Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ted Bundy: What's In Your Soul?

Ok folks, listen up. This story (link below) blew me away ... never heard it before. Please take the time to read it. 

In metaphysics, we are taught that what grows is what you feed. It's in religious text too: as you sow, so shall ye reap. We also know it's called karma ... cause and effect. 

This fact is reiterated from one who warns others just before being executed ... from one who knows entrapment of darkness and how he allowed it and why.  

Thanks to Mark David and his End All Disease blog for sharing this story on it. 

Maybe one day I'll blog about what I learned about Bundy's path and how a child ...

turned into a serial killier.


What's in your soul ... what's in the souls of those around you?

------------- Okay, one day is now ...

I decided to add this to this blog instead of making a new one due to a question being asked of me on Facebook about wanting to know more about Bundy's path. First and foremost, by writing about this I am not condoning his behavior or aggrandizing him in any fashion ... it is more reference about the soul and what we have in it to help us through any lifetime. Also, I had written about my request to Jesus (below) in my January 1989 diary entry, regarding this event, but closed off my true story book before this took place; maybe if I get around to book two, it will be in that one. There is much more to his life but this was my reply that I was guided to answer and decided to put here too. 

I asked Jesus for Ted's soul to be brought to me after he was executed because I found out that Jesus was going to be there and because I was under such a vicious attack that I didn't want another being used to attack me. He was brought to me and I asked if he could have salvation because he himself was under a dark force attack. 

I didn't discover this until some time later. He was chosen before coming back to earth to help stop the flow of promiscuous sex but his dark side of his soul was overly abuse and misused due to those that are evil themselves. This can happen to anyone - missions or destiny can be overrun by hate or fate. Knowing what's in a soul can help but only if a lot of support is available. 

What I discovered today was that he had support as a child and that early training taught him right from wrong, which created his fear from what he started discovering (pornography) and had to hide what he didn't understand and couldn't discuss. He felt he would be condemned if he did talk about it. Once his "addiction" took over, it was easier to be possessed by emotions not to show that side of himself, due to condemnation of his peers, which allowed him to go deeper into the obsession - as fear of retaliation and his own death now kept him from seeking help. However, eventually, no matter how intelligent one thinks they are, they get caught because they get greedy. He goes to jail and is executed and those that possessed him move on to find another victim. No harm to them but another soul has been scarred for another's selfish desires. 

I asked today where he was and they said he had been incarnated a few times but since hate was being used to attack the soul and the physical children were effected, they just decided to just let the soul be. The last I heard, there are a number of souls that have been out in the universe and are trying to heal, yet are not being allowed to do so due to the hate still coming at them - his is one of them. 

One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. 

Makes me think of a religion I heard about once that's in the Middle East that honors the devil. The church leader said: even the devil needs love. Kind of like hurt children can do bad things but it's because they're hurt. Yet, even hugging a hurt child, what's in the soul that will cause them to go out and get hurt again, leading to hurt of others? I've had a lot of evil people around me during my life, but I've had a lot of good people too; my soul helped protect me or I might have been another Ted Bundy. 


The plot thickens ... maybe there is a reason for my renewed interest in Bundy ... no accidents in the universe as they say. I gave up my interest in him shortly after requesting his salvation in 1989, I figured he was in higher hands then I could give and I was still fighting for my life. I was guided to read more about him in Wikipedia, today, and see where there was much more to his video comments. He lived with his grandparents until he was three - probably too young to remember things but this was the part that got my attention: His grandfather "sometimes spoke aloud to unseen presences."


This, to me, proves possession. Something else I found from a report from one of his psychiatrist: An example of Bundy's mood swings occurred when an investigator was in Bundy's cell in Florida, Lewis said. The investigator told her that during a normal conversation, Bundy suddenly "became weird on me . . . did a metamorphosis, a bit of a body and facial change, and . . . almost an odor emitted from him."

The investigator said the incident lasted about 20 minutes, during which there was a "change of personality with extreme tension. I was afraid of him . . . it was very scary."

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