Thursday, February 21, 2013

"You NEED To" Really Means ...

I have listened to many people saying many things during my life, however not always are they saying what they really mean. Have you ever experienced this?

My dad use to say, "Say what you mean and mean what you say!" Yet, I have learned that this isn't always easy to do or that maybe we shouldn't say what we are feeling, because then my mom's saying would pop into my mind: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

In the past I, normally, would respond to what they were saying but not what they were meaning (feeling) and I found this can and has seriously complicated a conversation.

Now, I try not to respond right away, the best I can, and try to connect to the truth of what this person is really saying using universal truth. This can still be daunting because you know you might still step on someone's toes due to the fact that they are really asking you to agree with them.

Then there is that passive approach of: I see, yes, I understand, not too sure yet, or my favorite, whatever. It can backfire if they think you are agreeing with them: well, you didn't say no!

My latest pet peeve is the statement someone can say that starts out as: You NEED to...

I have discovered that what they're really saying is: I WANT you to...

This is the main reason for this blog. I must have heard this several times from family or friends in the past few weeks that had me thinking: do I "need to" or what would be a better response to this statement then a passive approach?

Also, while hearing someone say this, "you need to," I was getting negative emotions off the universe. I decided to have a conference with my guidance and see if there was a better way of handling this situation, as well as not receiving their emotions anymore of: no you don't!

This is when I was told the proverbial quote of dying and taxes. Then I was advised of the basic NEEDS all species have of love, food and shelter that I learned in school. I was also advised to go to the Internet to research this word and I found this chart of our NEEDS that I posted for anyone reading this blog. This chart is our basic NEEDS making everything else WANTS.

To continue, I really didn't want to have a confrontation by telling someone that their need for me was really their want for self. What could someone say to change their perspective of their demand without creating an argument?

Yes, at times, a confrontation may be unavoidable. It may be best to just say how I felt, regardless, but keep it short and sweet.

I've decided it was best to take the bull by the horns and drawing it back to them by just politely saying: What you really mean, (say their name it draws attention back to them) is that you WANT me to do such and such. Then I can quickly add: I'll do what I can or I'll think about it.

By making them see the truth in their words it will really help them in their own honesty of their feelings. Hopefully this will help them see that they are expecting something from another that could be an unreasonable request.

It can also open that door to what they should do to help in this want of theirs. If they want it, what are they/he/she going to do to see it is done? This also will put the majority of the responsibility of said want back on them and not always on me.

Of course, everything is in the moment - go with your gut feelings, because some will not want anything but an argumentative agreement regardless.

However, if an argument does ensue I can always use one of my daughter's friend's quotes: when did you start paying my bills? It's a strong way of saying that they are out of line with their demands.

Remember, when someone says that "you need to" they are really saying "they want you to" and they are placing the responsibility on you to do something. It is their want which means it is their initial responsibility until you agree to terms of their want. Once you agree, be responsible on your end.

Be prepared; you might want to review this list of hierarchy of needs first.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Gift for a Spirit Guide - Boyaed

Over twenty-five years ago one of my first spirit communication, automatic writing and voice channeling classes graduated and my spirit guide, known to everyone then as Boyaed, received a Busch Gardens sweat shirt gift from two of our students.

The students were husband and wife and both worked at Busch Gardens. They told me they wanted to say thanks for all they had learned by us and they gave this sweatshirt as a gift in our last class.

The shirt size is an XXL because those that were able to see him, as I did, knew he was a big guy - even in spirit. They presented it to me but told me it was for him but they knew I would wear it for him.

This was a big chuckle for all the students in the class and has become one of my most endearing memories, especially because it has a big Panda Bear on it. Maybe they thought he reminded them of a big cuddly bear. :)

All these years later, I decided to wear it again last week. I may have worn it a dozen times in all those years because living in Florida it doesn't get that cold to wear it more often. I'm sure that has helped in the lack of wear on it.

Anyway, my husband couldn't remember me wearing it before and asked me about it. I told him the story behind it and he said I shouldn't be wearing something that was so special, so it doesn't get ruined.

That got me thinking about telling this story and sharing the picture of it. I did tell this in my true story, "Great Flame Within," but this is a shorter version and it has a picture of the front of the sweatshirt that is not included in the book.

Thanks for letting me share this special story. I hope it made you smile as it does me when I think back on that day.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Someone "Out There" Just Doesn't Like You

Yes, someone "out there" might not like you and could be attacking you, because we do not live in this universe alone, but you could have someone "out there" defending you too. That type of scenario could be what people say as being between a rock and hard place.

This morning I was having another loin (a word I never used until 25 years ago) attack, which started many years ago over my guide wanting to do a walk-in for me. There was such an argument over it, in the universe, that Jesus finally said, "Enough! Allow the love of the loins for these two soul mates." (This entire argument is in my true story book, Great Flame Within.)

And so the argument ended, yet it actually didn't. It ended that night but it continued covertly.

For you see the jealousy that ensued during and after that Universal All Call started my "loin" attacks with many vulgar words being heard by me and used by "them" during the attacks ... even with hateful demands to do this or that "or else" (most of which are mentioned in this same true story).

I did do what was being asked of me to do, at first, until I realized that no matter what I did, or said, that nothing would end this insanity that was coming at me. For you see, I was just a puppet to them and their insane joy was "pulling my strings."

I, of course being true to my stubborn self, did not choose to obey their commands and, because of it, suffered the many atrocious and vulgar attacks that came my way, eventually realizing that most of the things that occurred in my life were due to previous attacks by them. This allowed forgiveness on my part and angered them even more. Their relentless attacks to me and others were actually creating what Jesus also said in that same All Call: "relinquish your fears or you will be owned by them."

My life continued, I learned by all who came around me: that attack me or offer teachings and support. I kept my sanity by staying grounded in my 3D reality and staying busy ... among other things ... and eventually started building up a force of collective spirits that came to my rescue and even began protecting me. Safety in numbers.

Eventually I learned, due to the Internet and other sources, that many people were "awakening" and some also were or had been attacked.

One day it was suggested that these spirit beings around me (and possibly others) were also being used to hurt me and they should be removed. Yes, their minds, while asleep, could and has been used against me, however, we could have any minds used against us because our planet is surrounded by many minds ... spirits and physical ... of all species. Would it not be best to have a few minds that are awake and alert to protect while others sleep? This would be most logical to me.

This now brings me to my spirit protectors and a conversation I heard this morning that made me proud.

Male Voice: You either do what I told you to do or I will keep attacking you ... as I've been telling you for years. Do it!

Me: Kiss my ass and go to hell.

Spirit (female yelling): you heard her, she commanded you too. Why aren't you doing what SHE said? Huh?

Things went quiet around me but I could sense impotent anger from the male. However isn't that what some bullies do when confronted?

I thought: exactly, don't dish it out if you can't take it! Why should I do what you command without you accepting that you have to do what I command? Made sense to me.

Don't think that went over so well - hence the quiet. Yet, it proves a point that we cannot avoid many minds around us. Even any lesser minds that are willing to learn, and even if that learning is protecting, then why not? Why shouldn't they be allowed to learn even if that learning may induce more attacks? Because ... one day ... they will be stronger, more forceful and be a serious protection ... just because someone cared.

Then you can say: someone out there does likes me. A lot of someones. ;-)

If you care to read the true story it is currently available in many styles: print, ebook or .pdf at my Lulu website, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. You can just Google the title.
This blog was to only show what I learned from what I went through and that you too can stand strong during adversity - with help. No one ever expects anyone to go it alone, which is how I felt it was with me. However, I learned this was not the case and this morning's conversation proved it again.
We are not alone, even when we think we are.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let It Be!

Strange occurrence should be normal to me but I still get a thrill when situations like this occur.

I was getting ready for bed tonight thinking of a personal situation that I am bouncing back and forth - waiting for an answer or inspiration.

Then, strangely, I began to think of Yoko Ono and her recent trip to the US which then changed to me thinking about John Lennon.

It was a brief moment afterwards thinking about him, and wondering about how he was doing, that this song came on the radio.

I think I got my answer. Listen to the words of the video I found on YouTube. :)

Try, Try Again!

I saw something the other day about the similarities between Jesus and other people from the past.

It amazes me that there are those that find the similarities in these lives as being ludicrous - hence false or imaginary.

Hasn't anyone ever heard: if at first you don't succeed, try, try again?

Maybe there wouldn't be such a repeat in history if we got it right the first time ... or maintained what we learned.

Pay attention to the ones we want to "crucify" and hear what they are really saying not what you think they are saying.

These same teachers, even today, that are spreading the teachings of loving one another that do not have a big ego or self motivation.

No, I, personally, do not believe in unconditional love because even these teachers returned to teach love and this in itself is a "condition" which keeps them returning to teach nearly the same thing - over and over.

Maybe we might get it this time around. It might keep them from repeating themselves and returning to try, try again.

Disclaimer: I am not claiming that the above are factual occurrences, just that it is plausible to repeat history and most of us have had evidence of this in our lives.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sylvia Browne - Don't Drink the Koolaid

I was actually looking for something else today and found this website (link below) about psychic Sylvia Browne that I thought worth sharing after I read the research that was done on this site about her.

I first saw her on the Montel Williams show after I was "awake" and even then I felt doubt coming off the universe about her. Recently my sister-in-law had given me a lot of her books and told me she couldn't get into reading them. I took them home but also started feeling the same way.

Messages coming off the Universe were advising me to only scan her latest book and then I saw where she had mentioned that she did not remember what her guide said when she had full body channeled her. Ah-ha! Maybe that is why I was sensing the reason for the negativity my guides were giving me. Deceit was what I felt. The same deceit I had felt in others that had said the same thing.

Of course, people will believe what they want, but I called my sister to ask her if she wanted the books and her words: "no, she's a fake."

Oh - ok - move on to how to unload them with not feeling I should now. Now what? Yes, people will believe what they want but do I need to feed into it? Should I trash them or donate them - knowing what I now know? Maybe I need to understand all this more myself.

This entire scenario with her is appearing to me as a lesson: that going alone, and not being part of a support group, is not being allowed for a major reason. God's check and balance works in all worlds. It keeps the ego in balance - preventing huge egos. Egos that are more controlled by fame and fortune then love and truth. We sure seem to be experiencing this around the world in many professions.

Could this be the reason of her failures in prophecy? I too feel the need to ask the question - why is she still "out there" with her record of always being wrong?

Then I look around the world and realize that even with all the Internet sources for research there are those that may not have the mental capacity to think - "hmmm, this doesn't feel right, I will look this up to prevent something or someone controlling me."

Could the lesson be gullibility? I see this so often that I shake my head in despair, but the few times I did what I could to share my knowledge with someone I was snapped at - "what do you know!?"

Doesn't make me want to intercede with people like that if they are not open to communicating. I may not always be right but I do know, in this moment in time, who will win in an accident between a human and a truck. Get it?

Maybe they are blocked from thinking intelligently due to their guidance - or lack of guidance - through life. Keeping people in the dark makes them easier to control - to manipulate.

Maybe they are more concerned on who is winning on what Internet or video game to even care - they would rather play then think.

Maybe it's all lessons we all need to understand about giving our power away and she was, among others, just a wake up call to show us our inner self. "Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread."

Maybe it's because of what my husband told me the other day: "some people don't want to do anything but follow, they don't want to be leaders."

All I can say to that is: I hope they don't drink the "Koolaid."

Addendum: Sylvia Brown died on November 20, 2013. May she rest in peace.