Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Selling the Soul of a Country

Sometimes, I feel that our country has gotten itself into such dire straights that it's resorting to prostitution. I can only hope that, because of it, it will have enough sense to become a high price call girl instead of a corner hooker.

I posted that comment on Facebook the other day and since then thought "why do we still get into such a predicament that we feel we have to sell our souls in order to survive?" I posted it about the USA but as I look around the world, I believe it fits many other countries that are trying to dig themselves out of the pits of desperate people doing desperate things. 

To me, when one has to prostitute one's principles, it's like selling your soul. Yet, how many times have we had to do that over eons to get where we are today? 

Then I thought, where are we today and why are we still surrounded with all this discontent? If anyone has ever studied history, they'll understand this question completely. 

We seem to be a planet of unhappy people, no matter what anyone does. It's not just recent event, it's throughout history. Maybe we've become so programmed into madness and mayhem that we don't know how else to act. Maybe people still don't think history is important enough to understand and we repeat our mistakes over and over because of it. 

Are you listening Congress? Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves because of the destruction of a system you're prostituting. 

I do know that when two heads are butting, like our Congress, nothing is resolved and, as they say, "you cannot reason with unreasonable people." 

Maybe the problem with our country is we have two parties and we should have three. A party that can break a tie - right or wrong. It works in family situations when two siblings are arguing, mom or dad steps in and a decision is made. The decision could even be a settlement on both parties where neither gets everything they want but it's better then nothing ... hopefully. Could it be any worse then what we have dealt with for eons? 

I think that King Solomon had it right ... a motive to his madness. Give them such an extreme decision to make, that throws both parties into a dither and then it's easier to resolve the issue with something second best ... another idea presented to soothe the ruffled feathers. 

However, was it second best or was it the original intent? Sometimes it takes that proverbial earthquake to move a stubborn mountain ... to keep us from prostituting our principles or selling our soul. 

How did we get ourselves in between a rock and hard place? How do we get out without more damage to our egos? Could our President have a plan up his sleeve? An intent to soothe ruffled feathers and remove us from our current predicament? Will he be like the wise Solomon or sell the soul of America?   


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