Monday, December 30, 2013

An Evil Government Game Afoot?

Me thinks there is a government game afoot with Colorado legalizing marijuana. Think about it.
Eventually, the US government jumps on board and will have a way to get more taxes, pay off the deficit and create jobs or improve unemployment.
We haven't been able to resolve recreational drugs issues, including abuse of use, so let's make it legal and tax the people. I'm surprised they haven't legalized prostitution along with taxing and regulating this either. Look at the amount of revenue they could have from taxes in this area too. They would be swimming in revenue.
This would also help the medical fields that handle physical and mental welfare. Sure sounds like there's going to be more abuse physically and mentally. Good and bad in everything.
Unless you understand reverse psychology. For instance, if you can't fix stupid let stupid fix itself. Once it's legal it may not be so appealing. Right? What's the fun if you're not breaking the law anymore? What's the use if the government is making more money off of us? After all, why do we want to do anything for them. They're the government!! 
Maybe it's another way to decrease the population. Better keep off the streets ... go into hiding. We don't want the "zombies" getting to us.
Besides, how else would the government legally increase revenue to pay debts? Can't squeeze blood out of a turnip and they certainly are trying.
Yes, me thinks there is an evil government game afoot. First Colorado ... and then the zombies.
Disclaimer: Satire was utilized throughout this editorial. Maybe.

Friday, December 27, 2013

We Have A Sick Planet?

This just in on the news. The flu shots may help but influenza is building up resistance to the shots people are getting.
So ... if the flu doesn't kill you eventually the flu shot will?
This makes sense to me due to allergies. I had to have allergy shots once and my doctor was giving me what I was allergic to. However I kept having strong reactions to the shot, even with repetitive weakening of it. Eventually he said he couldn't reduce it any further and I would just have to get use to it or build up my immune system to my allergies naturally and with time.
I have heard and read where our bodies build up resistance to different medicines, so this would be no surprise to me. Even the common cold takes time to build up resistance to what is causing the cold so we heal from it based on our immune system and what we take for ease of our suffering.
Everything I ever hear is how our immune system eventually cannot or will not fight infection, disease, etc. This leads me to believe that we are going to prophetically eradicate mankind due to the need to fight what we can no longer fight.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger will eventually be a thing of the past because we will not have an immune system to fight off anything.
This makes me think about what guidance told me some time ago - we have a "sick planet". This also makes me wonder why we keep allowing it. I found this picture (below) on the Internet which explains what I felt when I heard those words.
We apparently keep creating life just to destroy it. A very vicious circle in my book. Think about it, what would you do if I said that I wanted you to have five children but only one will be allowed to survive? I will have to kill off two in a war, one in an insane drunken car accident, and one with cancer. The one to survive will live a long life but will fight off many diseases and pain and think it's blessed because of it?
Our programming is the problem. How can we reprogram in order to salvage and save us from more of this insanity? Have we really dug ourselves into a bottomless pit of repetive error in order to destroy all life on this planet?
Any opinions?

Any thoughts?

Any solutions?


Monday, December 23, 2013

Living in the Past

The universe works in mysterious ways. It's always showing us things in order to teach us never to assume. On my recent trip, this was being shown to me constantly in the changes I saw through the ship we sailed, the ports we visited as well as the things people were saying.

For instance, the ship had some bad reviews but I never saw anything bad. I had visited these same ports over two years ago and lots of changes had been made. My youngest daughter made a comment about me, that my oldest daughter had told her I had said, but I thought - hmmm, but how long ago did I say that because that's now changed. My husband was stating information about people that was outdated information, finally leading me to comment that he was living in the past and things change, including people ... constantly. I read a movie review but when I saw the movie it was not as bad as the review said. Maybe my expectations weren't as high.

All this kept reinforcing the things I have been taught by the universe: never, ever assume. I catch myself doing this too occasionally; thinking about something that could be outdated data, especially when someone asks me my opinion about travel advice. My advice now is: this is what I saw then but it was sometime ago and it's always best to do research on current data before doing something or making a decision.

I finally mentioned to guidance that all these recent thoughts seemed too numerous to be coincidental and was there a hidden meaning I needed to understand. I heard: "everything changes everywhere. Always search for current awareness. People shouldn't assume that anyone or anything hasn't changed ... given the time or opportunity. What was seen in the past, including prophecies, may have changed."

I felt that this meant many people and things will be here today but gone tomorrow. Time changes everything. Appreciate each moment. Discern with each moment. Never assume things are the same.

Also, I was told that our negative thoughts (opinions) can collectively create a "black hole" in which we keep projecting our feelings and maintaining truths that are outdated and should be eradicated to prevent us from constantly being sucked into this vortex of non-truths. I know that I'm not the same person I was twenty years ago much less lifetimes ago. I wondered how I would feel if collective thought prevented me from moving on. It made me feel sad.

Living in the past keeps us from understanding the now ... what's going on around us now. This can block our feelings which creates unreasonable judgments. I know our past is important to understand but I felt they were saying that we shouldn't be living in it, especially if unreasonable or hurtful.

Of course, understanding my past, and past lives, helped me understand the telekinetic attacks I've gone through all my life ... and still experience ... but as I, logically, explained to someone once: that and a dollar will buy me a cup of coffee. Understanding my past lives won't pay my bills. I still needed to live in the real world. 

I'm moving on or at least I'm trying to. I wish others would do likewise because the majority of the reasons I heard, that created my attacks, are past life related. However, it's also now because I help others move on from their past ... universally speaking. 

Lastly, I believe the universe was telling me that truth changes constantly and can change instantly ... never assume what once was will still be. It isn't logical to believe that anything or anyone will stay the same forever. When the sun sets it brings about promises of a new day. It's reminding us of a tomorrow to come and all the changes that come with it.  

This blog picture is from my cruise. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Coveting: Poor in Spirit

The other day I saw another "let's slam a corporation because I don't know what I'm really talking about" comment.
Ever since then, I was being constantly reminded and shown how these large corporations contribute to numerous charities to help those that would not have this help without their kindness.
I was even asked to look up Walmart as one of these corporations. This is what I discovered (below link). As in other corporations, Walmart contributes milllions of dollars annually towards charities all over.
Another thing I was told this morning was this: when we sit in disgruntled attitudes, we focus on our problems and not our solutions. We are reflecting our jealousy and discontent instead of the positive we truly wish to have; we negate ourselves.

Many of these people and corporations struggled to accomplish what they did. Not everything is as it seems. Not everyone was handed their fame or fortune on a silver platter. Walk a mile in their shoes before you judge them.
Also, as one of the ten commandments states: do not covet your neighbor's goods. When we do this, it may push us into disobeying another commandment - do not steal. I sense a lot of people's discontent, in another's fortune, because they want more than what they have including demanding others to give more than what they think they may be giving. I read it all the time: give me, give me, give me. To the point that I feel that they feel they have a right to another's possessions, with demands that are near to stealing.
Yes, stealing! Why? Because you haven't earned it, you're asking for it to the point of wanting to take it ... steal it.
Where has it been written that anyone has to give to anyone?  Life has never been fair. I repeat, throughout history life has never been fair. Yet, there are those who are trying to be ... including big corporations. They may even feel like giving more if they didn't feel that we demanded too much of them. Think about it.
Isn't it better to be kind to yourselves and reflect that kindness to the people around you? To be gracious for what you have and not disparage what you don't have? Changing your attitude may change your life. Maybe it's your attitude that causes another to withhold helping.
My life's experiences have shown me that the people who are truly poor are poor in spirit. When I was a child we did not have a lot of material things but we had a happy home. I can even remember in my early adult life, as a struggling, single parent trying to make ends meet but due to my childhood years, I knew what to do to stay positive. I didn't lament over what I didn't have but worked toward getting what I needed. It worked.
Remember, there's no pocket in that last shirt you wear ... that goes for corporations too. Greed isn't always those big guys. Are you wanting what you've earned or are you wanting what others earned?