Monday, August 11, 2014

False Prophets/Antichrist/False Gods: A Person or A Thing?

Could we have this idea of a false prophet, antichrist, and false gods all wrong? Please allow me to explain why I present this as a question.

Recently, I had an ah-ha moment, an epiphany, a revelation ... whatever you want to call it ... which helped me understand the turmoil in our world. At least where religion is concerned, especially with past and present fanaticism. 

Also, for simplicity, I decided to only use the Abrahamic Religions, with this blog, but all world religions may apply based on this feeling I received.
To continue, for many, many years we have been fighting and warring over our religious beliefs without remembering our initial Commandments, the first three being: I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods, no graven images or likenesses.
Could God be telling us something? Have our world religions become the gods we're not suppose to worship, via the images of our religious leaders but mostly our religious prophets? Using them as idols as we were commanded not to do? Could all this fighting be our undoing to once again show us the true course? 
Let's think about it.
For these particular religions, prophets were supposedly sent to show us that idol worship was the false way and to show us the way back to our Divine God. These prophets were not to be worshipped; they were not to be idolized. They were teachers sent to show the true way; teachings that we conveniently keep forgetting. In our discrimination and warring, are we unconsciously punishing ourselves for being disobedient because of idolizing our prophets above God?
Could there be more we haven't considered? The feeling I received is: instead of a person, it is a thing that we were warned about. 

Collectively, we have taken our worldwide faiths and created false gods to idol worship

Instead of "he will deceive the wise," maybe it's more appropriate to say "it will deceive the wise." Many have gone against what these prophets told us about idol worshipping, considering we worship them when we hold them up against another of God's chosen. This would, collectively, make worldwide religions the anti-christ ... anti-anointed ... anti-chosen ... anti-them ... anti-teachings.
Deceived by a thing ... not a person.
With our current worldwide awareness, could it be that all this warring is being deliberately established to make us look within? To make us look at ourselves differently? Could God be sitting back allowing us to destroy what He didn't create? To return to the true path as He gave us, especially in those first Commandments?
It made me realize that God knew this would occur; even warned us. Yet, in our limited awareness, we misinterpreted the warning into a person ... instead of a thing. 

A worldwide, sibling-rivalry, fighting-over, collective-thought thing.

An idol-worshipping prophets, and profits, above God thing.


  1. I never thought of it as people worshiping/idolizing prophets, but it makes sense. I wonder if they even realize they're doing something like that.

    1. Not sure but I'm hoping since it came into my mind it will filter into others too. We can always hope.
