Monday, September 2, 2013

Love Unconditionally And Don't Judge?

I've had this Avatar saying (below in bold) since the early nineties and I'm still working on accepting it. It's difficult because I see flaws. Yes, I have and still teach metaphysics, but I also learn and that's why I don't mind sharing; including this. 

Avatars: When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself and unconditional love that will be the light of the world. 

Don't get me wrong, I do understand it, and have seen and heard all the justifying arguments, but I have had an issue with the words "unconditional" and "judgment" since first hearing them. I won't define the words as they are easy to look up on the Internet, however the reason why I have an issue is because of something I learned back then: everything, and I mean everything, has a condition ... including love ... and everyone judges even if you want to call it discernment. 

If you look deep enough, you will always find the reason or reasons someone does something. Sometimes, it takes looking beyond what we physically see to understand this. I did this many times over the years, which has reinforced my beliefs. 

This would mean any avatar, including Jesus, returned for a reason and had a condition to their return. Maybe Jesus didn't want to return, knowing he could be attacked (and was), but he must have agreed to it. He must have loved the idea more, that he wanted to present to the world, above knowing he would be crucified, but presenting that idea was still a condition. Obviously, he, and others, must have seen a need to change something in the world that, in their opinion, needed changing or why bother returning? Wouldn't any "condition" like this be "judging"?

Are they returning as teachers because the good of all outweighed the good of one? Do they indulge in self-sacrificing? Are they being duped by non-truths as many of us are? However, aren't these still conditions of their taking action to return ... based on their judgments of us?

We are taught that they were here to raise awareness ... to teach. Isn't that still a condition? If we are all part of each other, as the quote above states, why do we need to be taught? It should be there already. What you know, I should know, since we are all one. If we do need teaching us something, and there are those teachers to do it, isn't that still a condition? Are they not judging us? We have teachers who learn math, so they can teach math, because obviously we are not all one and someone must feels math is important. They may even judge us if we don't want to learn it, even if finding out we are not capable of learning for some reason. Are they doing it hatefully or is it an observation?

Why wouldn't we be allowed to just "go with the flow" whatever that "flow" is? Why would we need anyone to teach, or show us anything, if we are all a reflection of one another? Why would there be judgments or lessons to erase those judgments (sins)? Why would we need followers or a faith? Why would we need to continue any teachings? Wouldn't that be a judgment from these avatars returning, while at the same time telling us not to judge? Wouldn't those also be conditions?

This made me realize that, after studying my original soul, that this main soul of mine had conditions too. My original soul had a great love for our souls and minds, which means something was seen so destructive in order to force this soul to return. Obviously, with everything that happened to me, and others, it came true. Nothing was stopped, but was it suppose to be? Wouldn't "higher guidance" have known this? Was it just to "raise awareness" or teach lessons? Then why does it keep failing? It doesn't add up ... at least to me.

When you study the reasons any avatar may return, you will see these conditions. They all have a motive. They all have reasons. They all have conditions which are based on how they see things ... based on their judgments (discernments/observations) of right or wrong. 

This sounds a little hypocritical to me, based on that above quote. 

Also, how can anyone be "unconditional" on anything, including love. Love has always been conditional. You want someone to care for you as you do them. If not, you leave ... you move on ... or try to. These are conditions ... these are also judgments when they don't conform. 

Treat me as you wish to be treated: "conditions" of the Golden Rule. 

Sometimes another's conditions or judgments won't allow love as we may want. This is when we can destroy another because of love turning to hate ... which still has its conditions. "If I can't have you, no one can!" See?

So, I've come to the decision that avatars/gurus/teachers return for many reasons, yet their "love" is conditional. Their conditions may not always be fulfilled when they return, so they will leave, possibly returning another time. As in ... if at first you don't succeed, etc.. Returning because of what they judge in us, which they feel needs improvement. 

Maybe they feel they haven't been "crucified" enough by us, and keep returning to help, or possibly they have been hurt enough and will turn their backs in helping anymore. Maybe they will start feeling it's time to leave us to our own defenses ... due to their sorrow or disgust of our behavior. Another condition? Another judgment? Why not? After all, would anyone want to keep coming back and have people continually trying to destroy them ... not just for who they currently are but for who they may have been?

I know I wouldn't!

Furthermore, in my opinion, to not have any conditions means you would not have emotions (feelings). This means that avatars would be robotic and not empathic. I think not! They have emotions and they have conditions. I don't want to pick on Jesus, there are flaws in all of them, but he did throw a temper fit in the temple. Big emotions, if you ask me. 

Maybe they come back to help us get it,  whatever "it" is. However, as I said above, how many more times will they come back to help, be attacked, and finally decide we're not worth "it" anymore? 

know what you might think ... even that could be a judgment by their relinquishing us: "They're not worth our love, we're done!" Yet, why wouldn't they be allowed their feelings too? They're not machines to be abused at our will. Even a machine would break down after continual misuse. Right?

Believe me, I'm not trying to be contrary, I really have thought this over and, to me, it's just simple avatar arithmetic. If they can't practice what they preach, how are we to understand it? Maybe that's why we can't get it, because it's just lip service and their truth is not true. 

Maybe it's not to be understood. Maybe that's why things are changing because of the current avatars that are teaching. Maybe the current avatars have come back to straighten out the messes they made in the past. I will bet that we still make more messes. We are only human, after all, and constantly learning. 

However, in this school called life, why should their judgments and conditions override mine; as long as I'm doing what I feel is being a good person and leading a good life ... based on my perception of good and not necessarily theirs?

If we are all a reflection of another, then that "other" should understand this without question or doubt. Since they are me and I am them. 

Hmmm ... ???

Exactly! We are all connected to the universe but not at the hip, I am me and they are themselves; including all the wonderful, yet perplexing, diversity in which all that represents. Including all the conditions and judgments in which that represents. We are many species, in this moment in time; we need to live in this moment in time and not in the past. Live in this reality and not something from five hundred, five thousand or five million years ago. 

This is fact! This is truth! This is life!

Just live ... that's the real "getting it." Not sitting in some guru isolation, spouting wisdom, but getting real with real life situations and real people ... and all that this entails. Just try to be positive and happy because life will do all it can to suck it out of you every chance it can ... judging, conditions and anything else. 

Besides, if someone tells me that I'm judging them, aren't they judging me at the same time? Seems too hypocritical to me to be part of this insanity anymore.

So ... when someone says you're judging, just reply: and your point?

When someone says anything about unconditional love, just reply: love is part of life and life has conditions. 

When someone says we are all one, just say: I hope not, I love my individuality.

Or not ... it's your choice. I won't judge you. 

Maybe. ;-) 


  1. I think a primary part of the issue with unconditional love is the fact that some are influenced by a want or need for control - wherever or however this happens, it always does, and that is the baseball card flapping in the bikes wheel.
    We also have this endless attack based on misogyny thats been there since the beginning of time ( the control thing ) that reduces women to property or the alleged "ideal" that changes all the time.
    Jesus was a divine being who took human form, he will reincarnate many times. As many as it takes..I guess.

    1. Yes, control is a condition based on our need to instill what we feel is right or wrong in order to establish a foundation or to teach us that we can't have everything our way all the time. At least, it was the principles I used with my children. As they got older they were allowed input as long as they allowed financial input too. ;)

      Yes, so many avatars have returned many times, just as our souls have done. We must love the irony of being the females we "judged" as males or androgynous beings before. Which is also why we are here to fight their cause.

    2. Forgot to add ... very good points Sharon. :)

  2. I'm not sure how to feel about this...seriously! I guess I did believe in unconditional love and unity, but now I'm not sure what to believe in. What I mean is that I believe in helping others and such, and I understand what the avatars are trying to do, which is help, but I also want to believe in the truth, whatever it is.

    I don't know, maybe this feeling will go away, maybe it has to do with the past, it's just that it's hard thinking that we may not have a chance to succeed as humans, and I really don't want to think that way.

    Sorry for the rambling, it probably won't make that much sense. I just needed to get this feeling out.

    1. We will survive and have done so for a very long time, but based on reality and facts. Facts that say we should be kind and considerate if we wish it returned. The thing that I finally came to terms with is that this has been a sort of metaphysical drug to induce people into a fantasy that cannot be met and to provoke self chastisement. We best ourselves up for not getting it but getting it has become a drug that has created a lot of religious hate and fervor. Sad that we live in such hate when all it takes is understanding that life can be better but we cannot do it under delusions. We have to have clear thinking along with compassion. I don't want things outside the physical (metaphysics) leading us down a path of errors. That's why people get discourage and finally quit. I have always been a no nonsense type of person and this area if thinking should be no different. I am and want others to be caring and compassionate, this puts us above being a lower class animal. Even those lower class animals know when things aren't adding up - aren't right. This is why a lot are awakening to learn the value of self but not delf-indulgence. If we allow ourselves to be misled then we may become the lower class animals and they will become superior due to their instincts that say this should be avoided. No thanks. ;-)

    2. Sorry - typed fast - sorry for any typos ... like beat ourselves up not best ourselves. ;-)

    3. Looks like I rambled a little too. That's what I get for trying to get it said fast, because I was trying to get it done to do something else. I should know better by now. To sum it up, many are being awakened to be more empathic and trust our senses more, if we keep walking in the shoes of another that hasn't or doesn't prove themselves, especially when we feel this, then we constantly give our worth away to another for shallow reasons. We bow to them as if they are gods to be worshipped and followed, instead of being into our own self worth. If our senses tell us that we are following false doctrine, we will get discourage and quit ... I don't want anyone to quit but to feel the truth in the universe by questioning everything and then question again ... never feeling that they shouldn't be able to, or to anyone, without fearing condemnation. We should be allowed to question anyone, including our Creator, and it should add up ... no snow, no hype, no dancing around things ... it should add up. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have said this to those of "authority" to be told I was being foolish or I didn't know what I was talking about ... later to find out I was right. Something in my soul told me this, something in my soul told me that we were putting too much emphasis in words without understanding them. This is why I made the lower class animal statement above. ;-) I want to be able to maintain my ability to reason as well as regain my ability to "know" again, without words judging me or me judging them. To be able to live in peace, one has to be free of controversy. Hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks. :-)
