Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Strange Dream with Message

I had a strange dream this morning. 

I was with a group of people and everything looked like it was fine, on the surface, but I kept having this feeling like something wasn't right ... something just wasn't adding up. 

It was as if everyone was on a vacation. All these people were getting into a bus as if they were going on a big trip somewhere and everything was positive looking on the surface; even the bus driver was happily talking to everyone. 

I still kept having these nagging feelings like something just wasn't right and had strong feelings to stay in the building and not get on the bus; which is what I did. 

Sometime later, I started walking around this building and I just happen to look through this window into a large room. I suddenly realized that I was looking at these same people, that had just left on this "tour bus." Then mayhem began and I started watching them being incinerated - running around in fear and screaming but not able to leave the room. 

I went running back to the other side of the building where there were a few people still sitting around waiting for their turn to get on the bus. 

I started yelling: come on, come on; we have to go, we have to get out of here ... and told them what I had seen, but they just kept sitting there. 

Finally, I just said - I'm out here - and I left. I put a sweat shirt on even though I knew it was hot outside, as if instinct made me feel I had to do it for later. 

I woke up at that point and later this morning I decided to discussed the dream since it kept lingering ... which normally meant I needed to understand it more. 

This is what I heard: "It's the way the world is. You send messengers to help and their inner awareness and/or guidance impedes the message. They sit around waiting for a savior and when one is sent, they walk away because they don't fit their description of one."

Considering I have had a few experiences of delivering messages with, surprisingly, negative results, it does make me wonder why "guidance" would interfere with it; much less "inner awareness" too. 

Could it be a lack of trust in me, even after all this time of proving my worth, or "someone" just doesn't want interference in their direction or guidance? Or could it be a true lack of awareness on both parties involved?

It made me think of a child playing on a railroad track and a parent, knowing a train is coming, just lets her/him play there. Then someone yells for the child to get off the track and the parent tells the child not to listen while glaring at the messenger. At the same time, the child looks toward the parent and listens while possibly still sensing danger. Who does one believe?

Yes, egos are on many levels of awareness. We all learn what we can, when we can, from whom we can. 

I felt that I was being told that we can only do what is being allowed ... allowed by the receiver/s ... and I should relinquish any feelings of guilt or remorse in messages not being received well. It's their karma. 


Divine Messenger - Image courtesy of the Israel Museum

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