Thursday, August 23, 2012

DNA and History Repeating :-)

In the beginning God created the earth and an abundance of flora. With the nature of flora as it is, it grew and grew and grew. What should God do?

So God created fauna to hold back the now overgrown flora. The very rich oxygen of the flora caused the fauna to thrive and they grew and grew eating away at the flora, so much so that God knew the flora would be gone and the fauna would not have anymore food.

He decided to create fauna to eat fauna and things were good again ... for awhile. Fauna eating fauna started getting out of control too, and the flora was running wild again, so God created man to oversee the earth.

Man was doing well with his job until he wanted company of his own species. Then God created a companion who began to reason on her own and did not want someone telling her she had to be a slave to another's whims. She thought all nature should be allowed to do what they were genetically programmed to do.

God said: fine, you can leave this paradise I have created for you. They both left thinking that life will be much better now that they didn't have to do chores for another, however eventually reality set in and it was determined they owed an apology to God because their chores were worse and their burdens were harsh.

God said, apology accepted, but you will continue to make your way on earth using your free will and reasoning.

The rest is history and history continues in like manner ... over and over and over again. Flora grows, fauna and man eat flora and fauna, and man keeps asserting it's ability to reason with it's free will.

Do you see the evolution of a young adult in this story? Reaching out to prove something? I can do everything and no one has wisdom but me? I sure did.

Now we can understand why history repeats itself, because this kind of genetic programming goes way, way back.

And the beat goes on! ;-)

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