Thursday, August 23, 2012

Schizophrenic or Possession? A Stern Reply to Video Comment.

I meant what I said when I answered your first comment on this video, that you really need to investigate this subject further before going on a tirade of spouting uneducated and condescending comments on people's videos, like mine, that HAVE done research ... over 25 years of it.
You are not a doctor because every intelligent doctor will tell you that there is no proof to chemical imbalance, however thought does provoke reaction to the action. Yet, who's action are you really reacting to?
You want to act as someone who KNOWS, but I can tell you, because of my research, that there are many more that know the truth and are tired of the medical field overdosing people with pills that have harmful side effects, including suicidal thoughts and actions, and not curing anyone ... yes, anyone. Listen to other people who will tell you the truth, because doctors refuse to listen to them ... like Jani ... who is not just hearing voices and seeing things, but is being physically pained, which most want to ignore that part she is telling. Why is that? Because they don't list that as a symptom, so why address it? Besides, it's only in her mind. How does anyone know that if they are not in her mind and body to know what is going on? She will eventually stop telling people her truth because she will bend to their will ... their truth is more important. Why? Because she doesn't know any better ... she's a child that hasn't built up her own social awareness ... her life is limited in her perspective ... until she gets older, if allowed to get older, and discovers she has been a pawn to another person's will.
So pills are not the answer because there is no proof to what they are saying either ... so what is the answer? Maybe knowledge and not burying our head in a hole ... or drugs ... or video games?
You are right, it is not religion, it is history, thousands of years of history that has been turned into religion for the ego of man controlling man through fear, however science can be a help if they get off the bandwagon of religion themselves and come to terms with what it really is ... mind power ... another part of history.
There are government studies going on around the world, and have been for many years, to investigate this mind ability of ours but they won't tell you because they need guinea pigs in their scientific studies. Guess who suffers the most from these experiments ... the weak and the ignorant, but that is okay, we'll just give them pills, pat them on the head, and send them home calling them crazy behind their backs. So get your head out of dark and really investigate what you think you know but haven't got the slightest clue to what is really going on.
You keep popping those pills and doing anything else that destroys your body and mind, and stay completely unaware to this truth, they like people like that, they can be controlled more that way.
If you need further proof, I can send you many people who have been there done that. Or you can read my research from people who have written me here on YouTube with what they have gone through and came to me for help. Did it help them? Some. However, when you have a battle of wills (maniacal egos/government research/mind power fanatics/guinea pigs/sociopathic mentalities) going on, not everything will end immediately.
So, yes, religion only in the sense that it is history that has been converted into a fear base control. All I am doing, like many others, is taking the fear out of it by allowing awareness. I am not religious but I am aware and educated, only because I too have been there done that. You would know that if you had bothered to watch more then one of my videos on this channel. Something else to consider when you go to someone's channel. See what else they have to offer and then you will know what mentality you are dealing with ... as I did with your channels.
You can be offended with what I said to you, or you can use it to become more educated. Your choice. This "Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks - True Stories" book attach will help you understand that I mean business, or watching the attached videos to the Jani video as I suggested will share more stories from adults who have been attacked.
If you wish to remain belligerent, then deleting your messages and blocking can be still done. I only delete & block those that are disrespectful and vulgar. I don't allow it in my home so why should I allow it on my channel? Again - your choice.

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