Friday, August 1, 2014


After listening to President Obama's speech earlier today, along with his question and answer period, the word "priorities" came into my mind with a feeling on how fluid they can be.

It reminded me when I was in accounting management and was responsible for a very large workload from an employer who had a diverse real estate business. I had many tasks that I thought were overwhelming, but nothing like what I "sensed" today with our President.

At least, thankfully, I didn't get grey hair over mine.

Anyone who has had to make decisions, and not just for themselves, will understand that it's not always easy to handle any work load, along with, unrealistically, trying to please everyone all the time. I just couldn't image being in Obama's position because of it ... or any world leader. 

At least, with me I could go to my employer and say: I need your input. This took some of the responsibility off of me by getting him involved. It was imperative to do this because of the daily tasks and needing to know which had more priority over another. I remember once going into his office, quite frustrated over the workload and just having something else dumped on my desk, asking him to review the tasks and helping me choose the order he wanted them done. This helped him understand that there was a problem that we needed to address. We worked on it and the problem was resolved ... re-prioritized.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all imagine the tasks that any of our Presidents have had, now or in the past, and resolve to work on a solution instead of complaining?

Many of us know, on a personal level, how family and friends can place demands on us and we don't like it one bit when they do. We feel frustrated and irritated because of it, especially if given several more tasks on what we already have. Look at the demands of any country's leaders. It's enormous compared to ours.

I read so many negative things about many political leaders and part of me thinks: do you know what they're up against to resolve "your" issues? Probably not. I feel confident that any solution to any problem would be appreciated by them, but I also feel there are those who prefer to be part of the problem with just complaining and not resolving anything. 

Maybe that's easier to do. 

My dad used to say that some people talk just to hear themselves talk. They were perpetual complainers and nothing productive would come from them.

He also used to tell us to think before we speak. I feel I know why now. If we take the time to think things out, we might solve our problems. It's what I did that day when I went into my employer's office and laid the list of emergencies on his desk and asked him to help me prioritize them. Instead of complaining, grumbling under my breath, I gave myself time to think about what I needed to do to resolve my conflict. It's then that I felt inspired to do what I did; to seek out his help.

If we all took time to think before we speak (or type), we may realize the multitude of tasks that anyone in leadership has ... along with the priorities that are needed to get them done ... along with newer emergencies that may arise that forces a re-prioritizing.

Yes, sometimes a major issue may need to take a back seat to another or other major issues. Just as I found out that day when my boss handed me a new task and said it was an emergency and needed to be done immediately. After he left my office, I realized it was only one of the few "emergencies" he had given me that needed to be done "immediately." With a deep breath, I sat and thought: which one has priority over another? Which one should be done first? That's when my intuition guided me into sharing my feelings with my employer and getting him to choose for me.

Wouldn't it be nice if our President had that option with us? Here are my tasks, prioritize them for me. It certainly sounds more productive then whining. Could anyone feel qualified to do it though? I don't think I could. 

Also, for the record, I'm not completely satisfied over any president's record while in office. However, I'm not happy with a lot of people's records either ... who hasn't had even one tenth the amount of responsibility. I didn't think Obama was qualified for the job, but I don't feel that warrants stabbing him in the back because of it.

Maybe the only difference with me is that I understand about tasks, emergencies, and priorities and I can appreciate the enormous amount that any world leader carries compared to mine.

I also understand that in order for anyone to succeed, support is necessary. That was a lesson I learned many times in my life when those I trusted turned their backs on me along with their support. It's not a nice feeling. 

I decided to put my priorities in order.

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