Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Truth Will Set You Free?

I, finally, decided to meditate and ask for guidance over a question that's been bothering me for sometime.

Q: Why do some people say our President lies or is a liar, but can't look at their own party's lies and manipulation? I'm not saying he's perfect but is my intuition off about this?

A: No, it's not off. How would you feel if you were constantly fed lies and then someone comes along and tells the truth? Even half-truths, due to national security, can be disconcerting over any deception one has bought into. People feel they have to belong to something or someone. Sometimes, they have been disappointed, misled, or even abused by those they thought cared about them. It hurt them, but out of some misplaced loyalty, they feel the need to defend or protect those who have done them harm. Including calling out others for what is actually occurring within their home or group. They don't want to believe the person or group they're in isn't good for them... failed them. They become defensive and point fingers outside of themselves or their group. You see, as long as people have fear and hate, it can blind or block their intuition... God's guidance. There are those who want people to be in fear and hate because of it. But God's truth will never stay hidden. One day people wake up to it. Only then can they free themselves. Generally, that comes about when they realize they've been allowing the lies and lying to themselves... when they can look in their mirror and admit it... when they can finally walk away.

Q: Is this a lesson for them?

A: It's a lesson for us all.