Monday, December 30, 2013

An Evil Government Game Afoot?

Me thinks there is a government game afoot with Colorado legalizing marijuana. Think about it.
Eventually, the US government jumps on board and will have a way to get more taxes, pay off the deficit and create jobs or improve unemployment.
We haven't been able to resolve recreational drugs issues, including abuse of use, so let's make it legal and tax the people. I'm surprised they haven't legalized prostitution along with taxing and regulating this either. Look at the amount of revenue they could have from taxes in this area too. They would be swimming in revenue.
This would also help the medical fields that handle physical and mental welfare. Sure sounds like there's going to be more abuse physically and mentally. Good and bad in everything.
Unless you understand reverse psychology. For instance, if you can't fix stupid let stupid fix itself. Once it's legal it may not be so appealing. Right? What's the fun if you're not breaking the law anymore? What's the use if the government is making more money off of us? After all, why do we want to do anything for them. They're the government!! 
Maybe it's another way to decrease the population. Better keep off the streets ... go into hiding. We don't want the "zombies" getting to us.
Besides, how else would the government legally increase revenue to pay debts? Can't squeeze blood out of a turnip and they certainly are trying.
Yes, me thinks there is an evil government game afoot. First Colorado ... and then the zombies.
Disclaimer: Satire was utilized throughout this editorial. Maybe.

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