Saturday, August 16, 2014

Ancestors: Divine Conscience

Recently, I watched the Ancestry TV show, "Who Do You Think You Are," that featured Valerie Bertinelli. On the show she had an ancestor, James Claypoole, that linked her lineage to mine through King Edward I. Of course, that information, along with a couple of dollars, might buy us a cup of tea or coffee. I just thought it was cool. ;-)

Anyway, what I found interesting was that Claypoole was friends with Quaker William Penn and joined him in Pennsylvania in the 1600's. They moved there from England to avoid religious persecution. What I was surprised to hear, on this show, was the early story of the Quakers aka The Religious Society of Friends. They believed, through the teachings of Jesus, that one can have direct communication to God and not be part of any religious dogma which included churches. As I mentioned, they were extremely persecuted for this back then.

Sadly, persecution for religious beliefs is still an ongoing trend.

Anyway, I found this on Wikipedia to share: "Unlike many other groups that emerged within Christianity, the Religious Society of Friends has actively tried to avoid creeds and hierarchical structures. .... Today, around 49% of Friends worldwide practice programmed worship — that is, worship with singing and a prepared message from the Bible, often coordinated by a pastor. Around 11% of Friends practice waiting worship (also known as unprogrammed worship)— that is worship where the order of service is not planned in advance, which is predominantly silent, and which may include unprepared vocal ministry from anyone present, so long as it is credible to those assembled that the speaker is moved to speak by God."

To me, this sounds like many have converted to a more structured way, including a church leader. Part of the reason they fled England to avoid persecution. Yet, others have maintain the original concept.

More interesting information, about their beliefs, can be read at this website:

No, I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm not a Quaker. I'm only using this as an example. I still say I'm more spiritual than religious. To me, it's just part of history. In studying ancestral lineage, one cannot avoid history including religious history. I'm surprised that I hadn't crossed the Quaker path in my research. However, timing is everything, I appreciate this information more today because of what I now know.

In addition, my ancestral research has shown me that throughout history we have been led by what many call a divine source. We have been taught to seek directly through this divine source. This was the only spirituality used by our ancient ancestors. However, I've come to realize that the frailty of the human mind has it's limits in learning. Some have feelings of not being worthy enough to do something on their own. Some may fear being misguided or led astray.

I believe it's why many turn their spiritual power over to others to guide them. In doing so, what they fear may be their undoing ... has been their undoing ... due to a lack of an inner conscience to guide them ... being led astray with wrong guidance. Maybe our spiritual ancestors have been telling us this all along but we keep falling back onto the wrong path. A path which is led by fear and control instead of love and truth. Could that be why there are some Quakers who have moved away from their original concept? In fact, as I see it, many religions have corrupted the original spiritual concept causing a lot of hate and violence in our world today.

When it comes to spirituality, instead of  "let our conscience be our guide," maybe it should be: let the Divine Conscience be our guide. Since we, apparently, keep corrupting our conscience via the various worldwide dogma. It makes me wonder if there could be a more spiritual unity under a Divine Conscience?

Sure, I realize it's wishful thinking on my part. There's so many egos today professing ownership of God, as opposed to eons ago. However, it's something to think about, even if it's just a fantasy; albeit a reality for many ancestors back then. 

Who knows, maybe it's a reality today but in another place in the universe where they've already gone through their spiritual warfare? Ancient ancestors that came to terms with a Divine Conscience and living in harmony?

Or ... maybe that's just a fantasy too. 

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