Sunday, June 18, 2017

War: Family Stories and History

Did you grow up thinking that the Battle of Iwo Jima was the last battle Americans engaged in, which ended WWII? I did. 

Maybe it was because we're always seeing the American flag being raised by all those brave men after that particular battle. Well, I learned that it wasn't and there was a flag raised afterwards that we don't hear about. At least, I hadn't. I discovered this while writing a short tribute about my dad who was in that battle: The Battle of Okinawa. As you will read, he told family that it was considered a mission of no return. I'm glad he survived or I wouldn't be here today.

Tribute: My Dad & Okinawa Gunto (The Last Major Battle of WWII)

After I wrote my dad's tribute, my curiosity took over about this "last major battle of WWII" and I decided to investigate further, which is why I wrote this blog two days later. I realized, afterwards, that there were a few other battles fought but this was the last major American one.

Okinawa Flag Raising: The Last Major Battle of WWII

Recently, I've been reading about people feeling that a war with Russia and China had been circumvented. What perplexed me was how some say wars are good for the economy. Seriously? As if the loss of human life isn't important? Thin out the herd and make money on selling equipment? It made me think about this last blog I'd like to share, which I decided to write after the previous one above. It's letters written from a family member's experiences of WWI.

A WWI Soldier's 1919 Letters Written After The Armistice

How can we help circumvent wars and not be pawns to potential warmongers? Hopefully by reading about them through the emotions of those who know. Share their stories. That's the best tribute we can give to our family and friends who walked those paths.


  1. Hi, I found your dad's story very fascinating. I have reason to believe our dads served on this ship. My dad is in the middle row of sailors, third from the right. This picture is also in a book, "Landing Craft Infantry Vol 2. It also identifies the crew.

    1. I'm so sorry for not responding sooner. I just noticed that I'm getting comments but no emails. I'll have to check put the book.
