Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Teaching Metaphysics

Teachers often understand that there are some students with a naive reality who often fear letting go of it, or advancing beyond it, in order to learn. They try to be patient because of this, but there are times they do become vexed. 

After all, no one can teach who they cannot reach. Sometimes, teachers have to step back and ask themselves: is this person open to receive - is this person worth any more of my time - has this person become unreachable? 

There is no difference in teaching metaphysics. In the many years of teaching this subject, I've learned that I cannot teach anyone unwilling or unable. It's a sad realization that must be similar to how doctors feel when they lose a patient. Sometimes, we have no choice but to let go. 

There is also the hesitation and trepidation some teachers feel when it comes to teaching certain things. This is because we understand the responsibility that goes along with the lessons. It's similar to training a law enforcement officer and knowing the dangers that can occur later. These feelings are the same with metaphysical teachers. Will the students be able to defend and protect? Will the students misused their power. Many won't want this path because of it. To each their own. 

Thankfully, there are people who understand their limitations, or the limitations the universe may have placed on them, in order to move on without judgment. Yet, there have been many who have gone the distance and received degrees, making the teacher/student journey worthwhile. This helped me to be patient and understanding, plus much more: I learned to utilized the wisdom of higher awareness even through them. 

Furthermore, I learned something very perplexing, but understandable, from these metaphysical students: forgetting what they were taught. After making over 300 soul beginning videos, I, eventually, realized that in any fight or flight mode, many spiritually aware students often reverted back to their core programming. This is a deep, genetic, soul programming that is carried within them lifetime after lifetime. Changing this core programming may take time, if at all, and only with the student's allowance. However, it may be more difficult for some than others, similar to asking a dog to be a horse. Or, per the saying: you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy.  

Which is why, in reflecting back on this journey, I discovered that teaching metaphysics has many similarities to teaching any subject, especially when it comes to understanding who is ready to learn... in order for the best possible path to be taken for all concern. Additionally, knowing when to push a little harder, in helping to advance in knowledge, is imperative too. If not, we may still be fishing with our hands. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

War: Family Stories and History

Did you grow up thinking that the Battle of Iwo Jima was the last battle Americans engaged in, which ended WWII? I did. 

Maybe it was because we're always seeing the American flag being raised by all those brave men after that particular battle. Well, I learned that it wasn't and there was a flag raised afterwards that we don't hear about. At least, I hadn't. I discovered this while writing a short tribute about my dad who was in that battle: The Battle of Okinawa. As you will read, he told family that it was considered a mission of no return. I'm glad he survived or I wouldn't be here today.

Tribute: My Dad & Okinawa Gunto (The Last Major Battle of WWII)

After I wrote my dad's tribute, my curiosity took over about this "last major battle of WWII" and I decided to investigate further, which is why I wrote this blog two days later. I realized, afterwards, that there were a few other battles fought but this was the last major American one.

Okinawa Flag Raising: The Last Major Battle of WWII

Recently, I've been reading about people feeling that a war with Russia and China had been circumvented. What perplexed me was how some say wars are good for the economy. Seriously? As if the loss of human life isn't important? Thin out the herd and make money on selling equipment? It made me think about this last blog I'd like to share, which I decided to write after the previous one above. It's letters written from a family member's experiences of WWI.

A WWI Soldier's 1919 Letters Written After The Armistice

How can we help circumvent wars and not be pawns to potential warmongers? Hopefully by reading about them through the emotions of those who know. Share their stories. That's the best tribute we can give to our family and friends who walked those paths.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Angry Mob Mentality: President Trump

While I was meditating this morning, I received the most astonishing message. It started out about people being wrongly accused for a crime they didn't commit and being released from jail. This led to a remark: "At least, they were able to be set free and weren't hung."

Guidance replied: "The hate within people for a person or persons can blind them to the truth. They would rather hang the innocent, who they hate, to appease their anger, while the guilty roam free to continue their criminal acts."

Suddenly, I received an image of President Trump and was told: "People don't always look for deeper meanings behind things when they are led by hate. It's easier to crucify the innocent, and pardon themselves of their sins, because they think justice is served - when it's not. Your President is on a mission, but some people have charged him "guilty" in order to satisfy their inner demons. Shame on them for committing sins themselves while accusing others of sin. Shame on them for allowing their hate to keep the guilty walking free. When will they ever learn?"

After this morning's messages, I realized that it often takes someone with a thick skin and a strong reserve to change a flow. Someone who can fight off these gatherings of unruly people who are being directed by hate and fear. The current angry, mob mentality, under the guise of "peaceful" protests, makes me feel as if I've stepped back in time with what I've been seeing here and around the world. Will there be more unjust hangings? 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Which Attitude?

I would like to think that the ability to reason, and utilizing it to make better choices, hasn't left human capability. For instance...

You have a house with two parents. One condems and attacks the child, using belittling name-calling, because it only focuses on the negative it sees, while the other encourages the child, using constructive criticism when necessary, because it sees the positive and potential. Each parent's perception of the child is a reflection of them as human beings. Which attitude would the child see as the better one? 

You have a country run by two parties. One condems and attacks the leader, using belittling name-calling, because it only focuses on the negative it sees, while the other encourages the leader, using constructive criticism when necessary, because it sees the positive and potential. Each party's perception of the leader is a reflection of them as human beings. Which attitude would the leader see as the better one?

If the last paragraph causes mixed feelings, please refer back to the second paragraph before deciding. Which parent or party deserves respect. Which attitude would you see as the better one? 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Religion: Sibling Rivalry

Through research, I learned to believe that no prophet actually started any of the Abrahamic religions. Seriously... think about it. It was the disciples/followers, who could have easily corrupted the original teachings to suit their own purposes. They could have been swayed by political or culture influences of the time period. 

After all, a lot of it was word of mouth, stories told over time, before being written down, and we know how that can create errors. Translating languages can create difficulties in the interpretation or maybe they didn't quite like what they were interpreting so they rewrote it or left it out.

Do we really know for sure? Anyone alive today to dispute it? Nope! 

And, if we are to believe in this "written word," we were told not to idol worship prophets. Is it just possible that God was trying to avoid the fighting between religions (siblings) when he commanded: You shall have no other gods before Me? Being the oldest of eight, I can relate to sibling rivalry and how it can become mentally and physically unheathy. Look at the story of Cain and Abel.

That's what I feel about these Abrahamic religions. They have become bratty siblings who are fighting over whose "word" is best. Words, as I mentioned above, that could have been very easily corrupted over time. Words that keep creating wars. Words that have become our drug of choice. Sibling rivalry kept alive due to the money involved. Isn't it time we say enough is enough to this fighting?

Picture: Cain and Abel by Sebastiano Ricci (Italian 1659-1734)

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Serial Killer Earth?

Years ago, I was watching a TV series called Serial Killer Earth. I thought it was an interesting term for the dark side of nature. When I commented about it, a friend defined the difference between killer and murderer that I felt was an excellent definition.

He said: "You know a "Killer" is a living creature that takes the life of another living creature because it has to. It kills for food so that it may continue living (this is the usual reason), or in self defense to protect itself, domain (territory), or family. These are all acceptable by most people (though some would rather die than defend themselves or homes or families). Most of these creatures have to do this more than once so therefore qualify as "Serial Killers." It's a matter of survival, the biological urge of all of us, except those of us who have overcome our fleshly desires or biological urges. Now a murderer is another story. They take lives just for fun (they like it), just because they want to."

He continued with explaining that's why, in one form or another, we're all serial killers in order to survive - from mammals, to insects and plant life. He then said: "And that's why earth does what it does. It also kills to survive."

It's deep but it resonated. It's the kind of comment that makes one think... hmmm.

Here's the link to the series if anyone's interested: