Determinism is a philosophical view that for every event there exist conditions that could cause no other event. A cause and effect of every life scenario that is controlled by said flow of energy: our DNA of a predetermined life.
If we are all predetermined, and do not have free will (individual choices from programming of social awareness), then based on this theory everyone in the universe has been predetermined to be who or what they are. A destiny flow with no fate designed within it? A predetermined existence with no choice designed to change.
If this is the case, then I am who I am as others are who they are. This means I cannot change and will not be allowed to change because it's already been predetermined by universal cause and effect or some higher order.
This means a sexual predator or victim, a murderer or murdered, an early demise or longevity, a shoplifter or shoplifted, a leader or follower, a bully or bullied, a pauper or wealthy person, all sports, religious or television personalities versus non-celebrities, a doctor or patient, an addict or a health compulsion, a whoremonger or a whore, a carnivore or vegan, a scholar or a moron, etc., etc., etc., can be no more or less in what has been predetermined to be.
No free will, no choices; just puppets to the universal flow.
One may wonder why we even bother to incarcerate anyone for breaking the law? Why do we try to change anyone's beliefs?
Why? Maybe it too is a predetermined flow of cause and effect; it too is the DNA within them to do so. Can't have one without the other. The yin-yang of a predetermined universe.
Maybe that's the reason some people oppose looking within their soul or don't want to believe it's possible. They are afraid to look for the cause of their effects, bringing the burden of their life into perspective and disallowing blame of another or others. We couldn't even blame God, because wouldn't this being be part of a universal flow also?
It may be much easier to say it's divine guidance or the devil made me do it. Just as it's easier to say one is predetermined when they really don't know, or maybe don't want to know, because it suits their agenda in that moment.
It's less work then to look at oneself and realize we could possibly be a change in the flow of a river instead of just going with the flow ... no matter where that flow takes us.
Hmmm ... how do we know that wasn't predetermined too? How would we know if predeterminism really existed or what any individual or universal predetermined flow was for?
Yes, how would one know?
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