Monday, June 27, 2016

What I've Learned About Psychic Protection

Here's a serious piece of advice for empaths or spiritually minded people: you have to learn how to protect yourself from the influx of other's needs or you will definitely suffer. 

Many times, I've seen this blog picture being shared on social media. I can relate to it because I've felt sorrow due to sensing other's needs during my lifetime. I've even been sad without knowing why. But since learning to communicate, I've learned many things about where these emotions come from and about protecting myself.

I've learn that the world may be in need of repair but you're not always the one to do it. No matter how much you want to help, other people need jobs too.

I've learned that I, as an individual, cannot save the world and I shouldn't have to.

I've learned that if I am pulled in any direction, for whatever reasons, that's when I need to investigate and see if I'm being pulled into something fairly. Am I strong and capable enough to tackle this challenge?

I've learned that people's emotions will pull on you from all over and can overwhelm most anyone. Similar to a drowning person who may over power you and pull you down with them if you're not protected.

I've learned that when I pull away, I've often discovered that it wasn't my place to help someone. That I was actually interfering in their help or that I was possibly interfering in their karmic lesson.

I've learned to meditate and listen to the wisdom of the universe and to accept their no or yes, depending on each situation.

I've learned that others were being prepared to help and that can often mean some time is involved and they need to be patient too.

I've learned that sometimes the answer is no, just as it's been for me. Changing directions may be necessary. 

I've learned that, in following these guide lines, my emotional energy became more stable. Yes, I still deal with various forms of attacks, but I'm more aware in dealing with them.

I've learned that I needed to toughen my heart, so to speak, in order to protect it from those who don't care about it as much as I do.

I've learned that some may consider this advice shallow or callous but I call it being the calm in an emotional storm. It often calms the storm. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Democrats: Selling Out America

First, I like to start with stating these are my feelings and I'm not forcing anyone to believe anything. I'm only sharing what I've been sensing for a very long time.

In fact, I actually shared my feelings of uncertainty, about Hillary Clinton, to some people a long time ago and mentioned that I kept "seeing" this deceitful cloud around her that kept me from believing in her. Maybe it is only the saying: too much water under the bridge. Yet, I felt there was something she was hiding or something being blocked from me. Either way, I felt it wasn't good. Something was up and I wasn't allowed to know. No problem, I'll go with the idea that I'll know when I'm allowed to know.

Also, I like to state that I was a card carrying Democrat and fought and marched for ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) before it was a popular thing to do. This was when I was with the Business and Professional Women's organization from the 70's to the early 90's. It is when I, jokingly, told a fellow BPW member I'd vote for Hillary if she ditched Bill. This was the first time he ran for President. Then the infidelity scandals occured and I felt that Hillary didn't take the side of women being sexually harassed (something that women were still fighting strongly against) and these women were thrown under the bus - so to speak. She sold them out. But then, it's understandable, maybe forgivable to some, after all, she was also defending her position as First Lady. The heck with anything getting in her way, including protecting the fight on sexual harassment in the work place against women.

Today, I had another thought over this quandary I've been having with the Democratic party. I felt they were unconsciously selling out America. At least, I hope it's unconscious but thoughts do create. That's what got me thinking: what thoughts and what are they creating?

You see, it was not only my feelings but my logical mind saying things are not adding up. How can one profess to want equality for all, yet open our doors to other nations who don't feel the way we do? Especially those with deep cultural, or religious beliefs, knowing how history has shown us the chaos it can create through immigration. Unless that's their intent?

Obviously, as we know, there are deep convictions of those in other countries and it's understandable to be in shock or angry over our liberties that conflict with their beliefs. Some, seriously, look down on women's rights too. It's not unheard of for anyone to want to retaliate because of it. America has written history, in this regards, based on Native American issues and slavery issues. We must not forget how that turned out. Have they unconsciously invited negative karma upon us due to this history? Are some wearing blinders to keep from seeing this truth? After all, there are some who still feel we need to pay the piper.

Anyway, I'm still trying to get my thoughts together on my feelings but I know something's not right. Are the Democrats selling out America? Is Hillary Clinton? It's seems hypocritical. But then, it's understandable, maybe forgivable to some, after all, she is also defending her position as the first woman Democratic party presidential candidate. The heck with anything getting in her way, including selling out America's rights for women due to immigrating cultures who don't believe in them.

Picture from "this is common sense" website.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blame and Victimization

I had shared this picture on social media back in 2012 and thought it was worth sharing on my blog, along with an explanation of what I had been taught, about empowerment, by my metaphysical teachers.

It's often difficult to accept responsibility for most things that can occur in our life. Blame is easier. However, blame comes in and then victimization is normally the next phase.

Once we realize, in many ways, we allowed something, the Creator energy within us begins to empower us. Maybe it's too difficult to grasp for some. I can understand that too. I've even said - it's your fault. When I catch myself saying that, now, I do what I can to counteract it with - but I allowed it.

The reason for this is to empower me to create changes. To be in charge instead of being the victim. To empower me instead of giving my power away to another. Good or bad, it's my life. I'm creating it; all of it. Chose to be the creator, not the victim, of your life too.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Double-Edged Sword

A double-edged sword is a metaphor which means it can help you or hurt you.

For instance, we often want to keep those that we love at a distance to protect them from being hurt from what we're experiencing. However, this can backfire on us. When they no longer feel they are loved, they will leave. Keeping them from being hurt may now hurt us.

I, also, learned that it can backfire on us because we deny them their power. We want to protect them from the ugly side of life. This can lead to their impotence in dealing with adversity and keeping them from knowing how to help us when or if we need them.

When do we let go to allow them to grow?

In my true story book, Great Flame Within, The Story of a Forgotten Master, I shared a calendar of events of the many things that I was experiencing. In the May/June 1988 section, I had recorded that I went to see my sister in Miami. Because of the many things that I was experiencing during that time, I didn't write about the conversation we had, while I was there, in my book. But what occured changed my opinion about over-helping or over-protecting people and taught me a valuable lesson.

I was explaining about all the things that had been occurring. She was trying to be open-minded and telling me she understood and cared, but she added: I don't know what to do to help you, you were always the big sister that took care of us, not the other way around.

It was the proverbial light bulb lighting up my mind. By over-protecting, we deny those the power to help us and this dimension was no different. I then realized why I felt the need to teach. I understood that some may go willingly, yet some will learn the hard way. However, in my opinion, to deny anyone the education that's needed to empower them is a transgression against divine law.

As one of my teachers taught me: I don't want to be god for you; I want you to be god for you. Yes, you'll get the cuts and bruises but you'll also learn strength and fortitude. It's a double-edged sword.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Famous or Infamous: The Plot Thickens

Today or yesteryear, the characters change but the plots seem to remain. Especially, if you're a public figure. Let me explain, if you will, what I mean.

I was thinking about my paternal great-grandmother last night and how she inspired me. Without her being our family historian, I'm not sure I would have been into genealogy. Her maiden name was Seymour and it was her work, along with my dad's sister's research, that afforded me the links to our family tree on the Seymour side (plus much more).

Walking in their footsteps was serious but rewarding hard work, yet it taught me something more due to it: you cannot be a genealogist without learning history. Yes, there's royalty, famous or infamous public figures, in my family tree, but there's also the negative in being one that goes along with the fame and fortune that can carry on lifetime after lifetime. Even with my "somewhat public" life, I, ocassionally, get pummeled by negativity. So, I can feel empathy for those who are far more public than I am. The paranoia, backstabbing, murders, and plotting within past royalty was often horrendous.

Last night, when thinking about my ancestry, I was reminded about something guidance had told me, some time ago, about my husband's soul. They said he's a man of conviction. A strong soul. If he says he's going to do something, he will do it. They told me a story about how he was asked to go around King Henry VIII to calm his paranoid mind during his later years. They showed me how he did it and I know it took all his strength to help this King against all the adversity he was going through, but to no avail. The plots and subplots, conspiracies and backstabbing, were never ending.

Never knowing who to trust, and being constantly on guard, can wreak havoc even on the strongest of minds. Guidance explained that my husband's soul had also been deeply influenced by helping that life. This is one reason he has little trust for most people. You really have to prove your worth. This I know personally, it took a long time to prove that I was trustworthy. Now I understand why.

Anyway, I digress. Last night, I was looking into King Henry VIII, Jane Seymour and her brother Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset (non-direct ancestors). I decided to refresh my memory about Edward's life. I won't go into details about it but it's a good read on any cold or rainy day. The Wikipedia link below explains a lot, but suffice to say, when I read it, it had me thinking about today's political plotting in America with the name calling and back stabbing. All I could do was shake my head. In a nutshell, Edward lost his head, figuratively and literally, over being who he was: a royal involved with other royals and their paranoid schemes.,_1st_Duke_of_Somerset

If you look at that time period, you'll see an enormous amount of political and religious unrest. Sound familiar? See, some things never change. Based on America's current political season, many still haven't learned to handle their opposition with anything but the same things that were done in the past: plotting, mayhem and maybe even murder. History repeats itself because of soul programming and what we don't know can be used against us.

It's something the greatest prophets knew and why their predictions were timeless. Yes, we make them look great. Our plots (desires) seem to remain even when we're new characters in a new time: a neverending story. And, it's not just with public figures or royalty; they're just more notable and more easily recorded for history. However, being famous or infamous, past or present, can often make them easier targets for subjective and projected thoughts, as well as possession, possibly leading to losing their minds, their heads, or both.

And the plot thickens.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hamburg Massacre: Politics Then and Today

As the saying goes: live and learn. The picture is similar to one that a friend shared recently from his trip to South Carolina. After reading the caption on the sign, my natural curiosity took over and I wanted to learn more. I was shocked but not surprised at what I learned. When it comes to politics today, hate, fear and riots are still, apparently, used to win an election.

Maybe (?) American politicians don't actually set up a physical massacre but they don't object to utilizing the massacre of mind and soul to get elected and carry on their agenda. Yet, can we blame them without looking at ourselves too? After all, aren't we all part of that universal flow of thought and emotions? Aren't we all hypocrites when we point at their flaws that we have within us? Their lack of decency, hiding facts, shameful behavior, and being non-politically-correct can be attributed to the flow of energy in our world. Are we reaping what we sowed?

To continue, the Hamburg Massacre is a very interesting, but sad, story. Well worth the time to read about it. Sadly, the picture, that's on the Wikipedia link, is typical of that time period. I deplore the N word even when blacks say it to other blacks. As a child, I was corrected and scolded, by my mom, never to say it as it was a demeaning vulgarity that shouldn't be used. Today, some say a variation of it to downplay the word. I can understand their point but from my time period it still carries a deeper meaning that no amount of word-white-washing can erase ... and it shouldn't.

Excerpts: "It was the first of a series of civil disturbances, many of which Democrats planned in the majority-black/Republican Edgefield District, to disrupt Republican meetings and suppress black voting through actual and threatened violence. ~ The Democrats succeeded in "redeeming" the state government and electing Wade Hampton III as governor. During the remainder of the century, they passed laws to establish single-party white supremacist rule, impose legal segregation and "Jim Crow," and disenfranchise blacks by a new constitution in 1895. This exclusion of blacks from the political system was effectively maintained into the late 1960s."