Saturday, February 9, 2013

Someone "Out There" Just Doesn't Like You

Yes, someone "out there" might not like you and could be attacking you, because we do not live in this universe alone, but you could have someone "out there" defending you too. That type of scenario could be what people say as being between a rock and hard place.

This morning I was having another loin (a word I never used until 25 years ago) attack, which started many years ago over my guide wanting to do a walk-in for me. There was such an argument over it, in the universe, that Jesus finally said, "Enough! Allow the love of the loins for these two soul mates." (This entire argument is in my true story book, Great Flame Within.)

And so the argument ended, yet it actually didn't. It ended that night but it continued covertly.

For you see the jealousy that ensued during and after that Universal All Call started my "loin" attacks with many vulgar words being heard by me and used by "them" during the attacks ... even with hateful demands to do this or that "or else" (most of which are mentioned in this same true story).

I did do what was being asked of me to do, at first, until I realized that no matter what I did, or said, that nothing would end this insanity that was coming at me. For you see, I was just a puppet to them and their insane joy was "pulling my strings."

I, of course being true to my stubborn self, did not choose to obey their commands and, because of it, suffered the many atrocious and vulgar attacks that came my way, eventually realizing that most of the things that occurred in my life were due to previous attacks by them. This allowed forgiveness on my part and angered them even more. Their relentless attacks to me and others were actually creating what Jesus also said in that same All Call: "relinquish your fears or you will be owned by them."

My life continued, I learned by all who came around me: that attack me or offer teachings and support. I kept my sanity by staying grounded in my 3D reality and staying busy ... among other things ... and eventually started building up a force of collective spirits that came to my rescue and even began protecting me. Safety in numbers.

Eventually I learned, due to the Internet and other sources, that many people were "awakening" and some also were or had been attacked.

One day it was suggested that these spirit beings around me (and possibly others) were also being used to hurt me and they should be removed. Yes, their minds, while asleep, could and has been used against me, however, we could have any minds used against us because our planet is surrounded by many minds ... spirits and physical ... of all species. Would it not be best to have a few minds that are awake and alert to protect while others sleep? This would be most logical to me.

This now brings me to my spirit protectors and a conversation I heard this morning that made me proud.

Male Voice: You either do what I told you to do or I will keep attacking you ... as I've been telling you for years. Do it!

Me: Kiss my ass and go to hell.

Spirit (female yelling): you heard her, she commanded you too. Why aren't you doing what SHE said? Huh?

Things went quiet around me but I could sense impotent anger from the male. However isn't that what some bullies do when confronted?

I thought: exactly, don't dish it out if you can't take it! Why should I do what you command without you accepting that you have to do what I command? Made sense to me.

Don't think that went over so well - hence the quiet. Yet, it proves a point that we cannot avoid many minds around us. Even any lesser minds that are willing to learn, and even if that learning is protecting, then why not? Why shouldn't they be allowed to learn even if that learning may induce more attacks? Because ... one day ... they will be stronger, more forceful and be a serious protection ... just because someone cared.

Then you can say: someone out there does likes me. A lot of someones. ;-)

If you care to read the true story it is currently available in many styles: print, ebook or .pdf at my Lulu website, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. You can just Google the title.
This blog was to only show what I learned from what I went through and that you too can stand strong during adversity - with help. No one ever expects anyone to go it alone, which is how I felt it was with me. However, I learned this was not the case and this morning's conversation proved it again.
We are not alone, even when we think we are.

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