Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ladoarona: A Surprise Visit

Do you judge my looks? This was a questioned that was asked of me over 25 years ago. I answered that I didn't, which started my intense, and out of this world, metaphysical training. I had proven that I was worthy, because I don't judge (well, only bad attitudes) and I felt nothing to fear from this entity.

Anyway, about a week ago, a friend contacted me about a recent psychic attack. I had been helping two other people and said I would do what I could. I put it out into the universe that I wanted advice and extra help. A day or two later, I started getting some messages to share which was pretty interesting. What's more interesting was who was sending them.

Out of the four faces on my book, "Reptilian Teachers of the Pleiades," I believed all had since crossed over, and reincarnated, but one: Ladoarona, a member of their Council. Since I hadn't had any contact with this species for quite some time, I was very surprised when I started sensing it was coming from this enlightened being. I felt honored. I don't know how long it will last, but the help was greatly appreciated. Maybe I'll find out more as time goes by. Never a dull moment.

You can read the story of my initial meeting of Zabrona, my first ET teacher, on my blog:

My book with reviews:

The blog picture is from my book. The book's art was done by my friend Janelle.

Paradigm: Jesus and Trump

I had the wildest revelation this morning while meditating. A paradigm: Jesus and Trump.

I could see all the similarities unfold in front of me. I could see all the players in the play playing out their roles. The power struggles. The minions. The naysayers. The followers. So many similarities. It was very revealing; astonishingly so.

One would have to wonder what role we were playing then and now, or if the outcome will be the same (history repeating itself)? Will there be a different ending?

After all, we are the ones who create our collective reality with our collective thoughts. Why did we manifest this reality? Is it a lesson to be repeated until we get it? In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I see some similarities of the time with Joan of Arc, too.

It's interesting what the universe will show you when you keep an open mind and take on the challenge by saying: bring it on!

So, what roll are you playing in this current play? Can a leopard change its spots? Will we have a paradigm shift?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Borders: Protecting Personal Space

It's very perplexing why some people say they want open borders. It's as if they have forgotten the history of why any form of boundaries were created in the first place.

As a reminder, they are there to protect your personal space from invasion of various negative elements, in order to provide safety for you and your family's peace of mind, because history has dictated that there are those who chose not to obey personal space laws much less humane laws. History has dictated that there is still a need for people and things to protect these boundaries. 

Spiritually evolved people know this. They know about the invasion of personal space or they wouldn't use smudging, among other things, to remove negative spirits/energy. Smudging is telling the universe that someone has crossed into, and disrespecting, our personal space and it's not acceptable.

If we believe that this isn't important than, by all means, stop building homes, fences around private property, walls around nations, and stop smudging.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Communist Goals for America?

Please bare with me as I begin, in this paragraph, with a few things I've said or written about before. This will help lead into the heart of this blog's topic: systematic steps in destroying a nation. Many times, I've said that desires don't die with people, they take them with them, including into another lifetime, which makes us unique. These desires can include collective thought, often influencing our minds, our lives, with strong past life or current emotions. I've also stated that if you want the job done right, go to the person, or persons, who's best qualified, which has often led to obsession or possession in order to complete a desired path, especially with those who are making the rules.

Along with this, I've mentioned that past nations, having experienced similar current idealogy, have failed. Are we being set up for a fall? Let's consider the possibility of a curse on America. Are we allowing history to repeat itself and, if so, why? Did we step on someone's toes too many times? Are we reaping what we have sown? If you wanted to bring a nation down, wouldn't you devise a plan - even if it took a long time to implement? As I told a friend, recently, look how long it took for people to learn how to fly a plane and then use it against us.

Many things start out as acceptance to what wasn't acceptable, slowly invading our minds with manipulation to promote that acceptance, including using subtle bullying techniques, using our desires against us, using our words against us, or even using our laziness or greed to sway our opinion. Like an addiction, we're hook before we know it. 

A lot of what we're seeing today was actually part of the communist goals to demoralize nations, which was presented to our Congress in 1963 (Congressional Record - Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963). It's from a 1958 book called "The Naked Communist," by W. Cleon Skousen (an American author, ex FBI agent and political theorist). 

However, does it matter what name it's called if the game is still the same? A "communist" plot or just a "political" plot to demoralize and destroy a nation with the systematic steps to do it? Are we being naive? Are we being blocked? Think it's a stretch of the imagination? A conspiracy theory? Are we just blowing it off without investigating further? Why? Isn't it time to get our head out of the sand and start asking questions?

Hopefully after reading the below excerpts, as well as the complete list on the link, it will provide the necessary information to do so.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity, as normal, natural, healthy.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

How's this adding up for you? To me, it's uncannily prophetic for being written 58 years ago. Want to see more:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

White Privilege: Walk A Mile In My Shoes

This is something I posted on a friend's status update regarding white privilege and how whites can be classified as such. I wanted to state my case after reading the conversation that ensued. Just as not all blacks are thugs, not all whites are privileged. I'm sure many feel these generalizations are ridiculous.

A very interesting conversation.

I can attest to discrimination growing up being a Navy brat in a large family and being looked down on as poor white trash.

In the hierarchy of life, I grew up learning that it was white men, black men, white women and last black women. I learned eventually that even Latino men were a step above white women. However, we have spent a long time knocking down barriers - barriers that I chose to help knock down. Not just for me but for our future generations as our ancestors did for us.

Now, because of all those walls we have knocked down, we have generations of butt-hurt, bad attitude people. Instead, we should be reveling in our victories and rejoicing in our accomplishments, instead of having to be on the defense by those who chose to have bad attitudes because they didn't or couldn't accomplish as much as they wanted.

Everyone fails. It's part of life. I too have failed often. I too have been kicked down often. I too have been discriminated against often. But I chose to change direction or keep pushing towards my dreams. I learned that if I concentrated more on what I wanted, instead of whining about what I didn't get or others got, I had no time for anything else. Even though I saw people promoted above me because it was a black man, or a Spanish women, who got a job, even though I was more qualified, I just sucked it up and moved on. I even join the Navy so I could get 15 extra points on State jobs exams. Silly huh? I did everything I could but still kept feeling held back. But, instead of going on a killing spree, or blaming the world, I developed a motto: it wasn't meant to be.

I decided I must be on the wrong path and crying over my plight in a corner wasn't going to help me find it. Having an attitude is important - the right attitude. Too often I see adults who don't want to grow up. They want the world to take care of them. They want handouts. They don't want to work. They think everyone owes them a living. They've lost all self respect for themselves and others. They can't see the problem is them because it's everyone else's fault. 

As far as that video, (If whites would be black knowing how they're treated?) even knowing the physical and mental attacks I've had, I still prefer to be me. It made me who I am today. The statement was too broad to make sense. Too many variables. Which black? Oprah black? Michael Jordan black? Drug addict black? Black scientist? Black doctors or black thugs? There have been studies done where people have been asked if they could do their life over, would they? Even the ones who were recovering addicts, of various nature, often said they would still be the same because it made them who they are today.

So maybe the real answer is for everyone to stop pointing fingers, except the blame within them (empowerment) and let's all realize not everything or everyone is perfect (or blessed), and move on. Personally, if someone did walk in my shoes, they would be taking them off and throwing them back at me. 😉

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Psychics: Why Didn't You Know That?

I used to wonder why people say they're intuitive but don't have a clue on many things. Why are they being blocked? For example: you're psychic, why didn't you know that? After many years, based on my personal experiences, I believe I know why: we aren't allowed to know for numerous reasons. Here's a few things I've learned over the years.

1) We would get in the way of another's agenda. We're blocked or sidetracked from knowing. That could even be knowing that someone is going to rob our house. Maybe there's a lesson involved, some prior karma, or we got too busy to ask the universe what's going on around us because we're too busy helping others. Maybe it's only as simple as it's none of our business because we don't have a need to know.

2) We're not "wise" enough to impart a particular or important awareness. For instance, giving vital information to angry or childish people. We haven't earned our dues. We're still learning. Can we be trusted? Many times I've asked: Why don't they know what you (God/Universe) told me? Answer: The timing is off for them. In other words, they're being given examples for having a better attitude or any numerous lessons that are deemed important for their growth first.

3) We've misused our power. Similar to getting a new toy and abusing it. It's taken away until we can be more respectful. I've even seen where psychics were set up to abuse in order to take their power away. Being tested is part of our learning.

4) Being loving and caring doesn't always protect our abilities. Its called gullibility. As Spock would say: it's not logical. We can live in a fantasy world but compassion can backfire because (see #2) it can be used against us. I've seen this happen many times with psychic people who lament later about being duped. More lessons?

5) We're not to have big egos. Oh yes, I've seen many psychics fall on their faces because of big egos. I've seen family and friends pulled away from me to keep me from telling them something. However, when I have attempted to warn them, they've angrily struck back instead of calmly discussing anything. Big egos will get you shut down. Big egos will get you taken away from being helped or helping. When taking in any advice and you immediately feel defensive, angry or cocky - that's a big clue. And it's not always coming from you. It can also be coming from your "psychic" help (or hindrance) around you.

These are just a few major things I've seen over many years. Hopefully, it will help others who are seeking answers but I've learned that nothing helps when someone isn't meant to have it. For instance: being used like a puppet for another's agenda. If you don't know how to have conversations with the universe and just going by feelings, not being aware of those feelings and why they're there, you are more of a pawn in another's game. If you sense something and have the logic or wisdom to know something's not adding up, you are more apt to question it, instead of being a blind follower.

Most importantly, I respect that everyone's on their paths. There are different levels of awareness with each psychic as well as different paths that are being utilized. When I find myself being blocked from knowing something, and sense it's for a good reason, no harm intended for me, I allow and move on. When I sense someone's being set up and it's also being done for a good reason, I may very calmly and quietly disconnect from their lives. Why? So I don't have to participate in the fallout.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Channeling Emotions and Truth

Emotions, of anyone, are their truth. Do not channel emotions of a friend or enemy of someone. Go to the source.

Not always are their words spoken with truth. Words can be deceptive. If you want truth, ask for this truth from their emotions.

Be impeccable in what you ask and be careful that your emotions don't distort their truth.

If you feel blocked from their truth, you may have forgotten an important step: do I have permission to know it?