Friday, December 27, 2013

We Have A Sick Planet?

This just in on the news. The flu shots may help but influenza is building up resistance to the shots people are getting.
So ... if the flu doesn't kill you eventually the flu shot will?
This makes sense to me due to allergies. I had to have allergy shots once and my doctor was giving me what I was allergic to. However I kept having strong reactions to the shot, even with repetitive weakening of it. Eventually he said he couldn't reduce it any further and I would just have to get use to it or build up my immune system to my allergies naturally and with time.
I have heard and read where our bodies build up resistance to different medicines, so this would be no surprise to me. Even the common cold takes time to build up resistance to what is causing the cold so we heal from it based on our immune system and what we take for ease of our suffering.
Everything I ever hear is how our immune system eventually cannot or will not fight infection, disease, etc. This leads me to believe that we are going to prophetically eradicate mankind due to the need to fight what we can no longer fight.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger will eventually be a thing of the past because we will not have an immune system to fight off anything.
This makes me think about what guidance told me some time ago - we have a "sick planet". This also makes me wonder why we keep allowing it. I found this picture (below) on the Internet which explains what I felt when I heard those words.
We apparently keep creating life just to destroy it. A very vicious circle in my book. Think about it, what would you do if I said that I wanted you to have five children but only one will be allowed to survive? I will have to kill off two in a war, one in an insane drunken car accident, and one with cancer. The one to survive will live a long life but will fight off many diseases and pain and think it's blessed because of it?
Our programming is the problem. How can we reprogram in order to salvage and save us from more of this insanity? Have we really dug ourselves into a bottomless pit of repetive error in order to destroy all life on this planet?
Any opinions?

Any thoughts?

Any solutions?


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