Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Conspiracy Epiphany - Psychological Manipulation - Intuition

Here's a "what if" for you. Let me tell you about an epiphany I had a few days ago. It was while my husband and I were watching an old TV show about a conspiracy to depopulate the planet through medication... among other things it was purporting. 

As we were both putting our two cents in about it being so blown out of proportion... another show to induce fear and make money off of people... here came my epiphany; an emotion I felt that gave me an ah-ha moment. 

In this blog, I will do what I can to put into words what I felt in that instant moment of time. 

My epiphany occurred while the show was talking about vaccines and these vaccines were capable of breaking down our immune system to kill us; which was a diabolical and seriously inhumane way to create a mass epidemic to decrease population... deliberately. 

The conspiracy was too outlandish to consider that our, or anyone's, government wouldn't take into consideration that any scientist would even allow this to happen to anyone, including their family and friends, without a mass whistle blowing, and not just a handful of people that could possibly have gotten their facts wrong or have their noses out of joint for some imaginary injustice they felt may have been perpetrated against them. 

In other words, instead of hype, where's the paper trail? List the people, places and facts and let the facts add up instead of hearsay. 

So, here comes the emotion I received: what if the fear mongering, conspiracy theorist were being used to do the opposite of what they are trying to do... unconsciously? What if placing fear in people actually creates the scenario they are trying to prevent? A mass epidemic is actually created due to some type of weird psychological manipulation. 

For instance, we are warned not to take that pill or we'll die. However, we don't take the pill, out of fear, yet death still occurs, because we did what they said (didn't take it) instead of the opposite (taking it - as in reverse psychology) and the opposite wasn't the real threat. 

To elaborate, we are being told to fear flu shots (for instance - as one scenario) because they will kill us; no one wants to get one. A major flu epidemic occurs. No one wants to be inoculated, due to the fear programming that it's a setup to depopulate the planet. They believe the flu running rampant is also a setup. They don't want to believe the media because the media can't be trusted. 

Bam! Death and depopulation! 

The fear along with an actual virus is creating the mass deaths that we were warned of IF we took the medicine. We outsmarted ourselves and another one bites the dust. Have we become victims of our uneducated beliefs, some weird psychological manipulation, or both?

What do you really think? Is the world being designed to eradicated the populace or are we playing Chicken Little again with the sky is falling scenario and allowing ourselves to be a victim of our ignorance?  

Meaning, we listen to one side only and worship these fear mongers and conspiracy theorists without understanding there is another side to listen. We forget about weighing both sides, as well as listening to our intuition... that little voice of reasoning... and we fall victim again. 

We seem to be continually creating these realities of negativity and density which creates stress: a real undermining situation to our immune system. We literally kill ourselves from worry, fear and stress. 

Of course, this is still one side of the coin because there may forever be very real concerns to overcome. 

However, to continue, whose hands are we playing into? Whose hands are the conspiracy theorist playing into? This feeling I got does sound like a plot to me... a plot of common sense. Maybe not quite what we may have imagined but still worthy of thought. 

Can't fix stupid, or can we? What do you think? Are we really a lost cause? Are we going to keep allowing it? Why, with all this enlightenment, do we continually fall victim to someone's truth without thoroughly checking both sides of a scenario. 

Is this just another thrill ride for an adrenalin rush?

I recently mentioned, to a friend, that as long as I've been on this planet, one thing I have discovered from our "peers" is that when we are told something is wrong or right for us, give it time and another set of "peers" will tell us the reverse. It's almost a battle of who is right as opposed to what is really good.  

I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to start thinking and living healthy by doing what I feel is good and right for me. Isn't that why we were given a sixth sense? To do what feels right? 

The soul can't feel truth if mired in negative emotions. Got to let that soul breathe in truth and common sense. 

Unless, someone or something is blocking you from doing so... to promote their agenda... their conspiracy... preventing the truth from being felt.

Hmmm... but wouldn't you sense that too... maybe with your own epiphany?


Thursday, June 20, 2013

When Has it Become Acceptable in Exploiting the Innocent's Privacy andRights?

I don't understand people anymore, unless there is a gene missing, within some, called common sense.

These are the ones that put up pictures or videos on the Internet of their newborns ... showing their genitals. It's as if they're all into ... "isn't this cute" ... instead of being totally unaware of sexual predators waiting to snatch up those cute pictures as well as hunting them down to snatch the babies. Even the FBI is warning people about this.

It's as if they are completely unaware that the news media is reporting the busting up of major pedophile and kidnapping rings all over the place - all the time! All I can think is - these poor babies, as well as - these pathetic people calling themselves adults! 

Stupidity and innocence! It's like waving a red cape to the bull called PEDOPHILE! Saying: over here, come and get her or him! 

If the intelligent cannot protect the innocent from the ignorant, what hope do they have? What hope does anyone have?
Yes, I look at a newborn and think how beautiful, a gift from God in all its miracles of life, a loving being coming into the world to be nourish and protected, however that's my eyes and not the eyes of a predator. Life has taught me that this isn't how others may see things and based on all the recent news, we need to be much more aware of those then how I think about a baby or a newborn's nudity. I don't mind people sharing pictures of their children, but cover them if you really care for them. Predators are watching, it may not be your site today, but tomorrow...

Think I'm kidding? Here's a website that talks about FBI warnings on predators using social media for kidnapping babies. http://www.kpho.com/story/19579308/fbi-kidnappers-using-social-media-to-find-infants

Even with all this information on the various media, there are those that still don't grasp the serious reactions that can be created by their actions; innocent or not. Do your own research, if you think I’m joking. I just saw where someone recently did this with a newborn's pictures uploaded on a social media after the news warns against it. Yet, I felt as if I shouldn't say anything - after all, what business is it of mine?

Of course, if I did say anything, I may be treated as the bad guy, because no one wants to told they are not seeing the bigger picture. 

The reason I felt this way was because the last time I said something was to a family member and I got treated as if I was the one with a problem. Unfriended from their social media for giving loving advice. Yep! Seriously! 

Her husband (they are now divorced) took "nearly pornographic" pictures of their newborn daughter. I felt these pictures of their baby girl's genitals being posted on Facebook were indecent and disrespectful for those that say they love their child, but especially to the child that had no voice of her own to defend herself.

She thought I was crossing a line, just for sharing what I was hearing on the news about pedophiles and kidnappers searching social media for victims because people are so willing to share so much to people they barely know. Holy cow?! I was crossing a line for trying to protect a child from a predator or the parents from sorrow of their child being kidnapped and murdered?! Really?! Don't they understand, after all this information that has been out there for years, that predators are also within the family, neighbors or friends? Even Facebook friends, because, who the hell are these "friends" anyway? 

Do you really know all these "friends" you are befriending? Seriously? Do you?

Furthermore, why don't people know that they are exploiting a child's privacy and rights? Why don't they understand that a predator, they possibly call a "friend," can take these photos and use it for sell-satisfaction like some sick SOB? Think not? Go talk to your local sheriff. Furthermore, all social medias have rules for posting nude pictures, they don't want you to and will take them down if reported. They're doing what some are too ignorant to understand ... protect your children from predators!

Oh, no, it won't happen to me! You're just being too anal!

Right!! So you think it's okay to risk it? Really?!

I want to seriously slap these people upside the head and yell - wake up! This stuff is in the news all the time! What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you deliberately being stupid?! What is it going to take to make you understand these children are counting on you to be protective for their survival? Do they have to sue you because of what you're doing to them and their future state of mind when they grow up and find their baby photo was exploited by some jackass? Maybe that's what it's going to take ... a lawsuit for exploiting their innocence.

On no, wait, how can they sue anyone if they're dead from being kidnapped and murdered just because someone thought it was cute to exploit nude pictures of them on the Internet?

But, it was only to my family and friends.


I have read that predators are in our churches, schools, places of work and looking for weak or innocent people to go after ... all the time ... and it's not just men. You cannot be too trusting anymore. It's very sad how things are becoming.

For instance, how about Hollywood now exploiting babies in films by doing the same thing? I was shocked watching the new Superman movie with the baby boy having his genitals exposed. Was that really necessary to make a point in a movie? Why? It was never needed before! However, I may have been the only one thinking about this child's future due to being exploited in that manner. Who cares that the child may grow up with a stigma because of it - as long as they make their film and their money? Who cares that mindless adults are creating mindless children who will grow up to create more mindless wonders?

Think not? Well then you haven't kept informed of the mental state of many Hollywood children and their stories of feeling used and abused by Hollywood's need to keep crossing the line of decency and respect.

Yes, maybe there is a law about exploiting babies and children but it must be vague in order for Hollywood to get away with it. That's the second thing that got me stirred up to write this blog. Hollywood reminds me of what my mom used to say about kids: give them an inch and they take a mile. Is this what Hollywood is becoming, children who are taking a mile when only an inch is given? Why did we give this inch to begin with and shouldn't it be revoked for exploiting it?

As they say: The Lord gives and The Lord takes away. Isn't that what a parent does when a child abuses a gift? Take it away?

Besides, is anyone in Hollywood asking the baby how it feels about being exploited? Of course not! Babies don't think or speak! That's why they're given ADULTS to do it for them. Get the picture?!

And we wonder why insane things are happening with and by children, as well as young adults and adults that grew up being exploited ... and being allowed to believe it was okay. Only in the pictures? Guess not!

When has it ever been acceptable to exploit babies?

When did it ever become acceptable to exploit anyone?


Oh, that's right, we have been dummied down to think many things are acceptable, because if we don't jump on the bandwagon of insanity, we are not being politically correct or socially acceptable.

Don't get involved! Don't do anything! Don't say anything! 

Right! Let's not say anything because we sure don't want to offend them! We'll turn a deaf ear and blind eye to this truth because it's just too unpleasant to think about it or we might hurt someone's feelings instead of saving a child's life.

Do you think your intuition is always going to save you? I can tell you from personal experience that it will not! Your thoughts can be blocked and - too late - another one bites the dust!

Enough is enough! Or will it take your child being exploited before you reach a level of adult awareness and sanity?

Every time we placate those emotions to not get involved, you give a predator carte blanche for getting away with more. You might as well just turn the baby over to them now. Get it over with!

Yes, there will be those that will call me a prude, however those who really know me will know I'm far from being a prude. I'm not perfect either and I'm not into pointing fingers, but I would rather be a prude then a pervert, a prude rather then a predator, a prude rather then accepting what should never be accepted.

If you feel that playing into a predator's game is acceptable, maybe you need to ask yourself why. Why would you feel that your feelings aren't being subjected to, in order to continually promote this behavior? Go research it, many sites discuss it and the majority of people say no ... don't do it ... including the rules on social medias as I mentioned above.

Until we live in a world of decency and kindness, seeing children as a gift from God as opposed something to be sexually or physically exploited, then these children need us to step up to being adults and not acting like "allowing children with no awareness."

If you are tired of children being exploited by mindless adults only interested in their selfish or thoughtless actions, with no thought of what they are creating for a child's mental future, then write to a local authority and tell them enough is enough. I am ... I'm sending out this blog and anyone is welcome to share it too.

 When one continually takes the "innocent's" privacy and rights away, then stronger laws are needed to protect them; laws that Hollywood cannot corrupt for their selfish interest.

We do hear, we do see and we need to speak out. Stop being mindless monkeys! 



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gossip Dreams? Thoughts in the Universe?

It's amazing the kind of dreams we can have. During the morning hours, I had a couple that when awakening I thought: how strange, what was that all about?

Just before getting up to start my day, I awoke from another similar hodge podge dream of doing things I would never do in my waking state. Things that make you question, even during the dream, what the heck is going on?

There are way too many things to list from the dreams I had in these morning hours, but before getting up, and because someone sensed my confusion, I heard the words "gossip dreams" and decided to ask for clarity. I continued to lie in bed and ask for an explanation because I felt it was not necessarily gossip, per se, but non-truthful, as well as exaggerated, thoughts in the universe ... about me. 

Curiouser and curiouser!

Apparently, now and then, our minds could go through a cleansing or awareness of what thoughts are going on in the universe ... and not necessarily via physical beings only. These are things that people may hear or see, only in a minute of another's life, but instead of asking the person for clarity, they let their imaginations run wild and/or "gossip" their misguided thoughts to another. This begins the escalade of misunderstanding, lies and exaggeration, which create these "thoughts in the universe" to eventually be guided into our minds and into these dreams we call strange or bizarre. 

I also discovered, that the "Grace of God, so to speak, also allows us the knowledge of who may be perpetuating these "truths" of another, by also placing these people within these dreams. I know some of the people but didn't recognize some others, however I was informed that these are the same people who may hate confrontation and prefer to perpetuate non-truths about another due to their own lack of inner security. 

There are also the innocents that are being swept up in this deceit due to not knowing it's gossip of non-truths or by allowing another's guidance to be "God" to them. I know how this can be, I too have felt misguided and spoken things I was not sure of in my life. 

Live and learn. 

Anyway, I was informed that their karma will be felt because they will know the truth whether they like it or not ... sooner or later.

Messengers abound and are ready; from what I saw, the universe has a big job ahead of them. As they say: ask and you shall receive. 

Many are learning and taking on these new but old jobs. As my dad told me over a month ago, when he volunteered to help a friend: "I still need something to do out here." 

Makes sense, when one is use to working, why would those feelings disappear after they cross over? Take a little break, re-learn and continue on. 

I guess many are getting the message, that life goes on and jobs are eternal too. After all, wouldn't it be presumptuous to think "God" should be the only one doing things? Who exactly are those helpers? 

Off your butts and on your feet - vacation time is over - time to clean up the universe and this gossip of non-truths is among one of the jobs to do. This was what I felt they were telling me. 

If you start feeling doubt about what you may have felt was truth, pay attention, someone may be trying to tell you something. That would be your first clue to clean up your thoughts before they permeate into another's ... even into a dream letting them know who and why. 

Truths can change and many times they have and will continue to do so. Are you getting any feelings that what you're thinking or saying isn't true anymore ... or never was?

Also, don't always think these dreams we have are due to our minds trying to resolve issues, there are different dreams for different reasons and sometimes the universe lets us know what others think about us. Their thoughts are in the universe, too, whether they be for good or evil. 

The best part of doing what I do is that I can discuss this with those that know and not try to second guess things. If I had leaned toward what psychologists or dream dictionaries say, I would have missed an important understanding, a valuable lesson, in what actually occurred this morning and possibly perpetuated more non-truthful thoughts about me into the universe. 

Do you know that these thoughts can form into a collective thought that can hold someone back from accomplishing their "real life" dreams? The invisible nemesis of "someone out there must not like me."

Lastly, all thoughts of fact or fantasy can be in the universe and eventually permeate our dream world. Even in our dream state we can be astrally projected into another's dream and not an actuality. The same can occur to us that another can watch us dreaming and subject things during it. This is why the things we see in dreams are not always what we may think it is. For instance, are we connecting to another's waking consciousness as they are writing a fantasy novel and picking up on their thought patterns while we dream? 

The universe works in mysterious way. 

Do you know how to know what's going on? All those emotions of what occurred can be channelled off the universe for the truth of it; as I did this morning along with the help of guidance ... the guardian angel/angels that watch over us. 

Yes, you can still dream in a Wonderland but you don't have to wonder.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cicadas: A Food Source?

Monday, June 10, 2013

What is Sodium Caseinate?

Know your products labeling instead of fearing them. 
Sodium Caseinate:
"Sodium caseinate is the 'biochemical' name for casein, which is a type of protein found in the milk from all mammals. Casein, which is Latin for "cheese," is a major component of commercial cheese and its principle source of protein; it is also used as a food additive and for industrial purposes. Casein is the name for a group of four related proteins. These proteins are found in all mammalian milk, providing 80 percent of the protein in cow milk and about 60 percent of the protein in human milk, according to the textbook "Nutritional Sciences." Overall, casein represents about 3 percent of the content of cow milk, but more than 10 percent for most cheeses. As a food source, casein supplies essential amino acids, carbohydrates, sodium, calcium and phosphorus."
Doesn't sound so scary now - does it?
What is really important is to know you and what works for or against you. As well as ... everything in moderation for each individual. 
If you have an allergy with anything, you have choices. You can accept it or do all you can to build up a tolerance to it. 
Now, saying all this, we must me rational in that children are not on their own. They rely on adult thinking and depend on adults to reason for them. Children learn fear; they are not born with it. 
Look at your labels and look up the meaning to those chemicals you see on them. 
Peace of mind is also an ability we learn. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fearing Change

No one enjoys any form of major change in their life, but, at times, change will occur whether we like it or not (or we would all still be cave people), because when we get stuck in our righteous rut, you can bet someone will yank us out of it. History dictates this, if you need more proof. 

I worked for Disney where their motto was "change is good," only because they made changes constantly in order to keep up with the flow of competitors - insanely so. Just as I got use to one thing, along came a change. Yes, at times I was seriously irritated, but once I saw the bigger picture and adjusted to the change, all was well again ... after several deep breaths. 

I wrote a speech once for a club that I belonged to that change for the sake of change was not productive but no change at all would be seriously unproductive. We had to be wise in our changes ... to know where they would eventually lead us. 

Since then, I've learned that it is the human emotions (collective thought/ prayers/ demands/desires/ wants/ needs) that promote change and, when any change is occurring, we should ask ourselves why did we want this to occur? What was the reason behind this collective thought of ours that promoted this change? Was it indifference or a desperate need.

As they say - be careful for what we ask (pray) for. 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Psychopathic Spirit (?) Attack - Email Response

I receive an email through my YouTube account from another person under attack with the same "psychopathic attack mode of operation" that I've heard so many times, and over many years, that its become like a broken record ... repeating and repeating and repeating.  

This is my most recent response, to a couple of emails I received from this person explaining current physical and mental situations, on helping in controlling this type of behavior that many are experiencing. 

I also sent, and suggested reading, my book (below). It has a lot of wisdom that was shared, which I even learned about myself as I channeled it, during the answering of the many personal emails that were sent to me ... voicing their fears of what they were experiencing. 

What was written, in this email response below, was not out of any personal, emotional judgment but explaining universal wisdom to inform and instruct. 


There are many reasons why these psychic attacks are occurring to people. 

Each person has their own story, and the things happening to them are very real, but you cannot believe anything from anyone who is a liar, trickster or deceiver ... no matter how many times they repeat things to you in order to brain wash you. These beings are psychopaths and have no heart (soul). 

Instead of them bringing themselves up to a higher awareness, they choose, as someone very lazy normally does, to stay down and to bring others down with them in order to justify their insanity. 

You were obviously chosen, for some reason, to help mankind or you wouldn't be going through what you are. This drew the evil to you out of jealousy and hate for those who continually want to perpetuate the evil on this planet ... the hypocritical character of a bully who would scream bloody murder if the same thing they are doing to you was done to them. 

All this does, to me, is show me you are stronger then them or they would never be in your energy in the first place; to try and take you down. Something in your soul drew this being to you but they are not working alone. 

This being's mode of operation is the same as I have heard from numerous people around the world. The trouble is, you are troubled by what you don't know, whereas I'm perplexed by the continuing stupidity of any species that has this type of mentality. 

I know they are not human because on this planet even an animal can be trained. One would wonder where this source of mentality is coming from and why. 

I know the universe also sends spirits to others to get over judgements of one another, however generally they just sit around and listen to what is going on - once they get over their confusion of wondering what's going on. 

These beings, like the one you've encountered, whether they be demons or misguided souls, are trained in this psychopathic mentality but are too stupid to realize they are being used. It could be their genetics that deny them anything more. 

An example, I could give, would be like a ruler who is abusive to his subjects and the constant cruelty make them cower and do his bidding out of fear of him. They have no will of their own until one day someone finally says they've had enough and they turn the people against the ruler. When a kingdom is ruled by such intense cruelty, it will crumble to make room for, hopefully, a much better one. However, don't forget the previous programming of the subjects. Even though the kingdom has been overthrown, better situations also means reprogramming the minds of the subjects to erase the prior cruelty they were programmed with. This takes time and patience - so hang in there. 

I have found that my guides are busy removing some "creatures" (as they call them) from many people, due to the emails I get. I have seen, on numerous occasions, that we tend to find that while our backs are turned, others tend to sneak in. 

I like to think of it this way, I think they sneak in out of desperation at times - the desperate need to be human and not a psychopath anymore. A cry for help against a wicked ruler. 


I will summarize this blog with: one would only hope they are treated as you would wish to be treated in the same circumstance ... with love and understanding and not more hate. 

Yet, I'm realistic enough to know that this planet is suffering with wars and weak economies. This causes people to react before thinking out of frustration, hunger, hurt and pain ... fear based emotions. 

Removing fear programming, as mentioned above, does take time. People who are fearing already feel there is no time left for them ... hence, the desperation takes over. 

This should be unacceptable behavior at anytime but especially in the spirit world. They, above anyone, should have more understanding and be less unreasonable. That's why we cannot assume where this asinine behavior is really originating. This can take time to look into any soul for the answer. 

Of course, I'm quite aware that there can be no reasoning with the unreasonable, at times. We can only do what is allowed and if at first we don't succeed ... try, try again. 

After all, eternity is eternal. 


This book will help anyone who may think they are experiencing anything similar or knows of someone that could be. We can never help ourselves or another if we keep ignoring the facts and/or covering it over with damaging medication. 
Note: I am not trying to be rich or famous. Teaching people to be more protective and aware is much more important to me. Because of that, I will donate the .pdf version of this book to anyone under a serious attack by emailing me of their experiences at Atomarane@hotmail.com.

For some reason, some emails go into my junk folder and may get deleted in error. If you do not hear from me in a week's time, please email me again. 

If anyone chooses to donate money for this kindness (my donating the book to help people) that will be up to them - no pressure - ever. You can use the same email with PayPal ... or feel free to purchase any of my books at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/atomarane 
or through Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Thanks kindly - hugs and peace.