Monday, January 1, 2018

Tough Love

My friend, Janelle, allowed me to share her beautifully stated words a year ago on Facebook. As I was reading them again, I decide to blog what she shared because I agree, completely, and thought others might be helped by them. 


Forgiveness is for the person who was wronged, not for he who has wronged.

It is a peace of mind and heart for the person who has been harmed. So it is important to love and to forgive and it is important to also never forget.

Ever hear the saying "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"?

Forgetting means that we may suffer the same pain and lesson over and over until we remove the thing, person, or situation that keeps us falling into the same pattern.

This is harmful and unecessary.

Ask yourself "When am I going to learn"?

No amount of love for someone should keep you in an abusive or toxic relationship. Forgetting that toxicity will hurt you permanently or worse.

I've met too many people who've wanted to end their life because they wanted to change someone or make it work with family, a friend, a boyfriend, or even with alcohol and drugs.

Life can never be trouble free. Problems make us stronger, if they don't kill us. But many problems, you choose to allow in your life.

Honor the boundaries you set.
Honor your goals.
Honor those who honor you (but don't excuse abuse).
Love and honor yourself.

It's tough love time for the collective forces who wouldn't want to be treated the way they treat you.