Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gossip Dreams? Thoughts in the Universe?

It's amazing the kind of dreams we can have. During the morning hours, I had a couple that when awakening I thought: how strange, what was that all about?

Just before getting up to start my day, I awoke from another similar hodge podge dream of doing things I would never do in my waking state. Things that make you question, even during the dream, what the heck is going on?

There are way too many things to list from the dreams I had in these morning hours, but before getting up, and because someone sensed my confusion, I heard the words "gossip dreams" and decided to ask for clarity. I continued to lie in bed and ask for an explanation because I felt it was not necessarily gossip, per se, but non-truthful, as well as exaggerated, thoughts in the universe ... about me. 

Curiouser and curiouser!

Apparently, now and then, our minds could go through a cleansing or awareness of what thoughts are going on in the universe ... and not necessarily via physical beings only. These are things that people may hear or see, only in a minute of another's life, but instead of asking the person for clarity, they let their imaginations run wild and/or "gossip" their misguided thoughts to another. This begins the escalade of misunderstanding, lies and exaggeration, which create these "thoughts in the universe" to eventually be guided into our minds and into these dreams we call strange or bizarre. 

I also discovered, that the "Grace of God, so to speak, also allows us the knowledge of who may be perpetuating these "truths" of another, by also placing these people within these dreams. I know some of the people but didn't recognize some others, however I was informed that these are the same people who may hate confrontation and prefer to perpetuate non-truths about another due to their own lack of inner security. 

There are also the innocents that are being swept up in this deceit due to not knowing it's gossip of non-truths or by allowing another's guidance to be "God" to them. I know how this can be, I too have felt misguided and spoken things I was not sure of in my life. 

Live and learn. 

Anyway, I was informed that their karma will be felt because they will know the truth whether they like it or not ... sooner or later.

Messengers abound and are ready; from what I saw, the universe has a big job ahead of them. As they say: ask and you shall receive. 

Many are learning and taking on these new but old jobs. As my dad told me over a month ago, when he volunteered to help a friend: "I still need something to do out here." 

Makes sense, when one is use to working, why would those feelings disappear after they cross over? Take a little break, re-learn and continue on. 

I guess many are getting the message, that life goes on and jobs are eternal too. After all, wouldn't it be presumptuous to think "God" should be the only one doing things? Who exactly are those helpers? 

Off your butts and on your feet - vacation time is over - time to clean up the universe and this gossip of non-truths is among one of the jobs to do. This was what I felt they were telling me. 

If you start feeling doubt about what you may have felt was truth, pay attention, someone may be trying to tell you something. That would be your first clue to clean up your thoughts before they permeate into another's ... even into a dream letting them know who and why. 

Truths can change and many times they have and will continue to do so. Are you getting any feelings that what you're thinking or saying isn't true anymore ... or never was?

Also, don't always think these dreams we have are due to our minds trying to resolve issues, there are different dreams for different reasons and sometimes the universe lets us know what others think about us. Their thoughts are in the universe, too, whether they be for good or evil. 

The best part of doing what I do is that I can discuss this with those that know and not try to second guess things. If I had leaned toward what psychologists or dream dictionaries say, I would have missed an important understanding, a valuable lesson, in what actually occurred this morning and possibly perpetuated more non-truthful thoughts about me into the universe. 

Do you know that these thoughts can form into a collective thought that can hold someone back from accomplishing their "real life" dreams? The invisible nemesis of "someone out there must not like me."

Lastly, all thoughts of fact or fantasy can be in the universe and eventually permeate our dream world. Even in our dream state we can be astrally projected into another's dream and not an actuality. The same can occur to us that another can watch us dreaming and subject things during it. This is why the things we see in dreams are not always what we may think it is. For instance, are we connecting to another's waking consciousness as they are writing a fantasy novel and picking up on their thought patterns while we dream? 

The universe works in mysterious way. 

Do you know how to know what's going on? All those emotions of what occurred can be channelled off the universe for the truth of it; as I did this morning along with the help of guidance ... the guardian angel/angels that watch over us. 

Yes, you can still dream in a Wonderland but you don't have to wonder.  

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