how often they had to get someone away from me because of who I had in my original soul. Also, this is something they decided to do to others and not just me - just to show them how often people invade their energy by astral projecting to their energy. 

So, for instance, you may have been a famous prophet in the past that had decided to return but every time you turned around your guides are doing all they can to protect your body from assault. Now, one around me, wanted to make a point of how often this happens with feelings of physical "sparking" due to a feeling he was being unappreciated - in doing so, others decided to do the same to others for proof of how often this happens. 

Okay they made their point - I get it - now others need to get it. Stop projecting to a being from the past as they could be incarnated and you're screwing with their energy. 

Please share. Thanks. 


Does this need to make sense? No because dealing with an insane thought never does but I delivered the message and what will be will be.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Can you imagine how powerful our thoughts are? 

We can change our way of thinking and say CURED, instead of "find a cure," ... that we actually become what we think? 

So be it!