Wednesday, February 26, 2014

God or Man?

I had an epiphany a little while ago about something I read earlier on Facebook, regarding someone's beliefs on a subject, comparing it to Biblical passages. It made me think of all those on this planet that have, or had, opposing views, but also say: God said.

Opinions are appreciated but please keep them nice ... if not educated. I would really appreciate you tapping into your personal feelings without using "religious quotes" please. Thanks.

This is the epiphany/message I received:

Since we are all children of God receiving his divine guidance (because it feels right to us and we're good people), then wouldn't this same principle be applied to all those "religious opinions" from the past? All those feeling others had which were written down in the name of God: women servitude, slavery, abuse, justified murder or dismemberment, etc.?

Yet, Jesus comes along and say: this is no longer true, change is needed, and preaches to the masses of new doctrine which got him crucified for his opinions ... even though God said it too ... he was just a messenger.

We have current day concepts that are, once again, trying to be revised from the past? Maybe not all, but certainly points of views to make us think. After all, God isn't static or He wouldn't have needed to revise anything by sending us Jesus ... and others since. Think about it.

So, maybe God is trying to tell us something again, but again we keep quoting the past ... living in the past. Once again we feel crucifying people is necessary to maintain past points of view instead of using current common sense. Instead of asking God ... really asking God ... what's His current opinion.

Or ... could He be allowing us to use our free will to fight it out between us ... now as then? Whoever wins ... wins. He's not saying anything to anyone and all these books are man's point of view ... man's law ... from whatever time period.

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