Saturday, June 11, 2016

Double-Edged Sword

A double-edged sword is a metaphor which means it can help you or hurt you.

For instance, we often want to keep those that we love at a distance to protect them from being hurt from what we're experiencing. However, this can backfire on us. When they no longer feel they are loved, they will leave. Keeping them from being hurt may now hurt us.

I, also, learned that it can backfire on us because we deny them their power. We want to protect them from the ugly side of life. This can lead to their impotence in dealing with adversity and keeping them from knowing how to help us when or if we need them.

When do we let go to allow them to grow?

In my true story book, Great Flame Within, The Story of a Forgotten Master, I shared a calendar of events of the many things that I was experiencing. In the May/June 1988 section, I had recorded that I went to see my sister in Miami. Because of the many things that I was experiencing during that time, I didn't write about the conversation we had, while I was there, in my book. But what occured changed my opinion about over-helping or over-protecting people and taught me a valuable lesson.

I was explaining about all the things that had been occurring. She was trying to be open-minded and telling me she understood and cared, but she added: I don't know what to do to help you, you were always the big sister that took care of us, not the other way around.

It was the proverbial light bulb lighting up my mind. By over-protecting, we deny those the power to help us and this dimension was no different. I then realized why I felt the need to teach. I understood that some may go willingly, yet some will learn the hard way. However, in my opinion, to deny anyone the education that's needed to empower them is a transgression against divine law.

As one of my teachers taught me: I don't want to be god for you; I want you to be god for you. Yes, you'll get the cuts and bruises but you'll also learn strength and fortitude. It's a double-edged sword.

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