Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tolerance Level Gone!

I think I just lost ALL levels of tolerance and patience today and I normally have a ton of both.

Looking up what I heard on the news about a man raping a 90 plus year old woman, I Googled it to know more (I didn't hear location) and the amount of hits about men raping women of that age (a little younger or older) around the world was staggering.

Excuse me, I will change what I said about "men" because real men don't do this (rape anyone). These are not men but low life, amoeba, scum of the earth and should be eradicated. Why not, they obviously aren't doing well in this life? A second go around in another life might be what is needed to make a better person out of them. Coming back into a woman might help too. Not like that hasn't been done already to create more issues within people. Think about it!

Oh wait, did someone say what would Jesus do? If his mother (or grandmother) was raped, I wonder what he would have done? If he didn't tolerated money lenders in the temple - well, you can finish that anyway you want.

However, sometimes you just get fed up with talking to walls and you want to knock someone's head into it instead!

And - don't get me started on children being raped! You've heard of the wrath of mother nature - well stand back!

Grrrrr - I need to get back to my Zen space before I hurt someone.