I shared this comment (below) when a friend shared this attached link on her Facebook timeline.
When it comes to the many experiences one has in a lifetime, it's not always something seen. What's in your soul that makes you unique from others?
~~~~~~~~~~ Comment
I always think of soul/mind transference when I hear words like: they're butting heads like rams, stubborn as a mule, eats like a pig, breeds like rabbits, etc.
Since we are all so unique and difference, even in large families, that would describe, at least to me, the essence of the soul incarnated, which has an influence on the new body/mind, whether that be human or not.
That would possibly explain why things happen to people in a family that doesn't happen, or hadn't happened, to any other family member... including infants or children.
Or a possible thought transference to the unexpected, creating issues within the innocent mind.
The mind is so powerful in beliefs that we have bought into a cold and flu season and every year we have one and wonder why.
Mind over matter? Past life minds (souls) over matter? Sounds like a possibility to me... including all minds of lower life forms.
The next time you hear someone saying, you're acting like a Neanderthal, you might want to ask if someone's trying to tell you something. ;)
What's in your soul genetics?
It may not always be ancestral unless... a family that plays together stays together. ;)
Another theory of mind is that the medical field is huge and varied. Someone has to be the guinea pig or patient, in order to support their needs or there would be no need for their services.
Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.
Link: Scientists have found that memories may be passed down through generations in our DNA
I noticed the link is broken but you can just do an internet search for the information. Lots of links discussing this topic... "Scientists have found that memories may be passed down through generations in our DNA."