When I was first awakened into the realm of Metaphysics, I studied all I could on everything available. I studied astrology, tarot, numerology, dream interpretation, auras and chakras. I realized, as time continued on with my awareness, that they all have a basis of truth but have a lot of flexibility in its interpretation depending on what one uses or teaches.
However, among all those topics, I will only discuss chakras at this time.
I won't go into a long discourse on it's beginnings; like astrology, it's been utilized for a very long time and interpretations are on the Internet. In fact, it's my feelings, that the original meaning may have become distorted over time, as is many cases. They may have been utilized, in the beginning, due to a lack of a better understanding of our human form ... in order to explain what may have been unexplainable otherwise, at that point in time.
The chakras represents energy. There are, supposedly, seven main ones represented by a color and wheel. The wheel is considered an energy field that if not aligned with the others may create illnesses. These energy fields, apparently, turn like a wheel ... like the earth orbiting around the sun ... like electrons orbiting an atom's nucleus. It makes me think of pictures of the spiral of a universe.
Anyway, a long time ago I met an "out of this world" metaphysical teacher who told me that these manifested energy fields are in relationship, or near relation, to many major organs of a human body and there's much more to human healing than this. He began to ween me off of that belief system by explaining what he knew of the universe and healing.
You see, as he explained it to me back then, if we are composed of energy, that is manifested by thought, brought into physical being we call 3rd dimension, then we are a compound of energy throughout our human form and not just this ideology that we have today called chakras ... and only seven or so main ones. We are energy all over and can create discord or disease all over our body. He told me that our entire body, for example, would then be considered like a universe with all major organs representing planets within the universe.
We know these organs are not straight up and down as depicted in current charts. We also know that hormones and chemicals regulate our bodies. We are also challenged daily by our environment. If we keep thinking that aligning seven chakras will heal us, then we will be repeatedly disappointed.
His teachings showed a way of looking into my universe (body), finding what is negative within it (represented, to me, by black or red) and see what the universe accepts as healing for that area ... always asking for permission/guidance ... until the energy of the area is clear (healed); which could take time in some things.
I wasn't aligning chakras but looking for a particular place that needed attention. There's a lot involved in all this but, hopefully, that's keeping the explanation as simple as possible.
Now, if you still wish to call that energy place in your body a chakra, that's fine. However, I'm sure it won't be in a straight line and it won't necessarily be a particular color unless your mind has manifested it to be so. The energy field could be to the right or left of it. It could also be in a joint and not an organ. I like to call it what it is: heart, intestines, gland or whatever. Knowing the human body does help and when I'm not sure I ask a friend who does. I like to keep my options, as my awareness, open to support from many sources.
To continue, one of the biggest things that many of my guides have done is questioned the logic of a "root chakra" needing to be raised in order to reach enlightenment. This was also a old school philosophy that one could not be a sexual being and be an enlightened master too. This has been proven many times to be a fallacy but it is still being taught and to them it is another object that gets in the way of truth.
For instance, I didn't know much about what needed to be done for balance, etc., when I first heard a voice in my mind. Mind communication is part of enlightenment and I was far from being a "master" at it when that occured. Many think that by raising their "kundalini" that causes instant enlightenment.
This is not true. As in anything in life, it takes learning a direction and mastering it ... all of which takes time.
In closing, I have been asked, many times, to share this information. I know that I haven't made the time to do it because once I do share anything, it seems many are told not to read what I (guides) have to say. I have developed an attitude, at times, of ... why bother.
Also, I believe ... to each their own. If chasing invisible beings through an invisible garden makes someone happy, then more power to them. We sure need more happy people on this planet and, after all, that's also helpful in healing.
Yet, I would advise in having balance in that too. Happy people can become miserable if locked away because their feet weren't planted firmly in earth while their minds were exploring the heavens.
If aligning your chakras causes that balance within you, that's what you should do. Just remember, in healing anything ... much more may be involved.
Thank you for sharing. I am extremely skeptical of chakras, though a firm believer in everything being energy driven, and your insight really helped me on my path.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for this late reply but I just discovered I'm not getting my comment emails. Not sure why.
DeleteAnyway, you're more than welcome.
loving this =D it kinda drives me crazy how chakras are finding thier way into all belief systems of all sorts of cultures. To each thier own, but when I study I want that culture not chakras super imposed everywhere. THank you thank you =D
ReplyDeletewith a smile,