Friday, August 31, 2012

Intolerance: Are You What You Hate?

Are you becoming what you hate in others? When you push against intolerance are you not being intolerant in your own actions?

When you use hate to fight against hate are you not being what you say you despise? Are you not being hypocritical?

When you have people saying you are acting lower then the potential they think you are capable of (low life or any name we have all heard sometime in life) - are you?

Are you creating a limitation in your awareness because you yourself cannot open your own heart to receiving more ... outside your current awareness?

When we push our beliefs, our wants, our desires or our truths on another, that gives them the right to do the same. Why not? It's the same "right" for each side. The law of physics (Newton's Cradle) teaches us this.

It is a natural "animal" reaction to want to give back hate and intolerance with the same ... it's a base law of nature to want to do this for survival.

However, humans should, by now, be above all this. Shouldn't we? Have we not all evolved enough to be more humane and not react to that animal instinct within? Haven't we all grown up in our intellectual awareness to stop throwing temper fits?

Proving that you aren't a "child" and wanting to be treated like an "adult," one must practice what they preach or no one will listen. They may hear you but they won't HEAR you, because in their wisdom they will only see you as a child throwing said temper fit based on their awareness of things.

I was raised that when you want to walk and talk with adults you must present yourself as one too. This is not age restricted as we know there are children who act like adults and vice versa.

Tolerance must allow concessions to other's truth. We may not like it but it may allow a win win situation ... eventually ... if we truly believe in tolerance.

Next time you want to push your beliefs down someone's throat, ask yourself why you should not have the same.

You get what you give. Try putting yourself in their shoes. Their feelings are the same as yours because all reactions are based on love or fear. If it isn't love coming at you then what are they fearing?

See how that felt? What are they fearing? You have now allowed yourself an insight to another's character and the battle of wills is half won. The other half is resolving that fear with love.

It's up to you. Can you do it? Can you take on the challenge and not become what you hate? Can you resolve fear with love? Can you too learn tolerance?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tolerance Level Gone!

I think I just lost ALL levels of tolerance and patience today and I normally have a ton of both.

Looking up what I heard on the news about a man raping a 90 plus year old woman, I Googled it to know more (I didn't hear location) and the amount of hits about men raping women of that age (a little younger or older) around the world was staggering.

Excuse me, I will change what I said about "men" because real men don't do this (rape anyone). These are not men but low life, amoeba, scum of the earth and should be eradicated. Why not, they obviously aren't doing well in this life? A second go around in another life might be what is needed to make a better person out of them. Coming back into a woman might help too. Not like that hasn't been done already to create more issues within people. Think about it!

Oh wait, did someone say what would Jesus do? If his mother (or grandmother) was raped, I wonder what he would have done? If he didn't tolerated money lenders in the temple - well, you can finish that anyway you want.

However, sometimes you just get fed up with talking to walls and you want to knock someone's head into it instead!

And - don't get me started on children being raped! You've heard of the wrath of mother nature - well stand back!

Grrrrr - I need to get back to my Zen space before I hurt someone.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blaming ... Giving Away Your Power to Another

This is an excerpt from my true story book, Great Flame Within, about "allowing." It was only one of the many lessons that I shared in my book, which was taught to me by my first guide Danielle and later Boyaed and others, including Zabrona. It was taught to me twenty-five years ago this month and this lesson, albeit tough, taught me about not giving away my power to another by blaming, but accepting that there are things that I truly allow ... even if I didn't want to admit it.


That night my husband Hal and I got into another argument about metaphysics. Nothing unusual but afterwards, as I was calming down, I told Danielle that "he made me angry."

"No, Charlene, you made yourself angry." She said quietly. "By the way, I have that information for you on your visions. Do you want them now?" She asked patiently.

"No, I want you to explain what you just said. He did make me angry." I argued.

"In truth you did for allowing the anger. If you had not allowed his provoking, you would not have been angered."

She made sense but you would have to have the patience of a hundred saints not to be provoked by him. I silently agreed with her and then change the subject.

"Now, let's talk visions." I stated.


We can constantly blame another or empower ourselves by realizing that we can have control over a situation. We allow what we go through by putting ourselves in the path of what we say we don't. The lesson is why we may be doing that, so we can move on from it if we choose.
For instance, if we choose to be a bee keeper but we know we can get stung by the bees we keep in order to harvest honey ... it is still our choice to get stung.

Don't blame the bees for what they do because, in truth, we are allowing it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Pro Choice - Stop Warring and Whoring!

Let's get logical here! When mankind stops warring and whoring then they might suggest what I can do with my body when it comes to making a decision for my health or world health.

I don't dictate that a man should have his penis removed because he is a proven rapist so don't dictate to me about what I should or should not do to my body ... for any reason.

Example: If my arm has cancer a doctor will remove it to sustain the rest of my life. That arm will not be able to exist without the rest of my body to help. It's pretty much the same thing. Think about it ... before you tell a woman she has to sustain life that could cause her mental and physical anguish during and after.

Don't we have enough unwanted and starving children in the world? Stop bringing more life onto this planet until you can take care of what you already have. Just a thought for all those who are making laws. Look around at what these laws are doing.

Don't see too many adult decision makers making good choices either and YOUR children are watching and realizing that your actions ARE speaking louder then your words. Practice what you preach!

Stop pushing the blame on the innocent being used and attacked due to another's base desires. Clean up the mess at the root cause and there won't be later messes to clean up. Think about it!

Steps down from soap box.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

DNA and History Repeating :-)

In the beginning God created the earth and an abundance of flora. With the nature of flora as it is, it grew and grew and grew. What should God do?

So God created fauna to hold back the now overgrown flora. The very rich oxygen of the flora caused the fauna to thrive and they grew and grew eating away at the flora, so much so that God knew the flora would be gone and the fauna would not have anymore food.

He decided to create fauna to eat fauna and things were good again ... for awhile. Fauna eating fauna started getting out of control too, and the flora was running wild again, so God created man to oversee the earth.

Man was doing well with his job until he wanted company of his own species. Then God created a companion who began to reason on her own and did not want someone telling her she had to be a slave to another's whims. She thought all nature should be allowed to do what they were genetically programmed to do.

God said: fine, you can leave this paradise I have created for you. They both left thinking that life will be much better now that they didn't have to do chores for another, however eventually reality set in and it was determined they owed an apology to God because their chores were worse and their burdens were harsh.

God said, apology accepted, but you will continue to make your way on earth using your free will and reasoning.

The rest is history and history continues in like manner ... over and over and over again. Flora grows, fauna and man eat flora and fauna, and man keeps asserting it's ability to reason with it's free will.

Do you see the evolution of a young adult in this story? Reaching out to prove something? I can do everything and no one has wisdom but me? I sure did.

Now we can understand why history repeats itself, because this kind of genetic programming goes way, way back.

And the beat goes on! ;-)

Schizophrenic or Possession? A Stern Reply to Video Comment.

I meant what I said when I answered your first comment on this video, that you really need to investigate this subject further before going on a tirade of spouting uneducated and condescending comments on people's videos, like mine, that HAVE done research ... over 25 years of it.
You are not a doctor because every intelligent doctor will tell you that there is no proof to chemical imbalance, however thought does provoke reaction to the action. Yet, who's action are you really reacting to?
You want to act as someone who KNOWS, but I can tell you, because of my research, that there are many more that know the truth and are tired of the medical field overdosing people with pills that have harmful side effects, including suicidal thoughts and actions, and not curing anyone ... yes, anyone. Listen to other people who will tell you the truth, because doctors refuse to listen to them ... like Jani ... who is not just hearing voices and seeing things, but is being physically pained, which most want to ignore that part she is telling. Why is that? Because they don't list that as a symptom, so why address it? Besides, it's only in her mind. How does anyone know that if they are not in her mind and body to know what is going on? She will eventually stop telling people her truth because she will bend to their will ... their truth is more important. Why? Because she doesn't know any better ... she's a child that hasn't built up her own social awareness ... her life is limited in her perspective ... until she gets older, if allowed to get older, and discovers she has been a pawn to another person's will.
So pills are not the answer because there is no proof to what they are saying either ... so what is the answer? Maybe knowledge and not burying our head in a hole ... or drugs ... or video games?
You are right, it is not religion, it is history, thousands of years of history that has been turned into religion for the ego of man controlling man through fear, however science can be a help if they get off the bandwagon of religion themselves and come to terms with what it really is ... mind power ... another part of history.
There are government studies going on around the world, and have been for many years, to investigate this mind ability of ours but they won't tell you because they need guinea pigs in their scientific studies. Guess who suffers the most from these experiments ... the weak and the ignorant, but that is okay, we'll just give them pills, pat them on the head, and send them home calling them crazy behind their backs. So get your head out of dark and really investigate what you think you know but haven't got the slightest clue to what is really going on.
You keep popping those pills and doing anything else that destroys your body and mind, and stay completely unaware to this truth, they like people like that, they can be controlled more that way.
If you need further proof, I can send you many people who have been there done that. Or you can read my research from people who have written me here on YouTube with what they have gone through and came to me for help. Did it help them? Some. However, when you have a battle of wills (maniacal egos/government research/mind power fanatics/guinea pigs/sociopathic mentalities) going on, not everything will end immediately.
So, yes, religion only in the sense that it is history that has been converted into a fear base control. All I am doing, like many others, is taking the fear out of it by allowing awareness. I am not religious but I am aware and educated, only because I too have been there done that. You would know that if you had bothered to watch more then one of my videos on this channel. Something else to consider when you go to someone's channel. See what else they have to offer and then you will know what mentality you are dealing with ... as I did with your channels.
You can be offended with what I said to you, or you can use it to become more educated. Your choice. This "Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks - True Stories" book attach will help you understand that I mean business, or watching the attached videos to the Jani video as I suggested will share more stories from adults who have been attacked.
If you wish to remain belligerent, then deleting your messages and blocking can be still done. I only delete & block those that are disrespectful and vulgar. I don't allow it in my home so why should I allow it on my channel? Again - your choice.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Move on with love - not hate!

Feelings to move away from certain people because of disloyalty or uncaring attitudes is not the same as feelings to move away from all people to isolate or conceal yourself. People are important part of human interaction for learning and growth.

Your loyalty is to your own self preservation and happiness, yet if your happiness causes suffering in others, it may be time to consider your motivations in that too.

If you are not happy with the people around you, or they you, then move on. Why keep holding yourself back from being around people that show kindness instead of unkindness?

Release these people from your life with love - not hate. Part of letting go of "ego" is realizing defeat in a situation. It is better to allow defeat of a situation then defeat of yourself.

Better luck next go around - if you choose - because most everything you do is what you choose.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Are You Out of Your Ever Loving Mind?!

"Are you out of your ever loving mind?!" Isn't it amazing the things we hear or say without knowing the meaning behind it?

I hadn't heard that expression in a very long time, but I heard it this morning when someone said something really rude and sarcastic to me and someone else spoke that above sentence back at him.

Immediately, I received several fast emotions to let me know that when anyone who is like this (rude, unkind, disrespectful, sarcastic, etc.), they truly are out of their "ever loving" mind (soul). They have lost grace and the anguish of not being able to know how to get it back causes the negativity to keep flowing ... lost souls.

So, think about it. The next time you want to be "mean spirited," who are you really being mean to?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sexual Assault by Spirits. As Above - so Below.

I wanted to share with everyone what I was told by a male spirit one day when helping a young lady who was being sexually attacked by a spirit, a spirit who thought it was okay to do it "because they were soulmates" even though she was unwilling.

His comments shed some light on the issues that were going on around the world (she was not the first I had counseled with) and he also said that it was time to stop "whoring around like four legged animals" and be the "responsible guides" they were supposed to be. Maybe then we would not have all the aggravated sexual assaults going on around the world from many sources. Think about it.


He said: “why would anyone say they are a guide to a person, has been around this person all their life watching them grow up, and then want to now have sex with them? That would be no different then a parent, or any guardian, doing the same thing to their child, or anyone innocent to this truth, which is against the law in every civilized nation out there. Just because men (or women) do it to their children (charges) doesn’t make it right or moral, which is why laws were establish to keep from having a sexual free for all ... to tame the wild beast in many beings that don’t know how to control it themselves. A physical body has been manifested and rules established to provide guidance. Anyone not obeying that is just self-centered and immoral. Anyone who has thoughts going into their minds to do an illegal act, may want to pay attention to the facts. If caught, you will go to jail. If you think no one will find out, think again.”


This subject is not new, it has been around for a long time (incubus/succubus), however I do feel there are those who seriously wish we would all be more accountable. 

As above - so below. 

Be the Ant!

I got to thinking today why a world of so much intelligence is still in turmoil. Then I started looking at a lot of tweets on Twitter and I had an epiphany of sorts.

In my humble opinion, the problem with why things seem chaotic and unresolved in the world is that we all have our own agendas (egos). If you ever want to see what I mean, you read the Twitter tweets for just a couple of hours. Enlightening.

To continue, not unlike an ant colony which has ants doing different things but with one agenda. They place all their energy into getting the job done and if anything gets in the way, they send all the energy they can to the problem and resolve it.

Can you imagine if the world concentrated on a few problem areas at the time, placed all their energy into resolving things collectively and then decided what needed to be resolved next and then do it, what great team work we would have?

Look at what it takes to build a building. We seem capable of doing that with team work. What about international team work?

We can and have been capable of doing many things when crisis puts us to task. However, why do we need a crisis? Where's the collective thought that each nation can agree upon to keep peace on this planet? Oh, I know, ego again. It's my way or the highway.

Can we come to a conclusion that so many different agendas has us scurrying around like ants, resolving nothing because of it? Oh wait! Not ants, as they have one collective mind for one agenda.

People seem to be so worried about a new world order when they cannot even keep order within and around them. Maybe the ants have something.

And we humans call "ourselves" smart. Hmmmm....but we are smart, aren't we?

Instead of me, me, me we should all be about we, we, we! Twitter tweets - all about me and not about we. Well, unless "me" is at the front of the line.

Understand grasshopper? Be the ant! Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. And with that, I will tweet this.

Aesop's ants: picture by Milo Winter, 1888–1956