Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hidden Treasures

Need a pick me up ... a temporarily escape from life and it's troubles? Then read a refreshing, romantic, short story called Hidden Treasures.

Preview available at link below as well as reviews. Also available in .pdf or ebook.

Synopsis: There are hidden treasures in this story to be discovered by each reader. A story about someone that had no hope for getting over a hurt of a lost love or being able to love again. Someone that needed to find herself, before she allowed love to come back into her life, and not knowing if she ever could or would. It is a refreshing story that the young as well as the young at heart can read and it will leave the reader with the feeling that there are even more hidden things to be uncovered.

Introduction Excerpt: This story has some of my own feelings that I developed during my life but all the characters are a figment of my imagination except the flash backs to Italy. I used my visit to Italy, as a child, to enhance the story

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

God or Man?

I had an epiphany a little while ago about something I read earlier on Facebook, regarding someone's beliefs on a subject, comparing it to Biblical passages. It made me think of all those on this planet that have, or had, opposing views, but also say: God said.

Opinions are appreciated but please keep them nice ... if not educated. I would really appreciate you tapping into your personal feelings without using "religious quotes" please. Thanks.

This is the epiphany/message I received:

Since we are all children of God receiving his divine guidance (because it feels right to us and we're good people), then wouldn't this same principle be applied to all those "religious opinions" from the past? All those feeling others had which were written down in the name of God: women servitude, slavery, abuse, justified murder or dismemberment, etc.?

Yet, Jesus comes along and say: this is no longer true, change is needed, and preaches to the masses of new doctrine which got him crucified for his opinions ... even though God said it too ... he was just a messenger.

We have current day concepts that are, once again, trying to be revised from the past? Maybe not all, but certainly points of views to make us think. After all, God isn't static or He wouldn't have needed to revise anything by sending us Jesus ... and others since. Think about it.

So, maybe God is trying to tell us something again, but again we keep quoting the past ... living in the past. Once again we feel crucifying people is necessary to maintain past points of view instead of using current common sense. Instead of asking God ... really asking God ... what's His current opinion.

Or ... could He be allowing us to use our free will to fight it out between us ... now as then? Whoever wins ... wins. He's not saying anything to anyone and all these books are man's point of view ... man's law ... from whatever time period.

Not Everything You Hear is True

Last night, my husband and I watched The Buddy Holly Story and between watching the movie, and irritating him by singing along with the songs, I was looking up information about his plane crash death, etc.

I discovered a web page this morning talking about Buddy Holly and the distorted data of his life within the movie. What caught my attention was the title of the blog ... Stories: Not everything you hear is true.

Many, many times, during my life, I have heard that producers and directors took "creative privileges" during the making of a movie. As many times during my life, I've heard people say: it's a true story movie, so it must be true. 

Deep breath. It's as if people need to sensualize data to sell tickets. Lie and they will believe ... because we said so ... we are the puppeteers! Jeez! What do they care? The thoughts were seeded and the damage was done ... and they made money too.

Today, to cover their butts on their creativity, they now declare it's: loosely based on a true story.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Broken Record: Channeled Messages

Broken record: annoying repetition, as likened to a scratched phonograph record that repeats the same brief passage over and over.


This may be a problem for some to understand, who never owned or used a record player in their lives, however during my youth it's all we had, and what was irritating was when a record got scratched, the needle hitting the scratch would make the record repeat that section over and over until you physically moved the needle.

Current day "channeling messages" reminds me of those old records due to the subject matter repeating itself of the same things I've heard twenty five years ago and since ... nay, since the 60's ... it's the same subject with only miner changes. If anyone has been listening to them, as I have, this would be apparent to them as it is to me.

I don't want to sound harsh with these "ascended masters" but I feel like telling them that they need to s**t or get off the pot. I hear or read their "wisdom" channeled through chosen "messengers" and all my mind is doing lately is saying: yada yada enlightenment yada yada yada peace yada salvation yada yada ascension yada yada yada dimensions yada yada ... no matter who they channel. To say it's getting old and nowhere is an understatement to how I truly feel right now.

Groan! Please ... someone unstick the record ... please! The music industry has changed more than this message. We're supposed to be awakening people not putting them to sleep.


We are all psychic, only some are more aware of, or use, their potentials more than others. Using their brain in a higher capacity than holding their ears apart.

If you want to disparage that word, as if it's a bad thing, then please keep in mind that this points a finger towards everyone ... including animals, etc., that have a brain.

Definition of psychic comes from psyche which means mind/soul. Every creature on earth that has a mind (soul) has a capacity of sensing or knowing things.

1. of or pertaining to the human soul or mind; mental (physical).
2. pertaining to or noting mental phenomena.
3. outside of natural or scientific knowledge; spiritual.

credit for photo unavailable

Monday, February 24, 2014


When does one learn to stop believing everything they hear, read or see? It's almost as if they provoked gullibility because they want to believe ... some inner voice that desires a truth that isn't truth ... wishing it to be so ... trusting their wants/desires instead of the facts ... instead of actuality ... that they fall victim to it over and over again. 

Worse yet, are those who don't want to admit they allowed gullibility and keep perpetuating the same crime that was done to them. They jump on the bandwagon of ignorant self-righteousness to make that puzzle piece fit, but no matter how many times they beat that drum of indignation ... because they know what they know ... those really in the know won't hear it.

When we stop trusting that "people in the know" don't always know everything, or they say that they care more for us when they really care for themselves; when we learn that we shouldn't trust others as much as our intuition/instincts/sixth sense/gut feelings, we may finally stop this insanity.

How many more times do we have to attempt kicking the football, like Charlie Brown, knowing, deep down inside, someone is not to be trusted ... not going to hold it steady? When do we start taking a moment to back away from any situation to allow the flow of divine truth (or whatever one wishes to call it) to permeate our minds to guide us?

When do we finally accept that these people exist and tell ourselves ... not this time Lucy!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Internet Drama

I've been a drama mama before I realized how detrimental it was to my well-being. I still have my occasional drama but I've learned not to dwell on it or live in it.

Today, guidance advised that posting extreme drama on the Internet doesn't always fix the problem, as some may feel, because it just keeps the energy stirred up like a tornado. Kind of like a child throwing a temper fit and the reaction it creates. Yes, it will get attention but doesn't always help, especially if the drama becomes a continuous energy depletion to those around us. Sure it gets it off one's chest but the problem is still there. Wouldn't it be more important to spend one's time and energy looking for solutions instead of creating more issues?

If I sense someone's asking for help but not doing anything, even with suggestions on what to do, I walk away. They're not wanting help, they're wanting others to do all the work.

It took me awhile but I learned to help where I could, when I could and however I could, without it becoming a drain to my energy. If I start sensing too much too often, I back away. This may sound harsh, but I've also learned that others lives are important but not as important as mine.

I learned that through guidance too: can't be here to help others if you're not here.

Sensible advice. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What's in Your Soul Genetics?

I shared this comment (below) when a friend shared this attached link on her Facebook timeline. 

When it comes to the many experiences one has in a lifetime, it's not always something seen. What's in your soul that makes you unique from others?

~~~~~~~~~~ Comment

I always think of soul/mind transference when I hear words like: they're butting heads like rams, stubborn as a mule, eats like a pig, breeds like rabbits, etc.

Since we are all so unique and difference, even in large families, that would describe, at least to me, the essence of the soul incarnated, which has an influence on the new body/mind, whether that be human or not.

That would possibly explain why things happen to people in a family that doesn't happen, or hadn't happened, to any other family member... including infants or children.

Or a possible thought transference to the unexpected, creating issues within the innocent mind.

The mind is so powerful in beliefs that we have bought into a cold and flu season and every year we have one and wonder why.

Mind over matter? Past life minds (souls) over matter? Sounds like a possibility to me... including all minds of lower life forms.

The next time you hear someone saying, you're acting like a Neanderthal, you might want to ask if someone's trying to tell you something. ;)

What's in your soul genetics? 

It may not always be ancestral unless... a family that plays together stays together.  ;)

Another theory of mind is that the medical field is huge and varied. Someone has to be the guinea pig or patient, in order to support their needs or there would be no need for their services. 

Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.


Link: Scientists have found that memories may be passed down through generations in our DNA

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guidance and Empowerment

I have wonderful guidance. They direct or guide through me, but if they sense others are not applying their own inner talents, not doing as directed, or utilizing them too much, they pull away.

When I once questioned this, I was told that they empower and do not desire to take another's power.

To me, the feeling I got was like a parent teaching a child to walk and occasionally letting go of the child's hands; allowing them to fall down, until they eventually become strong enough to stand and walk on their own.

Not deserting but standing by assisting when necessary until they get it ... assisting so the walk becomes a run .... pushing at them to get it ... and feeling proud when they do.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kindness: To Give or Not Give

"You can never do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."


This morning I posted the above quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, on my Facebook timeline, and was promptly reminded by guidance of my universal training. A long time ago, I was taught about when we should give help to another and when we shouldn't. Numerous situations over the past week, along with my "reminder" today, prompted me to blog about this subject. 

Many people attach conditions to their kindness ... even unconsciously. Allowing kindness for another should be done with the heart (it feels right) and no expectation of anything returned ... unless there is a prior agreement.

For instance, I'll watch your child today if you can watch mine Saturday. However, even with agreements there can be upsets. Saturday can roll around and someone could be ill, so it's best not to get yourself into that situation if at all possible.

Situations like this can lead to one feeling as if they have been used or someone taking advantage of their kindness, especially if it happens repeatedly. One can only give what they have logically to give and only they know where to draw the line of it feeling "being giving or being taken" in any situation.

No one likes to feel used, but always remember that when you start feeling this way: you still allowed it. Yes ... you did. You can play the blame game but what you're really blaming is yourself because you decided to attach strings to your kindness.

Furthermore, I learned that our ego, of doing kindness for someone, may be inappropriate or dangerous. We may not be ready or prepared to do what is asked of us. We should never be made to feel guilty, either, when denying a request because, by backing away, it could ultimately lead the requester into finding the help that is more appropriate. By standing in that path, and blocking this help from another, we can be caught up in a energy-depleting scenario for everyone concerned, because they may quit looking for that proper help elsewhere ... thinking you are their savior when you're not. This may drag all parties involved into a negative situation because someone got in the way; instead of truly being prepared to do what's right for another. Everyone may lose.

When you feel doubt about doing kindness for another, that could be your inner awareness/guidance talking. Listen to it and don't let your ego stand in the way of more proper or available help being given elsewhere by another or others. The life you save could be your own ... because you weren't strong enough, financially sound enough, overwhelmed in other areas you are helping, or educated enough to do what's asked of you.

If you feel confusion, meditate on it. Give it a few hours to deliberate before deciding. Just to make sure it's your feelings and not another's feelings being subjected to you to do their bidding. Logically, we should all know what we're capable of doing or giving, however in an age where many feel "entitled" to another's kindness, it can be overwhelming. 

Listen to your intuition ... your inner guidance ... it shouldn't feel negative if you're doing the right thing for all concerned. 

The Universe knows the truth.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chakras: Why I Don't Believe

When I was first awakened into the realm of Metaphysics, I studied all I could on everything available. I studied astrology, tarot, numerology, dream interpretation, auras and chakras. I realized, as time continued on with my awareness, that they all have a basis of truth but have a lot of flexibility in its interpretation depending on what one uses or teaches.

However, among all those topics, I will only discuss chakras at this time.

I won't go into a long discourse on it's beginnings; like astrology, it's been utilized for a very long time and interpretations are on the Internet. In fact, it's my feelings, that the original meaning may have become distorted over time, as is many cases. They may have been utilized, in the beginning, due to a lack of a better understanding of our human form ... in order to explain what may have been unexplainable otherwise, at that point in time.

The chakras represents energy. There are, supposedly, seven main ones represented by a color and wheel. The wheel is considered an energy field that if not aligned with the others may create illnesses. These energy fields, apparently, turn like a wheel ... like the earth orbiting around the sun ... like electrons orbiting an atom's nucleus. It makes me think of pictures of the spiral of a universe.

Anyway, a long time ago I met an "out of this world" metaphysical teacher who told me that these manifested energy fields are in relationship, or near relation, to many major organs of a human body and there's much more to human healing than this. He began to ween me off of that belief system by explaining what he knew of the universe and healing. 

You see, as he explained it to me back then, if we are composed of energy, that is manifested by thought, brought into physical being we call 3rd dimension, then we are a compound of energy throughout our human form and not just this ideology that we have today called chakras ... and only seven or so main ones. We are energy all over and can create discord or disease all over our body. He told me that our entire body, for example, would then be considered like a universe with all major organs representing planets within the universe. 

We know these organs are not straight up and down as depicted in current charts. We also know that hormones and chemicals regulate our bodies. We are also challenged daily by our environment. If we keep thinking that aligning seven chakras will heal us, then we will be repeatedly disappointed.

His teachings showed a way of looking into my universe (body), finding what is negative within it (represented, to me, by black or red) and see what the universe accepts as healing for that area ... always asking for permission/guidance ... until the energy of the area is clear (healed); which could take time in some things.

I wasn't aligning chakras but looking for a particular place that needed attention. There's a lot involved in all this but, hopefully, that's keeping the explanation as simple as possible.

Now, if you still wish to call that energy place in your body a chakra, that's fine. However, I'm sure it won't be in a straight line and it won't necessarily be a particular color unless your mind has manifested it to be so. The energy field could be to the right or left of it. It could also be in a joint and not an organ. I like to call it what it is: heart, intestines, gland or whatever. Knowing the human body does help and when I'm not sure I ask a friend who does. I like to keep my options, as my awareness, open to support from many sources.

To continue, one of the biggest things that many of my guides have done is questioned the logic of a "root chakra" needing to be raised in order to reach enlightenment. This was also a old school philosophy that one could not be a sexual being and be an enlightened master too. This has been proven many times to be a fallacy but it is still being taught and to them it is another object that gets in the way of truth.

For instance, I didn't know much about what needed to be done for balance, etc., when I first heard a voice in my mind. Mind communication is part of enlightenment and I was far from being a "master" at it when that occured. Many think that by raising their "kundalini" that causes instant enlightenment. 

This is not true. As in anything in life, it takes learning a direction and mastering it ... all of which takes time.

In closing, I have been asked, many times, to share this information. I know that I haven't made the time to do it because once I do share anything, it seems many are told not to read what I (guides) have to say. I have developed an attitude, at times, of ... why bother.

Also, I believe ... to each their own. If chasing invisible beings through an invisible garden makes someone happy, then more power to them. We sure need more happy people on this planet and, after all, that's also helpful in healing.

Yet, I would advise in having balance in that too. Happy people can become miserable if locked away because their feet weren't planted firmly in earth while their minds were exploring the heavens.

If aligning your chakras causes that balance within you, that's what you should do. Just remember, in healing anything ... much more may be involved. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Past & Current Life Test

Okay, it's really simple. Here goes.

Look at a picture with you and several other people in it. Are any of them you except the one in the picture that is actually you? Can you even force your mind into believing anyone is you but you? No matter how many pictures you look over, thoughout the years, your mind finds you in it and it feels right ... never false.

This is the same principle used for past life recall. If it doesn't feel right, it's not you, or the universe is telling you something. It has to feel strongly you or you need to ask more questions, because it may not be the questions you're asking but the ones left unasked that's keeping you from the truth.

Now, after saying all this: why does anyone think they can make another into anything more then they are? You cannot. No more then they can make you into them ... because our programming is different. Forcing something doesn't work. Any change takes time ... or another lifetime ... maybe.

This is just a little something to think about when someone is different from you. You can't make them you or vice versa.

Same situation applies to past lives. You can't make it fit no matter how much you want to.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Are Criminal Repeaters Predetermined or ...?

If we are predetermined, to do certain things in life, as some may argue, could this reasoning apply to repeated criminal offenders?

To me, it only stands to reason that what put someone in prison was due to their programming and once out, and placed into the circumstances they were previously in, the programming may kick in and once again they would be facing jail time.

It's like any addiction, no matter what it is that pulls at them to do something ... it's still an addiction. However to tell them to stay away from their addiction, once placed into the same scenario, would be like saying: stop breathing.

It takes strength of mind and most that get into that repeated scenario may not have it ... hence repeated offenses.

Stay away from that which has caused offense, and jail time, may not be an option until incarcerated because they haven't learn the will power to stay away. If one could only fight their impulses that caused their issues, initially, one may save themselves from repeating the same offense.

My questions would be, does one know or is there another driving force to create repeaters and why? 

Why can't they figure this out on their own? 

What causes this type of programming of repeating offenses, considering they didn't get away with it the first (or other) time?

Why, knowing this addiction (whatever it may be), may be helped with community support, would they not seek to get it as well as stay away from what was so painful to them and those in their life? 

Isn't it to be considered insane, or selfish, to be pulled back into the same vortex of problems?

Or is this insanity to show the world a different point of view ... to either reject them again or finally accept that which they repeatedly do?

Yes, I know it's a lot of questions; hang on because I have more. 

I guess it all depends on the seriousness of the situation but my feelings would be: stay away from what got you in trouble ... like the plague ... because you're just fooling yourself if you think you're not going to have it happen again.

Besides, if it's not your programming, are you being set-up by another's, or a combination of both? Either way, unless someone doesn't mind being repeatedly incarcerated, or whatever, than it makes sense to avoid what causes heartache, pain or suffering.

Why they cannot is what perplexes me ... somewhat. It's as if they have lost all sense of reasoning ... a lost soul. A predetermined soul to be this way? A soul that may not even be aware that they are caught up in their scenarios because they are a puppet to another.

A puppet scenario similar to that of a prostitute and their pimp. However this would be an invisible pimp to an earthly prostitute who isn't even aware of it happening. What would be worse is if they are aware but still cannot cut the strings from the puppet master which keeps perpetuating the addictive behavior due to the need of the puppet master as opposed to the puppet.

That's how many feel that write me about their psychic attacks. It's as if it's another's obsessive compulsive behavior making them think they can beat people up as a pimp does a prostitute to get them to perform. To me, this is still an addiction too.

Predetermined? Possession? Obsession?

If so, what would be the purpose of such bullying? What causes their addiction to this behavior? How does one incarcerate them to take them away from it? How does one rehabilitate one who is not allowing it due to being a lost soul ... a soul unaware of their addiction?

If we are to accept that souls are predetermined and cannot help what they do, then it would stand to reason it would be this way with anyone ... anywhere ... for anything. We have no choice in the matter. 

Yet, if we accept that behavior, are we not enabling it? If we are too weak to fight it, and walk away, does this mean we accept it?

I can see where more awareness is needed when it comes to addictions of any kind, and criminal repeaters, but avoiding the "unseen" as a probable "co-conspirator" is like putting one's head in a hole and thinking the world won't see them. 

However, they don’t go to jail ... we do!

How does one call foul on the unseen if the mental health fields don't recognize it as a probable problem? Whose emotions are involved in each scenario?

Therein may lie the reason many are kept in the dark about it. We cannot be puppets if we know. 

If a job needs to be done, go to the source (soul) that can get it done. Go to the source (soul) that can be beat up or manipulated. After all, they don't have to pay for the crime ... we do ... repeatedly.

What's your addiction?

Are you predetermined to do it?

Are you sure it's only you?

No choices to allow a change?

Designed to loop eternally. 

It is what it is?

Hmmm .... sounds too fatalistic to me.

Soul Cleansings and What is Soul to Soul Incarnations

Every now and then someone will comment on one of my Atomarane You Tube videos and I feel it should be shared here as well. 

These videos are teaching people what I was taught about in regards to what makes people do or say the things they do as well as health issues, phobias, etc., not just the good stuff that we have in our energy but everything that makes us who we are today.

Not always are we possessed by another being that is an invisible source consciously aware of doing so, but it could be something in our energy/soul that is creating the issues.

This video talks about some of my personal experiences, as well as what I was taught about them and how it can help others dig further into their souls/life if they want.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Agendas: Fear Mongering Bullies

I'm concerned about the rampant fear mongering with anything new. And please don't say it isn't so, the world isn't flat ... among many other things that finally changed after a bias argument presenting it from doing so. We perpetually grasp the old ways with a death grip. That's not always bad but I do see an unhealthy and illogical pattern many times while studying history.

Lately I'm getting disgusted with the current witch hunts regarding GMO when these types of procedures have been done by man and nature for eons. Yes it has, but those who want you to follow their agenda won't flip that coin over for you. They don't want you to analyze the other side.

What? You forgot about that? Just because you think you know more, that means you actually know everything? I know a lot but I don't know everything, yet it seems the Internet is turning people into instant Einsteins or followers of false doctrine ... constantly perpetuating truths that have no substance to them.

My question is this, why do we get ourselves in an uproar when it was our thoughts/emotions that actually provoked the changes? Yes ... believe it or not ... ours!

Didn't we want chemical control when it came to spraying chemicals in the air and ground with pest control, fertilizers or weed control? So when a new idea is presented, it is vilified without evidence? In other words, we presumed to be enlightened with our mouths but our minds are still in the dark ages. The amount of universal doubt is profound on many subjects. I've even see psychics pulled into a flow and wondered why. I know now it's to discredit them.

Anyway, I digress.

What is the difference from pest control absorbed into a plant via air, dirt or water ... or by substance control on a seed? Would we prefer to have airborne issues continue? Would we prefer not to use pest control at all? Anyone that has ever farmed in the early last century will tell you the follies of that decision ... and we sure can't allow crop failure due to no control at all because the population, even with the huge amounts of deaths over many years, is still rapidly Increasing. Farmers and ranchers are doing all they can to keep the supply up to meet the demand. More and more technology is being demanded by thoughts, emotions and words. Who is doing the demanding? We are. Our thoughts (prayers) are!

I agree, I don't want to be a sheep to slaughter but every day we humans are and in many ways - not just farm animals. I get tired of hearing about the poor wild life too. Jeez people ... don't you ever watch animal shows? These creatures can be down right mean and nasty. Yes, even farm animals ... not just humans.

So please stop with your perpetual fear mongering and unjust bullying to make people follow your truths ... and do more research.

Maybe I was meant to survive as long as I have. God only knows why because the things I've had in and out of my body would make one wonder why I made it to 65. I only know that it's not adding up in my book any difference from seeds that are treated with the same chemicals that we've been using that has already permeated our ground, our water and our air.

All I know is that when people start screaming in one direction, I start looking for an underlying cause in another direction. It's something I learned to do because of my life's lessons. Right after I say: wait ... I'm sensing doubt. What's that about?

I was guided to read this (below link) today. It's what made me ask questions like: Which way is the right way? How do we know this is wrong? Whose agenda are we really appeasing? Why did we need to invent a different way? Is different bad or just different? Is it the truth or just a handful of powerful people's truth? Is one power competing with another power? Are we just being pawns in their power game?

Aren't you getting tired of the fear mongering bullies?

Friday, February 7, 2014

God and our Baggage

I think we have too many misconceptions of God.

My mom was our religious foundation in our family. I grew up hearing her say things like: kiss it to God and He will make it better. God will do this or God will do that. I don't recall hearing her saying give it to Jesus, angels or archangels; it was always God. I'm not sure if that changed with my younger siblings but that's what I remember. I think she felt He was the ultimate source, why mess it up with the middle men getting in the way.

Maybe that's why I felt so strongly against telling my sins to a priest. Would he tell God my sins and not another's? If he screwed up, would I be punished for another's and not mine?

Like my philosophical dad used to say, if God is everywhere why do I need to go into a building to pray? He should be able to hear my prayers in my house or in a field. So why not go directly to God ... one on one?  If He's not too busy to see me, and He always has time for any of us, then why does anyone need to intercede for me?

Then, after my awakening to mind communication, my guardian angel/guide told me that this arrangement was to prevent too much coming at one being too often. He explained that guardians offer peace of mind from one being handling everything ... including the demands on prophets etc. We are too unrealistic in our demands.

Okay - makes sense.

Then one day, my mother in law told me to put my life in God's hands because of my telekinetic attacks. I received a message and told her what was sent to me. At that time, a tsunami had killed a lot of people. I told her: 200,000 people just died in Bangladesh, do you really think God has time for me right now?

Now, I know there will be those that will say He does. Let me continue.

One evening, I was having dinner with a very dear friend. Jeanne and I had been friends for a very long time and she had been raised Catholic as I had. We were talking about the world in crisis and the wars we were having. So much hate and violence everywhere. She said: why doesn't God stop this? I thought He could save the world. Why isn't He?

Well, my current training took over. I told her: we are talking about one being ... a supreme being ... right? Well then, put yourself in His shoes. You be God just for a day and go out and save the world. How would you like that on your shoulders?

She said she couldn't do it alone and I said: exactly, no one being can.

I think we have expected so much that we have become lazy in our expectations. Give it to God, or whomever, He will do it.

Then I saw this picture the other day and it summed up exactly what I've been feeling since awakening. Quit expecting God to carry our baggage. What He does is send messengers to us and they could be anyone at anytime from anywhere.

If you're waiting for God to save you, you may have just missed your opportunity. No, I'm not speaking about religious salvation; all roads lead to God. I'm talking about the kindness of a stranger, the help from family or friends, or the advice of someone that may know more than another.

When someone helps another in the best way they can, that's God's way of unloading the baggage another has dumped on Him. That's God's way of answering our prayers. If we are too busy to hear his message ourselves, He will send another to deliver it.

You'll know it because your senses will awaken with what was shared. And ... if you don't get it the first time, He'll keep knocking just to unload the burden of your baggage.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Flow of Homosexuality: Email Response

Homosexuality: a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same gender.
I received an email today from someone I only know through several emails between us over a few months. His question was a concern in not understanding or being able to accept homosexuality ... much less teaching children in school to accept it.
I asked for guidance in answering him.
You don't have to accept anyone's way of life ... including homosexuality. You should try to be understanding and compassionate but you don't have to accept it. 
Even walking away from something doesn't mean people accept it, it just means they aren't prepared to do otherwise. They may not be strong enough to challenge it much less change it. Many people may have jumped on the defensive bandwagon when they really didn't want to.They may have even been bullied into acceptance because it's "the thing to do." Their feelings may be misplaced due to guilt or any number of reasons. 
I'll try to explain what I've learned over the years. I hope I can do it clearly and simply for you. I try not to condemn anyone's way of life but try to understand why it is, even if I feel it shouldn't be. I too draw a line when it comes to children and think they need better treatment. However there are no mysteries in the universe. Everything has a reason ... including your concerns regarding this subject of homosexuality.
See, it's like any flow of thought. For instance, let's just say that something happened, maybe a very, very, very long time ago, to one or two people and they went against a flow. They are condemned and cruelly punished. Maybe they are punished so harshly that God may say that karma needs to be returned. Certain things may have been out of their control, so others may be established (set up) to go against that flow in order to break a horrendous manipulation which was controlling the masses with violence. A battle ensues and more and more jump on the bandwagon. 
Then the flow (homosexuality) becomes stronger, like a river that has had too much rain. The river than begins to eroded the shoreline (humanity) because it is picked up with the flow and doesn't know how to stop. By now, no one knows anymore how things were started but the flow is too strong and it starts becoming part of life. 
Eons pass and many are trying to understand the situation; realizing it was created out of not understanding. The eroding (bullying) that started needs to be fixed. They decide teaching acceptance is a way to do it. It's only a band aide over the damage because they are only teaching acceptance and not understanding. Why is all this happening? They want us to believe that people are born this way and have no choice, however that is only part of the situation. 
You see, teaching understanding may stop the flow and there are those that are angry and unacceptable to the flow being stopped in their self righteous behavior ... and they don't know why they feel this way ... they just know they have to stomp their foot because they still haven't realized they may have unwittingly been pulled into the flow and don't know why much less how to get out of it. 
It's pretty much an addiction by this time. Like one may get when watching porn or taking drugs. Sure, it was just for curiosity at first, but then it became addictive. Someone may come along to help them off the addiction but the flow has grabbed them and won't let go. They become defensive and refuse to admit that anything has control of them. 
Reasons start becoming excuses. They may say things like: I was molested as as child and found it exciting but I couldn't tell anyone because I learned later that would bring shame on me. So I continued onward with my behavior because I was told that sex is healthy and society is a prude.
That's what their molester wanted them to believe. They develop a love hate relationship within their mind. They have now programmed themselves to believe that they must be gay, or whatever, because of an earlier experience. They grow up and continue with their programming but now, as I said before, reasons have become excuses so they can continue their behavior instead of making a different choice. Some could be trapped in their excuses and don't want to be released from them due to fear ... fear of the unknown.
The other part of all this could be possession ... possessed by the unseen for punishment or sexual gratification. As you know, spirits can do this. Who's going to stop them? They get away with it because we are made to believe it's only in our minds. People have been discussing sexual dreams and attacks for eons. Nothing new there. So, understanding can not only open the gate to acceptance but also changing the flow or slowing it down. There are those (spirits) that have had their freedom to do as they wish for far too long and don't wish their addictive flow of possessing to stop either. They think their behavior is normal. They don't need someone to tell them they are out of line. They start using their reasons as excuses.
I know this is a fact due to the people who write me about their experiences. 
So you see, this has been going on for eons and the flow gets stronger and stronger because of bullying on both sides of the fence now. The ... I'll show you ... or the ... don't tell me what to do. To me, this is the attitude of a hurt child not a mature adult. 
I agree that children are still being forced to be the property of adults and their addictions ... it's not only sad but disgusting. We live in an age of enlightenment but it feels we are regressing mentally more then progressing. Maybe it's a reason we are developing so many mental diseases. Just another way to keep us shut down from knowing the truth ... whatever that truth may be.
To continue, when any flow appears out of control, we do what we can to see if something needs changing. Maybe a decision is made to make a change and, hopefully, the change is made with love and truth. Teaching in this manner, is no different then teaching someone how they built something that is not functioning properly. Sure you can beat them into submission but that's only going to cause resentment. You want to stop the resentment. The only way to do that is, as we are being preached at today, with love and truth. Having someone face the truth within them - completely - and learning to love oneself is a beginning. 
Now, this doesn't offer a change in choices but an understanding of one's path. They may still choose to stay on their path as you do yours. However, in you understanding their path, you will understand your path more. You will understand why that flow was necessary and you will understand how to change it, if you still wish to. 
If your common sense senses a destructive path ahead, and you present your hypothesis to the public, they may listen or counteract with their own. Just as scientists do every day. Your hypothesis has to add up for people to listen. 
Now, after explaining all this as quickly and as simply as possible, your feelings, if you still feel the same way, may be telling you that you have a mission to stop a flow that you feel is destructive. You may feel children need a better understanding of what they are to know. In order to do that, you have to become as educated as you can. You cannot change the force of any strong flowing river without the proper tools to do so. 
Also,  don't forget, we can have generalizations but when it comes to people each soul stands on its own. Never assume one person's situation is the same as another. 
As my guide once told me, whatever we do in life do it legally and by employing the Golden Rule. People tend to lose patience and don't always follow that advice. 
If you feel strongly that people shouldn't be gay, then you have to find their root cause and help them mend it ... if they want. For you see, they may not know about any universal, self-serving, addictive flow that could be controlling them. They just think they're going with the flow of what feels right. I'm reminded, just now, about the flow of tattoos we have today as opposed to how it was in the past. This is another example of how a flow can become obsessive out of need or survival. 
Another reason could be, they don't know they may have a male soul in a female body, or vice versa, and it was done out of punishment, or needing a change of pace in life and not understanding the consequences of that choice.
There's so many reasons why people do what they do. Understanding can keep people from hating and allowing more. However, God told me once: allowing doesn't mean putting up with.
Lastly, the flow in you should also be respected, especially if acting kindly toward another, no more or less than any flow in another who wants respect. 
I hope this helped. 
There are so many reasons why things happened to or for people but, as I said before, reasons shouldn't become excuses.
This was only a few examples on what can cause a flow and why. Any strong flow, I've also discovered, can create issues in any animal (etc) kingdoms. There's no "walls" when it comes to energy with thoughts/emotions, especially if done to deliberately confuse or make a point.
Understanding is only half the journey, however no one should be bullied into acceptance no more than bullying another for what they don't understand.
I always think of Maya Angelou quote: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ”
I know many choose not to and even that holds a reason behind it.