Thursday, August 28, 2014

Be Happy?

Over twenty years ago, while meditating, I felt the very strong presence of our Divine Creator around me. I decided to ask: what do you expect from me?
He said: I want you to be happy. I want everyone to be happy.
I felt His disappointment and then He left. I wondered how we could achieve this and realized it would take more than this planet earth could give ... in this moment in time. Too many souls of different levels of awareness to accomplish such a feat.
Be happy? I felt overwhelmed by the thought of it.
Then I thought of what He said first: for me to be happy. That's so much easier to accomplish and maybe that's the secret. I felt as long as I was being happy, without deliberately destroying another's happiness, maybe that would work.
Maybe that's what He wanted.
Then, a couple of years ago, I saw a quote from the Dalai Lama that said the same thing. This brought my memory of that meditation back into focus. Even the Dalai Lama was saying it.
Hmmmm. Did he get the same message? It appeared so.
Once again, I felt that the message was meant to be "individually" happy. In doing so, it will react to others around us. Like listening to a comedy routine at a show. Like a pebble in a pond, it will ripple out and affect others. However, I felt, with the turmoil in the world today, a little pebble won't do it.
Maybe our Divine Creator needs to create a bigger ripple with a bigger object ... all help greatly appreciated. 
In the mean time, I'll do what I can to be happy ... in the many ways that helps me be happy ... as I was asked to do. 
Will you join me?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Death: My Name is Heroin

I watched a show, recently on CNN, about the increasing amount of abuse and deaths from heroin in America. The numbers were shocking. They were calling it a "heroin epidemic." My first reaction in hearing this was: what "possesses" people to self-destruct?

So many questions ... so many reasons. 

The news report made me think about my recent blog on suicide. When I had posted it to my Facebook timeline, someone asked if it could be a preordained life when people commit suicide. My response was: "There are paths we can take based on free will or something planned. However, with these plans things can change. Just as we plan to go to the store and we change our minds. Yet, we can be manipulated more by knowing less. People who are heavily into drink or drugs basically are giving up their free will."
I feel this is how it is with many of these debilitating drugs. It can cause a weak mind and will to live. Professionals know that we can't cure suicidal thoughts while still depressed with life's problems or drug overuse or abuse. These need to be resolved first. Yet, many leave therapy to fight their demons alone ... these thoughts that can stay with them even when life is looking better. 

Why do they stay? Why do they persist? Why do they continue to torment?
To me, a drug overdose is suicide and anyone into any drug abuse is destroying more than themselves. To understand my feelings about this, read the poem below which was written originally as Ms. Crystal Myth by Samantha Reynolds in 2000. It is being circulated using Heroin too, which is how I found it when researching what I heard on TV. It's the message that's more important than the title.
Hello, my name is Heroin. 

I destroy homes, tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start. I'm more costly than diamonds, more costly than gold, the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold; and if you need me, remember, I'm easily found, I live all around you, in schools and in town. I live with the rich, I live with the poor, I live down the street, and maybe next door.
My power is awesome; try me you'll see, but if you do, you may never break free. Just try me once and I'll own your soul. When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie. You do what you have to just to get high. The crimes you'll commit, for my narcotic charms will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in my arms. You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad. When you see their tears, you should feel sad. But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised, I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, I turn people from God, and separate friends. I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride. I'll be with you always, right by your side. You'll give up everything: your family, your home, your friends, your money; then you'll be alone. I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give. When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live. If you try me, be warned this is no game. If given the chance, I'll drive you insane. I'll ravish your body; I'll control your mind. I'll own you completely; your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed, the voices you'll hear from inside your head, the sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see; I want you to know, these are all gifts from me. But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart, that you are mine, and we shall not part. You'll regret that you tried me, they always do, but you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen. Many times you were told, but you challenged my power, and chose to be bold. You could have said no, and just walked away. If you could live that day over, now what would you say? I'll be your master; you will be my slave. I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do? Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you. I can bring you more misery than words can tell. Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell.
From my life's experiences and knowledge, any person doing this is already in hell. Yes, hell is a place; a place that's in their mind due to their circumstances. The sentence about going with them to their grave? Very true; your thoughts and torments go with you. You are not escaping hell; you're just taking your programming into another dimension. This still takes time to heal, whether it be there or here. 

When it comes to anything that anyone may feel is a preordained life, let this quote guide you: it's a smart person who learns from their mistakes but it's a smarter person who learns from another's. Thats why I refuse to believe that life is predisposed and we have no will, that people are always being punished for past life errors without having options, or this is some universal way of ridding the world of "uneducated low-lifes" without giving us the ability of making better decisions to save our world and the people in it. 
Lastly, if you ever feel "guided" to help someone in particular, never allow yourself, or them, to placate this destructive evil ... whatever their "poison of choice." Always seek out various professional help, educate yourself, and be strong for them. Because, it will take a strong, fearless hand to take their hand and lead them from hell. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Suicide: Possessed Pawns?

With the increasing rate of suicides in the world, I decided to share what I've learned in over twenty five years of dealing with the mind. I hope you'll read to the end, and keep an open mind, because the information that I share may help you save a life ... a life that could be your own or a loved one.
Here's why.
When you're at a low spot in your life, and under any form of negativity, from a life event, or "I just don't know why I feel this way," this can be further used against you. That's when negative and possessive emotions, or thoughts, can come in for the kill ... via the unseen mind world ... whether that be through physical or non-physical beings.
Just as a wild animal does with its victims. They choose the weakest to attack. It's an easier kill.

For you see, any negative thoughts, one may have, can be used against you or another and can be from you or another. They can be provoked by someone unseen. There are those of psychopathic nature that want to taunt someone to commit suicide. We see these types in the physical world, yet they can still be in those same feelings in the non-physical  world. To them it's a game and if they achieve their objection, it's like a hunter notching the barrel on the gun.
Another one bit the dust ... let's party.
I have asked people to be aware and beware of any negative thoughts, especially unreasonable ones, especially during an increased amount of countries warring, and to push them away until they've had time to investigate it further. Many don't know that their thoughts can be astrally projected to and used against them.
Most say they can only sense their feelings when things happen. They don't think they're possessed. Yes, it is their feelings and anything can affect those feelings ... program those feelings ... use those feelings ... even against us. Those programmed feelings can be fed upon ... just like being caught up in the emotions of a concert ... or even a riot ... being provoked by another or other's feelings. Yet, even though we can't see feelings, we know our feelings are being influence by the people around us. This is because we are programmed to believe the only thing that can affect us is what we can physically see.
But what about the ones we cannot see?
Many times, we meet people during our life which can influence us. However those unseen ones can too. Non-physical families connected to the physical people we meet. Anyone new coming into our lives can do this to us. We can suddenly be interested in something new or someone new because if it, sometimes leading us down a dark path or someone is sent to save us from that path.
However, if we have a possessive non-physical being around us, they may put up a fight for our soul, our soul path, or what they think they own ... meaning us. It can become a tug of war around our mind with a possessive spirit and anyone that comes around to help ... physical or non-physical. They will feed off of and into our thoughts to give us doubt and make us depressed, especially if they don't have our best interest at heart.
They can also attack physical or non-physical people sent to help by giving them doubt, feelings of hate, or even violent thoughts to attack the one they are possessing while blaming others for it. We may feel those emotions too.
Many times, I've had feelings subjected to me, to tell someone something cruel, which did not make sense. It only made sense later after I had time to analyze it. I was being used in this hate or suicide game they play out there ... using physical people to do their dirty work by doing or saying mean and hateful things.
I chose not to play. I get attacked for it.
They have even played on my frustrations in helping others heal mentally and emotionally many times. I honestly have felt like I wanted to physically slap some people ... the emotion was that strong. Of course, with me, because of what I know, when I feel things like this, I back away and get busy doing other things because I know it's projected and something is afoot. I sense it because I've been at this for a very long time.
Sometimes, and sadly, I eventually have to concede to wisdom and back off if I'm not making any headway. I may not be the right teacher or heavy karma could be at play. I can only do so much ... they have to allow the help too. 
I made a decision, a long time ago, that I will not allow anyone to pull me down with them. Heartless as that may sound, I'm not good for others if I cannot be good for myself.
Furthermore, I really don't know how to say this to anyone anymore. Personally,  I'm beside myself in the amount of times I need to repeat the same thing over and over and over again to people that come into my life seeking help. It's really this simple: if anyone feels any strong negativity, thoughts about suicide, or even murder, walk away from it fast.
You could be a pawn in a set up. Give the dust time to settle whenever possible.
Also, no man (woman) is an island. Get help ... get lots of help .... from many sources ... especially with suicidal thoughts. Too many people are committing suicide today without understanding it's not always them alone that's creating the issue. I say alone because someone else may be projecting the emotions but the physical person still needs to perform the task.
As the suicide numbers unreasonably mount, would you allow yourself to commit suicide so they can use that as a reason to decrease population or put another notch on their belt?
Knowing this, would you think first before reacting?
Would you think your life is of more value because of it?
Would you be angry at "them," instead of hurting yourself or another?
Would you like it if you discovered that you're only a possessed pawn in a psychopath's reality?
Would you?

Friday, August 22, 2014

I'm An Indigenous American

Yes, I'm an indigenous (native) American. Here's why I feel this way.  

I came across an ancient, history timeline and saw this: "15,000 B.C. Migrations across Bering Straits into the Americas."

This got me thinking.

Based on this timeline, these would be the original people who migrated to the Americas and by no means indigenous to the area, because indigenous means: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

So, anyone, of any race, who is born in any country, regardless of ancestral lineage, would be an indigenous (native). Anyone not born in it ... migrated to it ... would be an alien. As an alien is defined as: a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.

That would make all our ancient ancestors, to the North and South Americas, aliens (foreigners) because they were not originally native to the land, based on current scientific and historical data. That would make anyone born in any country, even currently, indigenous (native).

Simply stated: since immigration still occurs today, this reasoning should clear up any confusion regarding the meaning of indigenous or alien people to any country. 

I was born in Virginia, in the USA, which is in the North American continent. I'm an indigenous person to the area not an alien. I may not be an original, or an aboriginal,  indigenous person but I am a current one.

It makes sense to me ... it's logical. I'm a native American ... born and raised. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life Is Unfair!

I was listening to the news and hearing a young man talking about his life being unfair because he is black. I had a flashback of my life's sorrows, including the many times of being ill, or my family being ill, and not knowing how I was going to pay medical costs, much less pay bills or buy groceries. Sorrows that also included pain of multiple psychic attacks, including rape attacks. Many things I keep to myself. Yes, life can be unfair.

However, my life's awareness kicked in as I listened. He was young enough for me to think about his life and wonder: do you have any idea what's really unfair? Do you have food in your belly and a roof over your head? Do you have the opportunity to get an education without someone trying to kill you because of it? Will you allow your feeling of unfairness to give you a sense of entitlement and righteousness just so you can use it as an excuse to riot and loot? What about those people who suffer because of it? Won't they think life is unfair because someone maliciously destroyed their businesses? 

Besides ... who said life was fair?

Not from my point of view. Not from everything I've seen and been put through in my life. Did I go around whining about it? Well, maybe a little, now and then, through my tears. Tears I cried so often, I now say I'm dried up from it. However, I didn't let it define me. I did what I could to survive so I could right my wrongs, help others with theirs, and tried not to make more wrongs in the process.

How did I accomplish this? I watched the news daily and saw where others had it worse off then me. It helped me in what I call "getting a fair perspective on life." It kept me from whining about my life being unfair when I saw the tragedies of others. I'm not undermining this young man's opinion, or saying his life hasn't been rough to his standards, but my intuition felt his perspective of unfair was narrow; which could be due to his social programming ... his upbringing ... his peers. 

After all, what's fair anyway?

Is it fair when children get cancer and die young? Is it fair when they are kidnapped, raped, mutilated and murdered? Is it fair when young children get kidnapped into sexual slavery? Is it fair that so many people are being told they have a mental illness when something else could be involved; knowing it but unable to discuss it much less know how to fight it? Is it fair that women (and men) are physically or sexually abused? Is it fair that no one can walk the streets without fear of being robbed and murdered? Is it fair to children that they were raised with no father, or parents who are drug abusers? Is it fair that people go off to war and may not return, or return mentally or physically damaged? Is it fair journalist get killed doing their job because of psychopaths? Is it fair that a person may have to work two jobs to support a family? Is it fair that anyone live in fear that a virus could wipe out mankind? Is it fair for people to not trust their teachers or pastors? Is it fair that mental diseases are causing mass murderers? Is it fair that nature wreaks such horrible destruction on people?

Is anything really fair in life?

Everyone can have opportunities to better their lives, especially young black men who live in America. Let them walk a mile in women's shoes if they think life is unfair. If they want to see true unfair, walk a mile in a black woman's shoes. In my life's experiences, they have had the most unfair of all. I have women friends that are black but they're doing all they can to empower their lives, making the most of what they've received and not making it worse. Some trying to get an education while raising a child alone. What happened to the men that impregnated them ... leaving them thinking how unfair this was to them?

In the meantime, life is unfair ... it's always been unfair ... and under the circumstances may continue to stay that way with more situations then I've even mentioned. 

Really bad attitudes makes life more unfair.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ghosts: What's In A Name?

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, there's a line: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

That's how I feel about the words ghost and spirit among others words that mean pretty much the same. Many times I see confusion with these words but, I feel, either is acceptable.

The definition of ghosts and spirits are basically the same (see below). It's the essence of someone or something departed, whether they be good or bad people or angels and demons, for example.

Also, before I continue, good or bad would be based on one's interpretation of that as well, because what I deem good for me may be bad for another ... depending on what side of the fence one's on.

To continue, that essence can manifest itself in numerous ways. It can manifest by being more visible to the human eye or by using our third eye. They can invade our minds during our waking hours to bring messages that are to guide or deceive. They can also appear in dreams to give messages. It's still using our mind to do this and it too can be to guide or deceive.


Definitions for clarity:

Ghost: an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.

Spirit: the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.

Soul: the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

Essence: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.

Apparition: a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially a ghost; a spector or phantom; wraith.


What I'm advising, in this blog, is not to get hung up on words. Words are used to describe feelings and we can use different words, spoken in different languages, for nearly the same feeling ... as you can see by the above definitions.

If you're having a quandary over a word,  look up the meaning of it. Maybe someone's trying to tell you something.

Furthermore, and please pay close attention to this, any apparition one may see or feel could be someone that's still a physical being. Not everything one may see is a ghost, per se. I have had people appear to me who astral projected. They could have done this awake (on their own consciousness) or through a sleep state with another's help ... possibly a spirit guide.

Souls of the physical have been reported leaving their body during sleep or surgery and returning. Don't assume that every spirit/ghost you see has crossed over ... unless you know they have.

Finally, before you allow yourself to be controlled by fear of anything ... investigate.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wisdom: Think Before You Speak

"Think before you speak" is not said to be clever or arrogant. It's sage wisdom.

This wisdom is the multitude of thoughts in the universe that may offer a solution to a problem. Answers that you may not have considered because you didn't take the time or want to think first.

In fact, based on personal experience, the more you practice thinking before speaking, you will discover how much faster that wisdom will flow through your consciousness.

Thinking and speaking wisdom could be nearly instantaneous.

Needless to say, listening to wisdom doesn't always mean obeying it. Maybe the wisdom will guide you to keep a silent counsel ... to not speak at all. This is still a free will choice one needs to make.

Some may still choose to speak first and think later.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Ancestors: Divine Conscience

Recently, I watched the Ancestry TV show, "Who Do You Think You Are," that featured Valerie Bertinelli. On the show she had an ancestor, James Claypoole, that linked her lineage to mine through King Edward I. Of course, that information, along with a couple of dollars, might buy us a cup of tea or coffee. I just thought it was cool. ;-)

Anyway, what I found interesting was that Claypoole was friends with Quaker William Penn and joined him in Pennsylvania in the 1600's. They moved there from England to avoid religious persecution. What I was surprised to hear, on this show, was the early story of the Quakers aka The Religious Society of Friends. They believed, through the teachings of Jesus, that one can have direct communication to God and not be part of any religious dogma which included churches. As I mentioned, they were extremely persecuted for this back then.

Sadly, persecution for religious beliefs is still an ongoing trend.

Anyway, I found this on Wikipedia to share: "Unlike many other groups that emerged within Christianity, the Religious Society of Friends has actively tried to avoid creeds and hierarchical structures. .... Today, around 49% of Friends worldwide practice programmed worship — that is, worship with singing and a prepared message from the Bible, often coordinated by a pastor. Around 11% of Friends practice waiting worship (also known as unprogrammed worship)— that is worship where the order of service is not planned in advance, which is predominantly silent, and which may include unprepared vocal ministry from anyone present, so long as it is credible to those assembled that the speaker is moved to speak by God."

To me, this sounds like many have converted to a more structured way, including a church leader. Part of the reason they fled England to avoid persecution. Yet, others have maintain the original concept.

More interesting information, about their beliefs, can be read at this website:

No, I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm not a Quaker. I'm only using this as an example. I still say I'm more spiritual than religious. To me, it's just part of history. In studying ancestral lineage, one cannot avoid history including religious history. I'm surprised that I hadn't crossed the Quaker path in my research. However, timing is everything, I appreciate this information more today because of what I now know.

In addition, my ancestral research has shown me that throughout history we have been led by what many call a divine source. We have been taught to seek directly through this divine source. This was the only spirituality used by our ancient ancestors. However, I've come to realize that the frailty of the human mind has it's limits in learning. Some have feelings of not being worthy enough to do something on their own. Some may fear being misguided or led astray.

I believe it's why many turn their spiritual power over to others to guide them. In doing so, what they fear may be their undoing ... has been their undoing ... due to a lack of an inner conscience to guide them ... being led astray with wrong guidance. Maybe our spiritual ancestors have been telling us this all along but we keep falling back onto the wrong path. A path which is led by fear and control instead of love and truth. Could that be why there are some Quakers who have moved away from their original concept? In fact, as I see it, many religions have corrupted the original spiritual concept causing a lot of hate and violence in our world today.

When it comes to spirituality, instead of  "let our conscience be our guide," maybe it should be: let the Divine Conscience be our guide. Since we, apparently, keep corrupting our conscience via the various worldwide dogma. It makes me wonder if there could be a more spiritual unity under a Divine Conscience?

Sure, I realize it's wishful thinking on my part. There's so many egos today professing ownership of God, as opposed to eons ago. However, it's something to think about, even if it's just a fantasy; albeit a reality for many ancestors back then. 

Who knows, maybe it's a reality today but in another place in the universe where they've already gone through their spiritual warfare? Ancient ancestors that came to terms with a Divine Conscience and living in harmony?

Or ... maybe that's just a fantasy too. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

False Prophets/Antichrist/False Gods: A Person or A Thing?

Could we have this idea of a false prophet, antichrist, and false gods all wrong? Please allow me to explain why I present this as a question.

Recently, I had an ah-ha moment, an epiphany, a revelation ... whatever you want to call it ... which helped me understand the turmoil in our world. At least where religion is concerned, especially with past and present fanaticism. 

Also, for simplicity, I decided to only use the Abrahamic Religions, with this blog, but all world religions may apply based on this feeling I received.
To continue, for many, many years we have been fighting and warring over our religious beliefs without remembering our initial Commandments, the first three being: I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods, no graven images or likenesses.
Could God be telling us something? Have our world religions become the gods we're not suppose to worship, via the images of our religious leaders but mostly our religious prophets? Using them as idols as we were commanded not to do? Could all this fighting be our undoing to once again show us the true course? 
Let's think about it.
For these particular religions, prophets were supposedly sent to show us that idol worship was the false way and to show us the way back to our Divine God. These prophets were not to be worshipped; they were not to be idolized. They were teachers sent to show the true way; teachings that we conveniently keep forgetting. In our discrimination and warring, are we unconsciously punishing ourselves for being disobedient because of idolizing our prophets above God?
Could there be more we haven't considered? The feeling I received is: instead of a person, it is a thing that we were warned about. 

Collectively, we have taken our worldwide faiths and created false gods to idol worship

Instead of "he will deceive the wise," maybe it's more appropriate to say "it will deceive the wise." Many have gone against what these prophets told us about idol worshipping, considering we worship them when we hold them up against another of God's chosen. This would, collectively, make worldwide religions the anti-christ ... anti-anointed ... anti-chosen ... anti-them ... anti-teachings.
Deceived by a thing ... not a person.
With our current worldwide awareness, could it be that all this warring is being deliberately established to make us look within? To make us look at ourselves differently? Could God be sitting back allowing us to destroy what He didn't create? To return to the true path as He gave us, especially in those first Commandments?
It made me realize that God knew this would occur; even warned us. Yet, in our limited awareness, we misinterpreted the warning into a person ... instead of a thing. 

A worldwide, sibling-rivalry, fighting-over, collective-thought thing.

An idol-worshipping prophets, and profits, above God thing.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Psychic Attacks: Ascended Master Training & Past Life Egos

Over twenty-five years of learning mind power, spirit communication, past life training, and other universal awareness, during my Ascended Master development, I learned to say whatever, show me, or prove it, quite often. It protected me many times, for many reasons, especially when dealing with mine or others psychic attacks via psychotic beings. 

I also learned that it's important to be impeccable in what we ask because we may get something different than we expected. For instance, I requested an ascended master to teach me: a dialog in my true story book Great Flame Within. Yet, I had forgotten the trials and tribulations that they all went through to be one. I had forgotten the lessons and what they learned from them. I forgot that it might provoke the same scenarios for me as well; which it did.

I learned that the reason these tribulations occured was due to those who do not want anyone to remember their past lives ... regain total awareness ... to be empowered. Possibly due to the jealousy they have of other's paths. They obviously don't want to understand that these paths created these ascended masters and many times it was unbearable paths.

From personal experience, I've noticed that these tormentors seem to be OCD in their behavior patterns. This is based on the historical reports regarding all our past ascended masters who have dealt with these evils in the universe. Have these beings designated themselves as our nemisis to teach in this faulty and false manner? Using pain as an awakening method?

We are taught to move on from our past, not to live in it, however it's difficult when we're not allowed to do so. For instance, my attacks, I was told, were due to my past lives from my original soul ... mainly the few that were more historically known. This presented a problem because I wanted to know who and why, but at the same time I felt I was being kept from it.

Why the secrecy?

Finally, a few beings came to my rescue and I learned to walk my original soul's path. This meant I was able to track my soul's beginning life all the way up to my current life. This was no easy feat as there were quite a few, which I've also listed in my book, Eternity Proven, as well as on one of my Atomarane You Tube  videos for anyone to see.

I say my original soul because it's the only soul I recognize. That is due to the many soul interchanges my body has had since my original soul was walked out a very long time ago. It doesn't matter to me how many soul interchanges have occured, as I only recognize the original one. Whether I say my soul or my original soul, it's the only one I journeyed and journaled. A very trying journey, occurring again in this life. 

However, all these many years, since learning the path of a spiritual teacher, having my soul removed under the intent of saving my life, jumping around as a puppet, at times, to stop the continuous attacks my body and mind had, and still have, it taught me to fall back on the emotions I received from my original soul. A soul that guided me during the first 40 plus years of my life. It taught me to appreciate all the physical and non-physical beings who also guided me during my life, through the many attacks I had, while being unaware of "anyone" around me. It taught me that no matter what I did, to these beings who made unreasonable demands, it would never be good enough. Hence, I might as well be me and be happy; living my life as normal as possible.

This is why I made free teaching videos. It's my way of helping people not be sucked into that deceitful, ego-tripping vortex that I still see so many go through to discredit them, as well as teach people to protect themselves. However, it takes their will, and the will of others around them, to have them watch the videos and learn how to filter what they hear or see.

Many may fail because they don't have a fighting, stubborn spirit as some do who have survived. They may succumb to the deceit, torment or the big ego of past lives: I am so and so. Yes, that's another thing I have been through and still go through. I see others going through it too. I've heard things like: you have God's soul in your body, that makes you God. My reply is: no, I'm the physical person, that makes God me.

Yes, I can be a tad bit feisty.

My original soul had past lives that they repeatedly bring up saying: you are Muhammad or Pythagoras or Nostradamus or whoever. I calmly reply: those are past lives in my original soul and some are shared lives. It's not today ... it's not me.

Many times I just say: whatever!

As you can see, I'm not big-ego oriented. I have seven younger siblings that made sure of it. They were quick to bust any bubble if I was getting too big for my britches. I was well prepared for this name dropping insanity because of it. It kept me from strutting around on an ego trip that I've seen others do, using my soul's past lives or guidance names around me. It became more important for me to know facts and not grandiose, historical names.

Yet, in all fairness, I can only think that they, who feel this is important for their ego, are also being harassed to say they are the reincarnation of whoever or their guide is whoever. To me, it's not the true path of an ascended master, but I can understand the need to do this if they are being painfully harassed.

As I've stated before, I have been harrassed and it started again recently. This time is was regarding Apollo. Yes, my original soul had been in the universe as Apollo and had been around people helping them as such. However this original soul is no dummy. It knows how to delegate. It knows how to teach. It knows how to get help. My question to them is: how many Apollo souls are in the universe?

This is my way of keeping it real ... staying grounded. For you see, after all my training, I have learned one very important thing. All those past lives won't pay my bills. Nice to know about them ... what helped me to be me ... but useless otherwise ... as far as I'm concerned.

I can't change the past. I'm not those people from the past. My original soul claims that. Call me Apollo, if it makes someone feel better. Call me Muhammad or Nostradamus, or any of the full or partial lifetime names in my original soul. If you feel it's important to you. Call me Atomarane, if you want. It's only one of the many nicknames I've had in this life. However, I don't like being harassed over what I'm not. I was born Charlene and I'm proud of this life and that name. It's also my preference for this lifetime and not all those past life names and memories ... which may be considered good or bad by others ... holding us back because of it. 

Moving on ... 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Greed: The Pot Calling The Kettle Black?

I'm amazed at the maligning hate I read on social media towards corporations like Walmart, for instance, from many who are so fast to oppress those they hate for what they feel is oppressing them.

I've not only sensed but witnessed the greed within some people fighting what they say is the greed within corporations.

It's shameful hypocrisy and bigotry and no reasoning is acceptable in their mindset. 

They never want to flip that coin over to review the other side. Why? Hmmm ... because maybe to understand more and hate less might take the wind out of their sails ... stop fueling the fire within ... realize they could be erring in their ways ... there's more than they realized?

There's good and bad in everything. 

Yes, corporations make money but many are also utilizing their money, along with their employee's assistance, in doing various acts of kindness. The below link is one example but anyone can use the Internet to see the many areas of giving back that a lot of corporations do to help many people in need. I see the good that many do and wonder why others cannot see this too.

Are they blinded by their hate?

There are those who prefer to find fault with anything that will feed their anger instead. Maybe they thrive on contention. Maybe it’s because they're secretly jealous that they're not them? Maybe some feel that corporate leaders are living too opulent, pampering their egos to excess, while secretly wishing they were doing the same?

We know what pampering means. We know what excess means. We know what coveting means. Right? However we tend to see it in others and not always in ourselves. Just because our scale is smaller?

Many have bought outside of need, or outside of our means, just to keep up with our peers. We use illogical reason like: "we work hard and deserve it." Even if we're not always able to afford it? Wanting what our neighbors, family, or friends have. Jealous if not able to buy it. Buying it when we know better. Then we complain because our greed got the better of us, especially when we suddenly find ourselves jobless. 

I'm not writing as if I don't know this first hand. Sadly, I've been down that road, but I didn't blame others for my lack of awareness ... or my greed ... or expected them to pay my debts because of it. I didn't have any feelings other than getting myself out of the mess I got into ... without a sense of entitlement, without breaking the law, or without whining that life is unfair. To me, it's such a waste of time and energy.

Of course, this blog doesn't apply to everyone: like the extreme poverty levels which are doing all they can to make ends meet in severe hardships ... utilizing corporations' charity to help them. Futhermore, they probably can't afford to be on social media complaining, much less have a cell phone or computer ... they're too busy buying food or paying utilities.

However, it's important to undestand how individual greed can escalate into higher priced products, especially when many file bankruptcy because they can't pay their bills for whatever reason. Eventually, we, the consumer, will pay for it. Corporations will do all they can to keep their doors open. Raised wages just keep raising consumer products or their charitable help will be reduced in order for them to survive. Governments are the same. Misuse of programs that help people will be made up with higher taxes or the programs will be discontinued. 

We have an option: we don't have to keep buying what we don't need and only want. We can stop misusing government programs which hurts everyone that could actually need it. People can stop pillaging neighborhood stores during a riots, which eventually leads to increased consumer goods. We can start being morally and legally responsible instead of blaming the world in order to justify criminal actions. We can break that cycle of our greed and misuse and set example for others. 

Remember: As you sow, so shall ye reap.

Maybe that's the lesson the universe is showing some of us for abusing, not caring, or understanding what many of us have been contributing to. Pointing to others of being greedy when we're guilty, or have been guilty, of the same.

Maybe that's why most don't get what they want when they want. We all want a decent income to support ourselves and family. It's when we throw ourselves into the pool of greed, buying outside of need, misusing privileges, being constantly one-sided, then we're no better then who we accuse of the same. 

Isn't that the same as the pot calling the kettle black?


Walmart's Focus on Hunger

Using Brute Force Won't Get A Jellyfish To Talk

I had a dream this morning which helped me understand that just because someone doesn't have the awareness of another, it may not be either's fault: teacher or student.

They may not be on the level, or near any level, of the teacher, because they may not have been afforded the opportunity to be on that path for the teacher to teach or they are mentally incapable.

Some people are deliberately kept in the dark so they are easily manipulated.

Some are kept in the dark because those around them don't want them to be smarter, which would make them look more ignorant.

This also has a lot to do with the energy consciousness around them. Not just inside their home but outside their home, or even to the extreme of those in the "invisible realm" held back due to lack of knowing or fear of knowing.

There is also the condition of not remembering what one is taught. Not everyone may have all working parts of the brain functioning properly. I have seen many human beings that have minds that are more reactionary, as in those of less thinking animal lifeforms. As well as some who react only by touch like plants or jellyfish.

This dream helped me with the frustration I've been feeling lately, regarding the low life, uneducated comments that I've been seeing on the internet and news.

It made me understand why some countries resort to brute force instead of gentle guidance. Why some people cannot "get it" without being treated less humane.

So, the next time you do a "frustration facepalm," as I did in my dream, ask yourself if their brain is ready to receive your enlightenment. If not, ask why that is. You may be looking at all those reasons I mentioned above and more; which may help you chose your battles more wisely. Stop chasing your tail, so to speak.

Some are not ready to receive another's truth no matter what one does.

As a spiritual teacher, I'm well aware that I am also a student. I learn something new everyday. Just as I did with this dream. Apparently, we have a long way to go in evolving due to the flaws we still create with the human mind.

We need to come to terms with the fact that jellyfish have a mouth but no brain. Using brute force won't get them to talk.

Friday, August 1, 2014


After listening to President Obama's speech earlier today, along with his question and answer period, the word "priorities" came into my mind with a feeling on how fluid they can be.

It reminded me when I was in accounting management and was responsible for a very large workload from an employer who had a diverse real estate business. I had many tasks that I thought were overwhelming, but nothing like what I "sensed" today with our President.

At least, thankfully, I didn't get grey hair over mine.

Anyone who has had to make decisions, and not just for themselves, will understand that it's not always easy to handle any work load, along with, unrealistically, trying to please everyone all the time. I just couldn't image being in Obama's position because of it ... or any world leader. 

At least, with me I could go to my employer and say: I need your input. This took some of the responsibility off of me by getting him involved. It was imperative to do this because of the daily tasks and needing to know which had more priority over another. I remember once going into his office, quite frustrated over the workload and just having something else dumped on my desk, asking him to review the tasks and helping me choose the order he wanted them done. This helped him understand that there was a problem that we needed to address. We worked on it and the problem was resolved ... re-prioritized.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all imagine the tasks that any of our Presidents have had, now or in the past, and resolve to work on a solution instead of complaining?

Many of us know, on a personal level, how family and friends can place demands on us and we don't like it one bit when they do. We feel frustrated and irritated because of it, especially if given several more tasks on what we already have. Look at the demands of any country's leaders. It's enormous compared to ours.

I read so many negative things about many political leaders and part of me thinks: do you know what they're up against to resolve "your" issues? Probably not. I feel confident that any solution to any problem would be appreciated by them, but I also feel there are those who prefer to be part of the problem with just complaining and not resolving anything. 

Maybe that's easier to do. 

My dad used to say that some people talk just to hear themselves talk. They were perpetual complainers and nothing productive would come from them.

He also used to tell us to think before we speak. I feel I know why now. If we take the time to think things out, we might solve our problems. It's what I did that day when I went into my employer's office and laid the list of emergencies on his desk and asked him to help me prioritize them. Instead of complaining, grumbling under my breath, I gave myself time to think about what I needed to do to resolve my conflict. It's then that I felt inspired to do what I did; to seek out his help.

If we all took time to think before we speak (or type), we may realize the multitude of tasks that anyone in leadership has ... along with the priorities that are needed to get them done ... along with newer emergencies that may arise that forces a re-prioritizing.

Yes, sometimes a major issue may need to take a back seat to another or other major issues. Just as I found out that day when my boss handed me a new task and said it was an emergency and needed to be done immediately. After he left my office, I realized it was only one of the few "emergencies" he had given me that needed to be done "immediately." With a deep breath, I sat and thought: which one has priority over another? Which one should be done first? That's when my intuition guided me into sharing my feelings with my employer and getting him to choose for me.

Wouldn't it be nice if our President had that option with us? Here are my tasks, prioritize them for me. It certainly sounds more productive then whining. Could anyone feel qualified to do it though? I don't think I could. 

Also, for the record, I'm not completely satisfied over any president's record while in office. However, I'm not happy with a lot of people's records either ... who hasn't had even one tenth the amount of responsibility. I didn't think Obama was qualified for the job, but I don't feel that warrants stabbing him in the back because of it.

Maybe the only difference with me is that I understand about tasks, emergencies, and priorities and I can appreciate the enormous amount that any world leader carries compared to mine.

I also understand that in order for anyone to succeed, support is necessary. That was a lesson I learned many times in my life when those I trusted turned their backs on me along with their support. It's not a nice feeling. 

I decided to put my priorities in order.