Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Suicide: Possessed Pawns?

With the increasing rate of suicides in the world, I decided to share what I've learned in over twenty five years of dealing with the mind. I hope you'll read to the end, and keep an open mind, because the information that I share may help you save a life ... a life that could be your own or a loved one.
Here's why.
When you're at a low spot in your life, and under any form of negativity, from a life event, or "I just don't know why I feel this way," this can be further used against you. That's when negative and possessive emotions, or thoughts, can come in for the kill ... via the unseen mind world ... whether that be through physical or non-physical beings.
Just as a wild animal does with its victims. They choose the weakest to attack. It's an easier kill.

For you see, any negative thoughts, one may have, can be used against you or another and can be from you or another. They can be provoked by someone unseen. There are those of psychopathic nature that want to taunt someone to commit suicide. We see these types in the physical world, yet they can still be in those same feelings in the non-physical  world. To them it's a game and if they achieve their objection, it's like a hunter notching the barrel on the gun.
Another one bit the dust ... let's party.
I have asked people to be aware and beware of any negative thoughts, especially unreasonable ones, especially during an increased amount of countries warring, and to push them away until they've had time to investigate it further. Many don't know that their thoughts can be astrally projected to and used against them.
Most say they can only sense their feelings when things happen. They don't think they're possessed. Yes, it is their feelings and anything can affect those feelings ... program those feelings ... use those feelings ... even against us. Those programmed feelings can be fed upon ... just like being caught up in the emotions of a concert ... or even a riot ... being provoked by another or other's feelings. Yet, even though we can't see feelings, we know our feelings are being influence by the people around us. This is because we are programmed to believe the only thing that can affect us is what we can physically see.
But what about the ones we cannot see?
Many times, we meet people during our life which can influence us. However those unseen ones can too. Non-physical families connected to the physical people we meet. Anyone new coming into our lives can do this to us. We can suddenly be interested in something new or someone new because if it, sometimes leading us down a dark path or someone is sent to save us from that path.
However, if we have a possessive non-physical being around us, they may put up a fight for our soul, our soul path, or what they think they own ... meaning us. It can become a tug of war around our mind with a possessive spirit and anyone that comes around to help ... physical or non-physical. They will feed off of and into our thoughts to give us doubt and make us depressed, especially if they don't have our best interest at heart.
They can also attack physical or non-physical people sent to help by giving them doubt, feelings of hate, or even violent thoughts to attack the one they are possessing while blaming others for it. We may feel those emotions too.
Many times, I've had feelings subjected to me, to tell someone something cruel, which did not make sense. It only made sense later after I had time to analyze it. I was being used in this hate or suicide game they play out there ... using physical people to do their dirty work by doing or saying mean and hateful things.
I chose not to play. I get attacked for it.
They have even played on my frustrations in helping others heal mentally and emotionally many times. I honestly have felt like I wanted to physically slap some people ... the emotion was that strong. Of course, with me, because of what I know, when I feel things like this, I back away and get busy doing other things because I know it's projected and something is afoot. I sense it because I've been at this for a very long time.
Sometimes, and sadly, I eventually have to concede to wisdom and back off if I'm not making any headway. I may not be the right teacher or heavy karma could be at play. I can only do so much ... they have to allow the help too. 
I made a decision, a long time ago, that I will not allow anyone to pull me down with them. Heartless as that may sound, I'm not good for others if I cannot be good for myself.
Furthermore, I really don't know how to say this to anyone anymore. Personally,  I'm beside myself in the amount of times I need to repeat the same thing over and over and over again to people that come into my life seeking help. It's really this simple: if anyone feels any strong negativity, thoughts about suicide, or even murder, walk away from it fast.
You could be a pawn in a set up. Give the dust time to settle whenever possible.
Also, no man (woman) is an island. Get help ... get lots of help .... from many sources ... especially with suicidal thoughts. Too many people are committing suicide today without understanding it's not always them alone that's creating the issue. I say alone because someone else may be projecting the emotions but the physical person still needs to perform the task.
As the suicide numbers unreasonably mount, would you allow yourself to commit suicide so they can use that as a reason to decrease population or put another notch on their belt?
Knowing this, would you think first before reacting?
Would you think your life is of more value because of it?
Would you be angry at "them," instead of hurting yourself or another?
Would you like it if you discovered that you're only a possessed pawn in a psychopath's reality?
Would you?

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