Thursday, June 8, 2017

Which Attitude?

I would like to think that the ability to reason, and utilizing it to make better choices, hasn't left human capability. For instance...

You have a house with two parents. One condems and attacks the child, using belittling name-calling, because it only focuses on the negative it sees, while the other encourages the child, using constructive criticism when necessary, because it sees the positive and potential. Each parent's perception of the child is a reflection of them as human beings. Which attitude would the child see as the better one? 

You have a country run by two parties. One condems and attacks the leader, using belittling name-calling, because it only focuses on the negative it sees, while the other encourages the leader, using constructive criticism when necessary, because it sees the positive and potential. Each party's perception of the leader is a reflection of them as human beings. Which attitude would the leader see as the better one?

If the last paragraph causes mixed feelings, please refer back to the second paragraph before deciding. Which parent or party deserves respect. Which attitude would you see as the better one? 

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