Friday, January 31, 2014

Zabrona - A Reptilian Introduction Experience

Below is an excerpt from Chapter One in my book Reptilian Teachers from the Pleiades. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship with an other worldy metaphysical teacher ... at least to me.

It wasn't until many years later, when I discovered a video about mean reptilians, that I started searching the Internet for positive stuff and I couldn't find anything. I was concerned about that to the point that I decided to tell my story on my Atomarane You Tube channel and then eventually the aforementioned book; which more information was added then was shared in my original video story of Zabrona.

This adventure also led me to believe that there are good and bad in everyone anywhere and truth really is stranger than fiction.  

~~~~~ Excerpt~~~~~

My journey into enlightenment started in May 1987 but this part of my true story started in May 1988. Since my initial awakening a year before, I had seen a lot of things with my mind’s eye, based on the metaphysical training from my guide before he had left to do a walk-in, but this morning was not a normal occurrence to what I had seen so far. I was lying in bed, coming out of a dream state, and I had a mind projection to an alien, also called extraterrestrial. 

Mind projections, which are also called thought or astral projections, may happen sometimes in a semi-dream state and people just think it is part of a dream. They may not realize that they have just connected with another living being, in that moment … with their minds. This being just happened to be an extraterrestrial.  

The reason, I call this entity an extraterrestrial was because he appeared to be a man-shaped reptilian being. He was not like anything I've seen on this planet earth. In fact, the closest to his description would be from a movie I saw in 1985, called "Enemy Mine," with Lou Gossett, Jr. who played a being similar but not quite what I saw. 

Now, I realize our press, government and moviemakers may deal with UFO's and ET's, but that was not for me. That was for people who believed in fantasies being real, conspiracies or people who produce these things in movies. At least, I thought that was the way it was, a big fantasy, but I was about to be proven wrong. 

In my mind projection, I saw this entity stepping away from a flying saucer, heading towards some stairs of the platform the UFO was sitting on. Of course, I never saw a flying saucer either, except in movies, and never have I seen one in a dream before this moment.  

This entity, obviously seeing my projection to him as I got closer, pointed his finger towards me and popped my projection back at me, saying, “buy out!" At least, those were the words that I had heard. It was as if he was saying … go away. 

To give you an inkling of what this felt like, try blowing up bubble gum into a huge bubble and then having someone pop it in your face. Needless to say, from this sensation I woke up immediately.  

Still somewhat sleepy and assuming I had been dreaming, I shook off the picture in my mind and went back to sleep. Then, just a couple of days later as I am awakening that morning … eyes still closed … he is there in front of me. At least his face, or an image of it, was there in front of my face.  

He had astrally projected to me, at the same time asking me if I could see him and if I judged his looks. The conversation went something like this: 

"Entity, can you see my face?" 

"Yes." I said, sleepily … eyes still closed. 

"You can see my face clearly?" 


"Do you judge the way I look?" 

"No, I don’t judge your looks." Somewhat trying to back away from the closeness of his image. 

"Then I will help you.” 

With that, he was gone. I slowly opened my eyes and thought … my goodness … what next? 

As I continued to lie in bed, I thought, “Well, I suppose I must have past some kind of test.”

I knew I was awake, during this brief discourse, because I had sensed my body and bedroom at the same time this was occurring. I never felt any fear of his presence in front of me. I was not alarmed as much as in wonder of this really happening to me. 

Art from Janelle Wilson


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Rant ...

I can understand the concern about abortion but in the same breath they may be the same people who say it's God's will when one is miscarried. Really?

I have been on this planet long enough to see horrible injustice done to mankind by other so called humans, and it has brought me into an awareness of mankind killing them now or later. Maybe killing them before they arrive is more humane thing to do, just as we euthanize our pets, because you can be assured once they are here they will be up against the killing fields of all life has to offer them.

I've seen cruelty to animals and humans, so let's not white wash the issues.

Maybe it is God designing this act to bring us to our senses. Why keep creating life if all we are going to do to it after it is breathing/living is abuse, rape, torment, torture, and kill it?

Are we just breeding life just to allow this insanity to continue? Are we? Look around to see what the news reports everyday and tell me we are not! That what we are doing is not insanity. It's not getting better, it's getting worse.

Thank God to the men who use their brains and not their penis to think with. Thank God to the women who have the right to choose not to allow another child to enter this world without the world fixing this horrible problem first. At least someone is thinking they don't want their child in this world.

Stop putting a band aide on this issue and get it fixed first before telling people that they should breed and bring their children into the world just to be killed sooner or later by the killing insanity in the world.

How would you like it if someone said - now tomorrow it will be your child's/grandchild's time to die? We haven't decided how it will go down, maybe a car accident, a disease or a war. We'll let you know.

Maybe animals are not the only thing needing to be spayed and neutered.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Was Born This Way?

This morning while meditating, I had this question, off the universe, about being born a certain way, and not being able to be anything more then what we are.

A discussion followed.

It was submitted to me that if an argument was being presented to the public that someone was born a certain way, they could not help or change who they were because of it. Wouldn't it stand to reason that everyone would fall under this "condition" about not being able to do anything about it too? Isn't each and every one of us born a certain way?

They also stated that there are certain physical defects that may or may not be changed, however as science progresses these situations are changing, to some degree. People are currently making physical changes to change themselves including sex changes.

In regards to mental programming, we are apt to change easier then a physical change. History has proven the ability of mankind to adapt in many circumstances due to unusual events that force us to change out our programming ... even along with our physical conditioning.

Their argument to me was: if we are all born a certain way, then why should one way be given grace over another? Why should one programming be any less accepting than another's programming. If we are all educated human beings, we should have that ability to reason this conclusion. If one is born a certain way and has no choice in the matter, then we are all born in like manner with no choice in doing anything about it ... no matter the condition of the life or lifestyle.


However, if we feel we are capable of being a free willed entity, capable of lifestyle choices, then we cannot use the argument of not being able to make changes. In that regards, we choose to be who we are.


So ... do we choose or not? If not, then we have no right pointing fingers at others because they were born that way too. If we do choose, then owe up to the lifestyle you chose and remember others are doing likewise.

Which is it?

Their final "strong" advice was: stop verbally and physically beating each other up for what you were born into this world to be and start respecting one another. If everyone has accepted that they have no choice on how they were born or live, then there should be no reason to not be compassionate of another.

Now, that's programming everyone should be born with!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DNA: Predetermined Universal Flow?

Determinism is a philosophical view that for every event there exist conditions that could cause no other event. A cause and effect of every life scenario that is controlled by said flow of energy: our DNA of a predetermined life.
If we are all predetermined, and do not have free will (individual choices from programming of social awareness), then based on this theory everyone in the universe has been predetermined to be who or what they are. A destiny flow with no fate designed within it? A predetermined existence with no choice designed to change.
If this is the case, then I am who I am as others are who they are. This means I cannot change and will not be allowed to change because it's already been predetermined by universal cause and effect or some higher order.
This means a sexual predator or victim, a murderer or murdered, an early demise or longevity, a shoplifter or shoplifted, a leader or follower, a bully or bullied, a pauper or wealthy person, all sports, religious or television personalities versus non-celebrities, a doctor or patient, an addict or a health compulsion, a whoremonger or a whore, a carnivore or vegan, a scholar or a moron, etc., etc., etc., can be no more or less in what has been predetermined to be.
No free will, no choices; just puppets to the universal flow.
One may wonder why we even bother to incarcerate anyone for breaking the law? Why do we try to change anyone's beliefs?
Why? Maybe it too is a predetermined flow of cause and effect; it too is the DNA within them to do so. Can't have one without the other. The yin-yang of a predetermined universe.
Maybe that's the reason some people oppose looking within their soul or don't want to believe it's possible. They are afraid to look for the cause of their effects, bringing the burden of their life into perspective and disallowing blame of another or others. We couldn't even blame God, because wouldn't this being be part of a universal flow also?
It may be much easier to say it's divine guidance or the devil made me do it. Just as it's easier to say one is predetermined when they really don't know, or maybe don't want to know, because it suits their agenda in that moment.
It's less work then to look at oneself and realize we could possibly be a change in the flow of a river instead of just going with the flow ... no matter where that flow takes us.
Hmmm ... how do we know that wasn't predetermined too?  How would we know if predeterminism really existed or what any individual or universal predetermined flow was for?
Yes, how would one know?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mental Illness or ...

It all started with a comment on my "Jani video" from a person called sweety2 and what followed afterwards (see below). You can read these and other's comments on the video at:

Sweety2: there are no demons in people what suffers from a mental illness .. its a brain disorder and i struggle same on it but no demons are in me either .. its made of just...

Atomarane: First, there has been no proof of a brain disorder or chemical imbalance, even doctors have stated this many times. Second, everyone can have different experiences but very real to each one what they are going through. I used demons as a figure of speech but they are no more "demons" than any "bad" person on earth and we know there are quite a few of them around. Lastly, I have many more videos about my true story (what happened to me) as well as other videos from other's testimonies that you may find of interest ... besides my teaching videos of what I learned because of what I went through. It's up to you if you want to educate yourself more on this subject. By doing so it will help remove the fear a lot of people go through. Best of luck sweety2.

Sweety2: Thx for replay. (Gonna check out your others Videos) I dont know what to believe or not, anymore. I dont want to have a demon around me and i had some experenice with the Paranormal stuff and also one truly encounter one night in a dream until i did wake up with Jesus. Well, i think Jesus wanted to show Him that i may feel the difference beetween the real Him and the not real Him..cause i used to see Jesus many times but nothing did change until like i said that night, were my Body went from fearful, heartless, negative to full peace, harmonie, love and hope with a warm feeling went through me, never had that feeling again. Im saw 7visions since childhood until young adulthood and all of these visions did exactly happen how i saw it and there were no point i could know this, that was creepy i could tell. Now a handsome young guy follows me where i go and where iam..he talks to me, he warns me or preapers me like one case 4months ago where he came 2 days before and said "Your Cat gonna die." and 2days later my cat didnt come home..i got in the car and turned my head to the backset and he did sit in his withe clothes and said "You find your cat 400m down the Hill on the right Side and pick him up now or else one gonna take him away.", i just did start the car and like he said 400m i saw my sweet cat dead on the right Side of the Road, he never went there..cause it was like never so many cars driving this way and ofc i was in rush...but one hour later i came back wanted to pick him up but yes he was gone as well...some took him off..thats creepy. And what he says to me did always happen then...what to do? I did test him as well cause the Bible dont deny that we will have encounters with spirits and that we shall test every spirit cause not all come from God and like i did it as well to him and he did answer right it...thats why i have seen doctors and experts to find out..and there told me its a mental illness and a brain disorder cause i had many blood test, MR screeing, brainwave electronic screeing and more...nothing wrong so there said its a chemical imbalance in my i believe that but im not sure anymore after your replay.... (sorry went too long but that was my experenice through years no joke and btw bad grammar also...) Btw is Nathaniel a demonic name? Cause he told me his name...^^

Atomarane: Your story is about the same as many (and I mean very many) other people who have written me over the years - so much so that I wrote a book with their questions and my answers call ASK ATOMARANE - Psychic Possession or Attacks - True Stories  (you can Google it).

The players, in our life's experiences, only depends on their religious background. If you were raised Christian, you will have that overture of circumstances and people - generally - because it is our beliefs that can be used against us or help us. That's why I decided to make teaching videos as well as tell my true story on videos. Yes, I have books too, but the videos were made first and I have them on playlists to help people. The books were made because they are easier to reference.

There are spirits and there are also physical people, as you and I, that are being used in learning new things. So, some things that occur may be bad for us while it may be the good for another and vice versa ... because we are all learning new things in this psychic mind power.

Now, about Nathaniel. The name means a gift from God but I do not go by a person's name to determine good or bad, only the intent of their heart. Your soul has to have something within it to have to go through such a psychic awakening of your mind as you are experiencing. When you know the answers, you will see that nothing is by coincidence.

I know that people aren't perfect, including grammar, but I don't hold that against anyone. We are all trying to do the best we can under some really trying and difficult times.

And, as far as chemical imbalance, until they prove which it is, I disagree with that statement being made. There have been no testing for it, that I am aware of, and many doctors are agreeing too. This apparently is being used because most don't know or want to know the real reasons.

Let me add one more thing: Yes, there will be people who will be marked as insane or crazy based on their actions. People aren't always allowed to be aware of what's going on around them because they can be used more if kept in the dark. Our awareness is based on the teachers we choose in life and what we do with what we've learned. That's why I suggest to everyone to do their research on any subject until what they find feels good to them. If in doubt (feelings), someone may be trying to tell you something and that something means there is more to research ... more answers out there ... just as you are apparently doing.

I hope this helps you to continue on with researching. I've learned that what is happening today can change tomorrow, so I do my best to keep an open mind. It has helped me to get to where I am today, that an not being bullied along with being stern with wanting proof of what people tell me. I don't want white-washing, I want facts.

Addendum from original blog post (added on January 23 2014). I can sense some relief starting in the typed words.

Sweety2: Thx for Your time to take and replay again. You have much right and im not raised as a christian but all what is standing in the Bible has maked me more careful but also more confused as well..i dont wanna mess up in stuff like talking to "demons" like Nathaniel could been but he dont scares me more he comforts me in a way but not when he warns me what gonna happen and where i know it will happen (like it did happen so many times before as he said) I went 2years ago in a reincarntion seance in Germany after i saw in tv a program of this man what do guide People back to previously lifes (oh sorry my grammar :X) thats there i meet Nathaniel as he was still like me and you, where he became my husband in that time back and i died in his arms in age of 50.(Seance took 2hours) And now he is back again like a spirit being but he still looks the same with long blond hair a bit shorter now but he wears withe and glowing light arounds him alot and says that he wanted to protect me and not seeing me die again so early. Well after that seance i did sleep all the 7hours of cardrive back home again my energy was so low. But yeah do you think i could trust him? Would you? I just need to know if i could trust him and at he is not a demon or so but he said no he is not a demon and he dont deny God as he said..ouch Sorry, became so long again but its good to hear you have experenice it too and also others as not alone and no one says im crazy, that makes me feeling better...i did watch some of your videos and l like them btw its relaxing to hear your voice..

Atomarane: thanks for replying again (it's not long at all) and please don't be concerned about your grammar, I understand you just fine. I try to talk calmly in my videos but sometimes I can be quite irritated by the lack of respect and compassion that can go on out there. It's very sad that beings of enlightenment can be so dense. Regardless of past lifetimes scenarios, people still need to show respect and stop using past lifetimes as a reason to cross a line of decency. In that case, many old souls would be considered whores/whoremongers if we crossed the line with every past soul mate we ever have had. What a free for all that would be ... not counting the jealousy that would ensue. Can you imagine the battle that would create? Goodness!

Anyway, that is the reason I decided to make videos about my story and also make teaching videos to help people learn how to know truth from false by the feelings they get from another - as well as teaching them how to protect themselves against intrusions from beings pretending to be what or who they're not. Please take the time to continue to watch them and any others I've made as they will be not only a learning but possibly an entertaining experience ... especially the soul beginning videos. ;)

Tell Nathaniel I said hello and will keep an eye on things. If he needs my help, please feel free to ask me for it.

My intent is to help people understand that we are eternal souls and hopefully that will help us remove fear which can create so much negativity. I don't think it will ever go away completely but I hope it will help. Education, in this matter, does help in that regards and not sweeping it under the carpet. We can only ignore certain scenarios so far before they finally come to a head and have to be dealt with.

I actually believe that these experiences, so many are having, are part of a divine plan. Seeing (and feeling) is believing, as they say. Enjoy the videos.

Sweety2: Thx your are amazing btw, people should learn from you..and i will keep watching videos you did make will been great (; hope it will take my fear away and also for others as well that struggles with kind spirituelle experiences cause many would say against it and its there were you get afraid of..i gonna tell him about you when he appaers again how great and do support others as well and that you tell about your story as well..and trying help others its just great. Cause he said once that closed people in a past life boyfriends, girlfrienfs, sister or brother, wife or husband that weren togheter in a past life and both dies will return in a new life on earth while the other one will stay in a spirit being to learn new things and kind stuff like that and there will look for the person there weren togheter in the past once to guide, meet and protect as much as possible. Thats how Nathaniel said it and thats why it would explain to me at he is not a Stranger since i had this reincarnation seance and now i understand more but many before i saw your videos many would say i shouldnt talk to him cause he is a demon to bring me to hell and so on..thats why i became fear and did seeking help but nothing did help all test i wenten trough did fine and i would go a time on meds but notting did work so now im without meds again and its fine but im unsure atm still. .so now i did tell all my story..or one last thing once i became å letter from som test that werent so good and should take new ones i quite was scared of it and he appaered by my side and told me not to worry cause nothing was wrong with me and the doctor wouldnt call me again after taken new tests again and so the doctor didnt call back again so that was quite of a thing..but okay now..enough written now..thx for always replaying and all...your are great

Atomarane: No problem, it is my pleasure. Again, it is why I decided to make my videos to help people. We do have family and friends in the universe to help us - even from the past. We can even have current family members that cross over to help us. They are not demons by any means. Can you imagine calling someone's parent a demon? Goodness!

However, there are those that choose to act evil and pretend they are someone we know; we just have to be on guard. We will know by their presence because their energy will speak of truth and love and not pretense. My teaching videos will help you know what to do and if you have any questions about anything you are watching, please ask them on the video you are looking at as it will help others too. It seems that Nathaniel has good intentions with you. Even a person from our past can be a good teacher for us. After all, it may have been arranged prior to you coming here. That is something you should discuss with him and sense what he's telling you as truth. If you sense any doubt, just ask him to explain further.

Good luck.

I am hoping that modern medicine starts understanding the power of the mind and the issues caused by the ability of someone to astral project from anyone and anywhere, which can cause influences to another's mind. Psychic words and meanings have been around long before modern ideas that wish to sweep things under the carpet. Nothing is ever resolved in that manner. Whether this is being done by a spirit or a mind of another physical being - here or anywhere - it is very real to any person experiencing the emotions they are receiving. However, when pain is subjected to a body, to get one to perform, then this is bullying and needs to be addressed and not covered over with pills that seem to do more harm then good ... based on those who write me about their attacks.
Deep down inside, it is my firm belief that these people know more about what is going on and that's why they write - just as sweety2 and others have - they want confirmation that a "mental illness" isn't just coming from them but also to them ... and they want to know why.
Just as the many that wrote me from all over the world and why this book was written because of it. This may be only the beginning of conversations between sweety2 and I. One thing I've learned about this, it's better to share one's knowledge in order to empower someone because it puts them in control of their life and not another.
ASK ATOMARANE - Psychic Possession or Attacks - True Stories


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Divine Guidance?

I see posts, like this picture on my blog, about only surrounding yourself with people who will bring out the best in you and I'm reminded of one of the many times in my life that I didn't.
Once, when I was sixteen, my mom was concerned about a girl I was hanging around and thinking she could be a bad influence on me. When she told me her feelings, I said: Mom don't be worried. You raised me right. Have faith that I won't be corrupted. Maybe I'm supposed to be around to influence her. How can I help her if I'm not around her?
She agreed and I was allowed to continue on with our friendship.
Reflecting back on that moment makes me wonder what or who guided me to say those words. Was this what was meant by divine guidance?
She and I became good friends and much later I was able to help her during several difficult times in her life.
We eventually grew up and apart, yet this helped me understand that people may come and go in our lives to either help us or us to help them. It's all part of life and growing mentally and emotionally.
Many times, during my school years, I use to lament about making friends and then having to leave them, because being a service brat kept us from being in one place for more than a couple of years. I realize now it broadened my view on life.
Was this too part of divine guidance? I really believe so.
Sure, there are times we desire harmony, and rightfully so, however if we only surround ourselves with similar people will we really grow from it? Or will we become complacent or stale?
Do you know why you're in someone's life or they're in yours? What's the reason or reasons? Harmony can be created with knowing. Maybe the discord is because we don't want to know and because we may have to change something within us. 
How do you think divine guidance works? By using us? By putting something in our life over and over again until we get it? Or by possibly utilizing someone's awareness to help others even if that means walking into a lion's den?  Wouldn't it be smarter of us to be able to help another and avoid the controversies too?
Could it be that those that are trying to bring us down are actually bringing the best out in us ... or what we need to know more about ourselves?
What do you think?