Monday, September 30, 2013

Manifesting Meditation Technique

I wanted to share this from my true story book which is in Chapter Seven. It was a manifesting meditation technique that I was taught by my spirit guide, Boyaed (aka Abraham/Merde, etc.) in November 1987.

For more on what followed, you can find it in my true story book, "Great Flame Within, The Story of a Forgotten Master."


            "Boyaed, I have three places set up for classes. How do you think we'll do?" I questioned.

            "You will do as well as you wish. How many people do you wish for these classes?" He asked.

            "Well, the council gave information on the price to charge, do they want to tell me how many people are going to show up?"

            "No, Charlene, you are. You put the power of manifesting in your soul. Don't throw your power away, even to the universe. Visualize the size of each class and then bring the visualization to your soul." He told me, patiently.

            I thought about it for awhile then said. "I'm going to have ten people in each class."

            I imagined each place as if Boyaed and I were already teaching and then brought the vision to my chest (soul) and surrounded it with love (pink light).

            "Now," Boyaed directed, "relinquish the thought from your mind and allow it to be."



Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ted Bundy: What's In Your Soul?

Ok folks, listen up. This story (link below) blew me away ... never heard it before. Please take the time to read it. 

In metaphysics, we are taught that what grows is what you feed. It's in religious text too: as you sow, so shall ye reap. We also know it's called karma ... cause and effect. 

This fact is reiterated from one who warns others just before being executed ... from one who knows entrapment of darkness and how he allowed it and why.  

Thanks to Mark David and his End All Disease blog for sharing this story on it. 

Maybe one day I'll blog about what I learned about Bundy's path and how a child ...

turned into a serial killier.


What's in your soul ... what's in the souls of those around you?

------------- Okay, one day is now ...

I decided to add this to this blog instead of making a new one due to a question being asked of me on Facebook about wanting to know more about Bundy's path. First and foremost, by writing about this I am not condoning his behavior or aggrandizing him in any fashion ... it is more reference about the soul and what we have in it to help us through any lifetime. Also, I had written about my request to Jesus (below) in my January 1989 diary entry, regarding this event, but closed off my true story book before this took place; maybe if I get around to book two, it will be in that one. There is much more to his life but this was my reply that I was guided to answer and decided to put here too. 

I asked Jesus for Ted's soul to be brought to me after he was executed because I found out that Jesus was going to be there and because I was under such a vicious attack that I didn't want another being used to attack me. He was brought to me and I asked if he could have salvation because he himself was under a dark force attack. 

I didn't discover this until some time later. He was chosen before coming back to earth to help stop the flow of promiscuous sex but his dark side of his soul was overly abuse and misused due to those that are evil themselves. This can happen to anyone - missions or destiny can be overrun by hate or fate. Knowing what's in a soul can help but only if a lot of support is available. 

What I discovered today was that he had support as a child and that early training taught him right from wrong, which created his fear from what he started discovering (pornography) and had to hide what he didn't understand and couldn't discuss. He felt he would be condemned if he did talk about it. Once his "addiction" took over, it was easier to be possessed by emotions not to show that side of himself, due to condemnation of his peers, which allowed him to go deeper into the obsession - as fear of retaliation and his own death now kept him from seeking help. However, eventually, no matter how intelligent one thinks they are, they get caught because they get greedy. He goes to jail and is executed and those that possessed him move on to find another victim. No harm to them but another soul has been scarred for another's selfish desires. 

I asked today where he was and they said he had been incarnated a few times but since hate was being used to attack the soul and the physical children were effected, they just decided to just let the soul be. The last I heard, there are a number of souls that have been out in the universe and are trying to heal, yet are not being allowed to do so due to the hate still coming at them - his is one of them. 

One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. 

Makes me think of a religion I heard about once that's in the Middle East that honors the devil. The church leader said: even the devil needs love. Kind of like hurt children can do bad things but it's because they're hurt. Yet, even hugging a hurt child, what's in the soul that will cause them to go out and get hurt again, leading to hurt of others? I've had a lot of evil people around me during my life, but I've had a lot of good people too; my soul helped protect me or I might have been another Ted Bundy. 


The plot thickens ... maybe there is a reason for my renewed interest in Bundy ... no accidents in the universe as they say. I gave up my interest in him shortly after requesting his salvation in 1989, I figured he was in higher hands then I could give and I was still fighting for my life. I was guided to read more about him in Wikipedia, today, and see where there was much more to his video comments. He lived with his grandparents until he was three - probably too young to remember things but this was the part that got my attention: His grandfather "sometimes spoke aloud to unseen presences."


This, to me, proves possession. Something else I found from a report from one of his psychiatrist: An example of Bundy's mood swings occurred when an investigator was in Bundy's cell in Florida, Lewis said. The investigator told her that during a normal conversation, Bundy suddenly "became weird on me . . . did a metamorphosis, a bit of a body and facial change, and . . . almost an odor emitted from him."

The investigator said the incident lasted about 20 minutes, during which there was a "change of personality with extreme tension. I was afraid of him . . . it was very scary."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ABC: Authentic But Considerate

At my first date with my husband, nearly 17 years ago, I told him I had something I needed to tell him about me. I told him I was into spirit communication, with the emphasis of "just like prophets," and that I could not have anyone in my life that could not understand and respect what I know and what I do. 

He said he agreed and had no problem with it. We discussed his beliefs about it for the next few minutes and I felt comfortable about continuing the relationship. 

Afterwards, I asked him what he thought about what I had said. He told me he thought I was going to tell him I was dying of cancer and was just relieved I wasn't. 


This made me realize how important it is to lay your cards on the table ... to be yourself ... to be authentic ... but to also be considerate of another's beliefs and feelings. Being yourself should not mean being egotistical. 

Hopefully, like my husband, there will be someone that will compliment you ... if not allow them to leave from your path with love and move on. To me, being by myself is more important then to be with another who constantly beats you down with their beliefs ... or beats you because they cannot control you due to their beliefs. 

Allow the light of yourself to shine and not be diminished by self loathing or hate of others. 

Keep things in perspective, too, when judging yourself or another. 

Is being psychic (or whatever) worse then dying of cancer?  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Simple Dream - A Profound Universal Message

In recent years, I have had plenty of dreams but I don't always remember them unless someone thinks they are important ... as was the case this morning.

This morning, I woke up from a very frustrating dream of trying to get something done but feeling blocked over and over. As I continued to lie in bed, after awakening, I suddenly felt guidance was there and wanting to go into an in-depth interpretation of it with me. This doesn't happen too often anymore either, so I decided to see what was going on.


It started out with me being in the back seat of a car and telling the driver he should lock the car doors as the female passenger in front was leaning against it and I was concerned for her safety in not falling out. His indifference toward her safety irritated me because of what I knew could happen, along with a concern for precaution that he didn't seem to share. 

Then he stopped at a store and gave me five dollars and asked me to go inside and get cereal and milk. That was all I was asked to do. 

I got inside and the store was in a disarray with people standing around and aisles that were showing opened packages and unkempt and filthy product. The people who worked there didn't act as if I existed and never volunteered to help. One man, who was on a ladder putting things on a shelf, looked down at me but never said a thing. 

At this point, I began to think I needed bowls and utensils to buy too. Maybe he didn't think this through when he sent me inside because based on earlier conversation, he didn't appear to be one who did that. I felt that if I could even find anything, I would have to use my money to buy it. I had nothing to go on, from him, but to buy cereal and milk. I knew we were driving somewhere, so how were we to eat cereal with milk if no containers or utensils? 

I kept looking around the messy shelves, I even climbed up on a shelf to reach to a top shelf that had some styrofoam bowls and plastic utensils. Everything was opened or dirty. Then a guy came along and said he would help me put some stuff together but smiled at me and said something about no worries about getting it for me ... as if there wouldn't be any charges. I still hadn't even looked for cereal or milk by this time. 

After he gathered up a few things, I noticed he was tallying up the pieced together products for a bill, as if he had changed his mine. For instance, I noticed he had charged 20 cents for each styrofoam bowl. I thought, no big deal, maybe I misunderstood him. 

At this point, I woke up and I felt guidance wanted to explain the dream. I started to realize that I was being shown the similarities of my life to the dream, yet not just my life, but possibly others felt the same way. 


This is what universal guidance wanted me to know about it. 

I was given limited instructions (buy cereal and milk) and resources ($5) to do a task (mission for earth) from people (man in car) who apparently could care less about another's well-being or how I got the job done. I was doing what I could with what I had, realizing I would have to be creative and add my own resources to make the "mission" work. 

I noticed that people stood around as if it was up to me to do what I needed to do but they didn't want to get involved ... possibly fear or a lack of interest ... or who expect everyone else to do the job and then they slide in on all the glory later. 

Others just waited (in car outside) for me to do what they expected with no personal involvement (guidance). Here's the task, it's up to you to figure out what to do. 

The one man on a ladder represented those who had already climbed the ladder and looked down on me without offering a hand to help. As if they made it up that ladder on their own, and there's not enough room for another. Maybe they feared another's awareness would usurp theirs so it would be best not to open that door ... offer that hand. 

The one who did help, did so, at first, out of what seemed like kindness, but then realizing money could be made off of me decided that was more important instead of the initial kindness. Yet, the confusion I felt was because this person had it within him to be that way; part of his programming to use people for personal gain. 

I also felt that my intentions of looking for something, other then what was initially asked of me, was a form of being side-tracked by my own second guessing or a redirection from an unseen influence to veer me off course. 


I don't expect anyone to help another without being rewarded in some manner. It seems that even with limited resources, by working together and being supportive, the job (mission/s) could have been handled expeditiously and with less confusion. 

Apparently, based on what I saw in the dream and the interpretation later, I feel guidance was saying: one can only do what one can do under those circumstances. 

Many people say they want to be involved in a mission before incarnating, but once here on earth the physical and mental takes over the soul and those past thoughts of being involved can become futile, especially when those who send us on the mission choose not to get involved themselves anymore. 

If their initial intent was false, knowing it would be a futile mission, then they should be reprimanded for setting up something to get us out of the way (out of their hair). To have us return with these false intents will lead our emotions into hopelessness and a lack of trust, which may lead to hate. 

Hate is a fear based emotion which is created due to not knowing who to believe ... who to love ... who to trust. In other words, all the emotions that many are dealing with on this planet is based on a lack of believing, loving and trusting. 

For example, if you can't trust your parents, your peers, your current leadership, or other people anywhere, then who can you trust? Which leads us to a final insult that would be: if you can't trust God, who can you trust? 

So, you see, if we believed that God sent us on a mission that had no end, and only to get us out of the way, placing us in a position of doing what we can when we can, it could end up being a futile mission leading to feel hurt in being used and/or abused under a very selfish reason. 

If we, collectively, set ourselves up on a mission and then, when we were earth bound, decided to turn our backs on one another and the mission, we can blame no one but ourselves. 

Now I know why, for nearly twenty-five years, I've been telling the universe to leave me alone, because I know human frailty. I know that people can pump up their own self importance but without the means they will not accomplish what they set out to do. Without the support the mission is futile. Without cooperation instead of me-me-me, there is no end. Without knowing what one is capable of doing, you could be asking the wrong person to do the job ... and I do mean "asking" not "telling."

If God is all knowing, why would God send anyone on a mission S/He knew would be futile? That means the "block" is within all of us. 

Maybe we're not asking God "today" what S/He wants and that's why the shelves, in my dream, were in disarray, including those top shelves. Also, it could be why, sometimes, no one knows what to do. Should I extend a hand, should I get involved - who can I trust?

Can there still be order out of chaos? All I know is that I feel, at times, I'm trying to talk inside a hurricane (chaos) and no one hears a word, and that there are others who must feel the same way. 

That's why I feel my dream had a universal message ... united we stand, divided we fall (fail). 

We fail because we work for the good of one and not the good of all. We fail because we allow ignorance to rule instead of common sense. We fail because there are people who are jealous and want to drag others down to their level and we allow it. We fail because we cannot see the sign of the times and dig our heels into the old ways for fear of change. We fail due to fear and fear mongers but destroy those that want to show the way of love and truth. Maybe we fail because we we have come to believe we are not entitled to succeed ... we are not worthy. We fail because we are looking for a savior but cannot see the many that are already here due to ego blindness. We fail because it's easier to hate instead of love. We fail because chaos is familiar. 

However, on the bright side, guidance suggests that realizing one is failing can give us an opportunity to reevaluate and re-plan ... if we choose ... and if we have gained the wisdom to do so. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shipyard Shooter Heard Voices? Why Does This Not Surprise Me?

I have heard voices in my mind for about twenty-five years. I have had spirits around me all my life and psychic attacks since birth ... more viscous ones since consciously hearing. 
Did I go have myself committed - no - because I know I'm not crazy. Did I go on a rampage and kill people - no - because I have the presence to know what is happening, learn from it and teach others. 
Let me tell you that there are too many reasons and too many excuses too. Anyone who doesn't understand this after years of posting my true story and teaching people what to do to protect themselves, is obviously not being allowed to know and they will be the next puppets to be used in situations like this man. 
Microwaves, ETs, Government factions or manipulating corporations are all reasons I've heard but it still takes the willingness of a person to commit a crime against society. 
You've been warned - not just by me but by many - about possession, telekinesis, mental warfare, among other forms of control. 
Who's next? Someone in your family? You? Your child? 
Am I pissed? You bet your sweet ass I am! 
So go ahead and run from this post, bury your head, just as before!  
It's your funeral! 

If you think that mental warfare is only recent and through current technology, you're seriously uninformed. 
Educate yourself - it's free. A Multidimensional Telekinetic War

Monday, September 16, 2013

Those Who Make a Mark on Your Soul

During my younger years, I use to belong to an organization called Business and Professional Women, in which I served twice as president. In those years, several women made an impact on my life but one in particular really stood out. Her name was Marie I. Swingley and she had worked many years for the Easter Seal Society in Tampa.

Marie acquired polio as a very young girl and because of that spent her life, since then, in a wheel chair. This never seemed to bother her; her outlook was always positive. It was due to her constant "pushing" at me that I was able to accomplish so much in this organization and she always remained supportive; she even nominated me as Woman of the Year once and the nomination letter was beautiful (below).

Occasionally, she would call me up for a ride to a local or district meeting, which I never minded at all. However one time she told me, "it's okay to say no, in fact it gets easier to say it the more you do."

I thought, how odd for her to say that, yet I answered her that I could never tell her no. I went into an explanation about my mother never learning to drive and I knew the difficulties she had when dad wasn't at home due to the military. Knowing the strain that had put on our family, I swore I would get my driver's license and help my mom, or any other that felt they needed to get somewhere and had no way in doing so. This meant Marie was stuck with me taking her and saying yes all the time.

Eventually though, I did listen to her advice. Being a type of person that can and had been taken advantage, due to my allowing nature, I began to see her reasoning and learned to say no, when I meant no, and not to feel guilty about it. It took a long time but I learned to ward off those outer and inner emotions to do something for someone when deep down inside I knew it would be a hardship on me.

As I became more intuitive, those "saying no" lessons came in handy.

This is one of the reasons I wanted to blog about her and her inspiration to me. The other reason was that a few years back I started thinking about her and wondered why. I wondered how she was doing as I had lost touch with her, however I got busy and put it out of my mind. Then, about a year ago, I thought of her again but got this feeling to look up an obit. I didn't find one but did discover she had crossed over and thought how sad to discover that. Recently, I got those same nagging feelings and then it dawned on me that maybe it was payback time. It was time to show a tribute about her due to all the things she did for me.

Marie would never tell anyone her age but I remembered her birthday and that's how I found information on the Internet. It is limited information but it's there for anyone to find on their own. I'm sure she won't mind me sharing this information now, it is public record. Marie was born on October 5, 1936 and died May 4, 2006 in Hillsborough County, Florida. She is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery and was 69 when she crossed over; which I consider that a feat in itself due to the effects of polio.

The last news article I could find with her name in it was this one in 2003 under the section Sung Heroes:

I know her star must still be shining out there and that's why I got all those feelings. Anyone that had that much energy as a physical person, and not being encumbered by a wheel chair now, must be having a grand old time.

Keep on keeping on, Marie! You will be eternally special in my heart because you let me know how special I was. Many people before and after you made an impact in my life, but this tribute is about you. Stand up and take a bow!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Business Sustains a Disease?

For many, many years I watched and donated to the Jerry Lewis' Labor Day Weekend Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and after awhile I began to wonder why no cure had been found after billions of collected donations. 

Look how fast we were able to find cures and rid diseases in the past - like polio and small pox - among other things. 

It eventually dawned on me that a disease had created a business and the business was now being sustained by this disease and other muscular diseases.

What a vicious circle we feed ourselves into. Damned if we do - damned if we don't. :(



Saturday, September 14, 2013

An Androgynous ET - Eons Ago!

Sometimes, I enjoy going back and watching my soul beginning videos to refresh my memory on what was said during them. Each one was done in the moment and I did so many of them, that it's more entertaining now instead of work.  

This reading was about an androgynous being, from millions of years ago, who was killed for food by an advance warring nation that could travel using flight. Millions and millions of years ago! Amazing! 

A very interesting read. Enjoy!

How did my soul begin - JoeFielding72


Friday, September 13, 2013

Teaching Your Children Selfish Love? No?

It's important to teach our children that caring and loving is a two way street. Anything that is constantly one-sided will eventually be rebuked by family or friends; unless one chooses to be subservient to another's wishes. I don't, because I feel that's a selfish love. 

Besides, where has it ever been written that anyone should do anything for another under those conditions?

That's one of the problems with our world today. I see far too many people having their hand out expecting to receive and forget to hold their hand out to show appreciation. When did we learn that this type of behavior is acceptable or that someone should attempt to make another feel guilty because they aren't performing to their wishes? 

How's this for guilt? If your life is so busy that you or your children cannot talk to the grandparents (family/friends), but you want them to be there and be caring, then shame, shame, shame on you! 

Give what you want to receive and teach your children the same!

If you want someone to show your children that they care, then teach your children to respond in kind. Teach them to pick up a phone and show appreciation and be gracious for a gift they've received, so they learn not to expect. Pick up a phone and call a family member, who you want to be there for you, and your children, and just say ... hi, I'm calling to see how you're doing ... and get involved in their life. Teach your children these caring and loving manners and not just to call when it's a special occasion, or that they are expecting something in return. 

If not, then don't expect anything in return, because, after all, you are showing them that love is one-sided by your actions of not teaching them, and yourselves, responsibility, kindness, caring and respect? 

Teach them to show interest in another and not just in themselves. Even a quick text from a busy older child can say: I'm putting "me" aside to show I care for "you" and not only what you can do for me. It could, with any luck, rub off on the parent too. Everyone gains! 

That's why I decided to write this blog, because of the ME generation. I hear this from parents about how they are griping about grandparents, or other family members, that they just want their child to know that these people care and to be there for them. However, what I'm sensing they really mean is: I don't understand why they're not kissing my butt like I feel they should or like they use to do. 

Be there for my child? Show my child you care? My response: what are you teaching your child? Are you teaching them to show support and love too? Maybe the constant me-me demands of "I want" or "I need" is causing the chasm of discontent from those who now feel they are not "giving freely" but being "taken advantage of" because of numerous one-sided wishes, wants, expectations, or demands. 

Furthermore, if anyone finds themselves in a situation about whining over a discontent, over something not going their way, it could be time to stop pointing fingers and look within to see what they, or their child (children), are contributing towards the love and caring that they may be expecting from others. 

If you're not involving yourself in another's life, you have no right to expect anything from them, especially financially, whether that be family or friends. 

If you know anyone like this then do yourself, and them, a favor by sharing this blog and remind them that love and caring is not selfish ... not one-sided ... not all about me, me, woe is me. Take off the blinders. 

Selfish love is bad behavior and not the same as loving oneself ... it's a different set of emotions. I don't know about you, but I don't reward bad attitude or bad behavior. 


Monday, September 9, 2013

Trusting Your Instincts? What If They're Blocked?

I know that long blogs can be daunting, so I must apologize in advance for this being longer than I had originally anticipated. It is a lot to share on how I gained this information. I cannot force anyone to read it, however, if you are persistent, you will be astonished by what you read and hear. Of this, I have no doubt, so please hang in there and questions are always welcomed.  

Always trust your instincts or inner voice? What if that inner voice isn't yours? I hear and read a lot of comments about trusting one's instincts or intuition, while also reading things like "I trust my soul center," as they point to their heart area. Well, I'm happy for them, but as many know, there is good and bad in everything. I won't go into the semantics of good and bad but only to say that in my understanding of it, good and bad is only relative to what side of the fence anyone is standing on when something is going on and they haven't heard the other side of the story in order to compare. Enough said!
I see some metaphysical people spouting all this glorious enlightenment and I look at their words, sense their thoughts and think, they haven't gone the distance ... the same distance I did. Yes, I was in their shoes at one time thinking all was peaches and cream in the universe. Well, if it's not on the planet why would it be elsewhere? On earth as it is in heaven?
Anyway, to continue on with the blog title: no, we cannot always trust our instincts and intuition, especially from our soul center. Why? Well, for one reason, one would have to have an awareness in their soul to do so ... it would have to be in the soul to understand life and as most know, from looking around this planet, not everyone does. Young souls or minds, as well as damaged souls or minds, may not have that awareness and/or it can be blocked from them.

Yes, blocked and/or caught up in a flow of deceit!
This is why I chose to finally write this blog due to my awareness and constantly being advised that what a person may be saying, about trusting their instincts, wasn't what my guidance were picking up about them. The first time I saw this  "blocking," "guiding" or "protection" was nearly twenty-five years ago when I was already awakened and participated in a vision I was told was called an All Call with the universe, which took place in August 1989. My guide left for his walk-in (interchange of souls) in January 1988 and the actual all call was before, in December 1987, before he left. I was unaware of it due to my lack of training at the time
Before I get into this all call, I want to explain another lesson that I learned about blocking, which occurred years before I was aware of spirits being around me my entire life, and why I understand all this now. I was having some serious issues over something that was going on with a family member and the natural instincts that should have been there were camouflaged by emotions to stop judging, along with other things to establish guilt thoughts within me for thinking anything so wicked. Later it turns out that the battle of good and evil going on in my mind was based on truth but what kept me from acting on it was that there was no physical evidence, at the time, along with the guilt I had felt for thinking bad thoughts about someone that was being kind on the surface. This taught me that a battle going on in my mind is for a reason but not always will the reason present itself immediately if there's interference.

So, you see, unless you are fully aware, you can be blocked or used to hurt another, or keep from knowing the truth which can hurt you.
Now, what I was asked to share for "proof" was from this all call, which I previously mentioned, along with a soul beginning video I made some time ago. These two things showed me how we can have a "keeper of our soul," as my original guide called it, and/or an invasion of our soul ... which can be determined by the emotions of their intent.
In my true story book, I wrote about this all call (below) in it's entirety, which took several pages. I was aware my guide had left for a walk-in for me but did not know there was an all call to make that decision. Silly me! I didn't know anyone was involved in my life much less permission was needed to prevent interference. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I discovered this. After I met Zabrona, who came to my rescue, he advised me of this all call and I went into a universal holding to see what had transpired in the past ... by this time more than a year had gone by since this had occurred. What I saw in this all call was truly amazing, because physical people were involved in this decision and not just spirits. This was the part they wanted me to share from my book: GREAT FLAME WITHIN - The Story of a Forgotten Master. This is how they, of knowing, do things out there, which I underlined, below, for emphasis.
It is a week before Christmas in 1987. There is a feeling of suspense hanging in the air. Everywhere you look there is dark but clear energy, like looking into a smoky topaz.  A few darker, undefined forms start appearing, which seem suspended in space.
            Our attention is drawn to the right, to one of the suspended forms. It appears to be a physical, female energy and from the emotions around her, we are told she's asleep. It is late night, in this area, and the universe has come alive with an ALL CALL.
            "What do you mean?" Boyaed, a master spirit, demands to the universe. "What do you mean come up into the universe? I'm in the universe!"
            A fast emotion is felt by Boyaed challenging his truth. You can feel a tension building. He is under a judgment. An all call has convened and, it appears, he is the reason. He responds to the emotion.
            "No, you're right. I'm in her body."
The female form takes shape as we look closer at the body. She becomes clearer, more defined. There in bed is a tall, slender woman with auburn hair, sleeping. It, suddenly, becomes obvious, to those concerned, that the body of the woman sleeping is Charlene, Boyaed's channel.
            In the center of her chest there is a large, glowing circle, which is starting to extend away from her. Inside the circle there is an image of an older, stocky built man with blond hair to his shoulders, just sitting there as he talks to everyone; but, now, the circle is vanishing. We view the image extending away from her body.
It is a sight that is awesome to the beholder. This is a powerful, old god of the universe. He is expanding, staggering the imagination, in his height. He stands there, his grand figure looking around, then resumes with his feelings.
"But, I'm ....."
"Omnipresence!" A voice shouts off to one side.
            "Yes, I'm omnipresent." Boyaed replies. "I can be anywhere in this universe and in her body. What do you want?" He questions, defiantly, but with sorrow. 
This was the first time I realized what can go on in another dimension. I have a You Tube video playlist, which I am talking about my true story, chapter by chapter, however the book is more detailed. This is why I made these videos, I wanted to get my story told and what I learned from it; not only for emotional relief of what had happened to me but to help others too. This can be viewed later, at your leisure, if you want.
Creator Reincarnation Eternity Proven - True Story
To continue, you can see, from this all call excerpt, the point my guidance is hopefully making with everyone regarding our soul center and the guidance or interference of it. To them, being inside someone's body, like this, is an invasion. Boyaed's reasoning was to keep people from snatching my soul away due to my soul's past lives. I didn't find fault in that, at the time, but higher guidance assures me that it can cause more trouble because of what's in his soul and him being attacked too, bringing more things to me for what he was doing.
This reasoning would be similar to a bad spirit hanging out in a good person's body and the good person wants to know why his/her life has suddenly changed for the worse ... and yes, vice versa.
The next thing that they wanted me to present to everyone, for understanding, was the soul beginning videos I did some time ago. I did each one in the moment. What you see is me seeing, hearing and feeling, right along with the viewer. They, over 300 videos, were all so fascinating and I felt myself become even more educated about the ways of the universe. However, it is one in particular that showed another example of soul center invasion and the one they wanted me to share. Each soul beginning video I did was less then ten minutes, there were a few that took two videos due to the controversy that was going on at the time and the length of time it took to resolve it, his was one of those, as you will see while watching. There are two videos to watch in order to see what can go on out there and within us ... for a number of reasons ... and I'm sure they will astound the viewer ... as I was while making them.
Please read his comments too. These two videos are called ...
How did MY SOUL begin - djmisplacedmarbles (part one)
How did MY SOUL begin - djmisplacedmarbles (part two)
Furthermore, I hope this helps everyone understand what I have come to learn over the years. Unless you are more aware/educated, your intuition or instincts can be blocked, just as your thoughts can be blocked. For further clarity on block thoughts, here is a two part video as well, call: Psychic Blocks and Spirits. The link is to video one and part two is attached to it. These, as in the true story videos above, can be viewed later, if you want.
I am still learning daily. The more we dig deeper into the universe, for truth, the veil can be lifted ... unless you're still being blocked. How do I know about this? I lived it but I fought it and I'm still here to share it. Of course, sharing can illicit hate and ridicule from another who doesn't want me to share it or to keep another from knowing it. This is why I kept so much of this within me over many, many years .... from co-workers and some family and friends ... because I actually judged them for not understanding and in doing so I, sadly, held them back as well as me. When I realized that, I said enough was enough! By not judging anymore, maybe my reality could help another ... and so this chapter of sharing my journey began.

Lastly, this is not a joke and it's not just in the movies, people who scoff at this only makes me wonder ... who's blocking their energy ... their thoughts .... their instincts?


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Looping: Circle of Life?

This morning I was ironing (a form of meditation to me) and an idea popped into my mind about our future selves looping for self perservation. They know the planet is dying, many eons from now, yet they devise a plan to preserve the human DNA along with developing time travel. 

They reach a point of no return (planet death) and time travel back to a select point in time to continue life at that point. As life and death continues from that point, and upon reaching that future time, we are programmed to loop back again. 

Gives a new meaning to the phrase ... circle of life ... and strangely enough, I've been hearing that phrase in my mind, for several weeks. For that matter, it gives a new meaning to eternity as well. 

Maybe that's why I got that thought this morning: could life, on this planet, be resolved and preserved with looping? 

Several scenarios I felt, while I continued to iron, was that we won't know who they are because they loop back into time before major records are kept. They give up an advanced civilization to a more primitive one, in order to preserve themselves as well as enhance their new environment ... our past ... with creating a better lifestyle. 

Maybe along the future time, some choose to pick a time to return that could be more advanced in civilization, pre-programming their return to fit in with all records necessary to do so. 

We wouldn't be aware of any changes that are made by them because it would still be part of current history. 

They did make a movie in 2012 called Loopers that involved time travel for evil intent that was, I felt, similar to the movie Terminator. However, were these movies to seed our imaginations based on fantasy, or have we actually sensed a hidden fact ... or trying to be hidden from us ... and placed them out as fantasy? 

I did write a blog before about looping but it was about a different matter. You can read it here:

Anyway, I've heard stranger things. What do you think? They do say that truth is stranger than fiction. 

Could our current souls, reincarnated many times over into the future, cross paths with our current life?

Thoughts in the universe? Real or imaginary thoughts? Something to think about ... for us deep thinkers. ;-)

Update: September 8, 2013 - The only additional thing I heard about this was this morning when I heard: no "human" will be on this planet when it dies.