Friday, August 24, 2012

Pro Choice - Stop Warring and Whoring!

Let's get logical here! When mankind stops warring and whoring then they might suggest what I can do with my body when it comes to making a decision for my health or world health.

I don't dictate that a man should have his penis removed because he is a proven rapist so don't dictate to me about what I should or should not do to my body ... for any reason.

Example: If my arm has cancer a doctor will remove it to sustain the rest of my life. That arm will not be able to exist without the rest of my body to help. It's pretty much the same thing. Think about it ... before you tell a woman she has to sustain life that could cause her mental and physical anguish during and after.

Don't we have enough unwanted and starving children in the world? Stop bringing more life onto this planet until you can take care of what you already have. Just a thought for all those who are making laws. Look around at what these laws are doing.

Don't see too many adult decision makers making good choices either and YOUR children are watching and realizing that your actions ARE speaking louder then your words. Practice what you preach!

Stop pushing the blame on the innocent being used and attacked due to another's base desires. Clean up the mess at the root cause and there won't be later messes to clean up. Think about it!

Steps down from soap box.

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