Thursday, June 20, 2013

When Has it Become Acceptable in Exploiting the Innocent's Privacy andRights?

I don't understand people anymore, unless there is a gene missing, within some, called common sense.

These are the ones that put up pictures or videos on the Internet of their newborns ... showing their genitals. It's as if they're all into ... "isn't this cute" ... instead of being totally unaware of sexual predators waiting to snatch up those cute pictures as well as hunting them down to snatch the babies. Even the FBI is warning people about this.

It's as if they are completely unaware that the news media is reporting the busting up of major pedophile and kidnapping rings all over the place - all the time! All I can think is - these poor babies, as well as - these pathetic people calling themselves adults! 

Stupidity and innocence! It's like waving a red cape to the bull called PEDOPHILE! Saying: over here, come and get her or him! 

If the intelligent cannot protect the innocent from the ignorant, what hope do they have? What hope does anyone have?
Yes, I look at a newborn and think how beautiful, a gift from God in all its miracles of life, a loving being coming into the world to be nourish and protected, however that's my eyes and not the eyes of a predator. Life has taught me that this isn't how others may see things and based on all the recent news, we need to be much more aware of those then how I think about a baby or a newborn's nudity. I don't mind people sharing pictures of their children, but cover them if you really care for them. Predators are watching, it may not be your site today, but tomorrow...

Think I'm kidding? Here's a website that talks about FBI warnings on predators using social media for kidnapping babies.

Even with all this information on the various media, there are those that still don't grasp the serious reactions that can be created by their actions; innocent or not. Do your own research, if you think I’m joking. I just saw where someone recently did this with a newborn's pictures uploaded on a social media after the news warns against it. Yet, I felt as if I shouldn't say anything - after all, what business is it of mine?

Of course, if I did say anything, I may be treated as the bad guy, because no one wants to told they are not seeing the bigger picture. 

The reason I felt this way was because the last time I said something was to a family member and I got treated as if I was the one with a problem. Unfriended from their social media for giving loving advice. Yep! Seriously! 

Her husband (they are now divorced) took "nearly pornographic" pictures of their newborn daughter. I felt these pictures of their baby girl's genitals being posted on Facebook were indecent and disrespectful for those that say they love their child, but especially to the child that had no voice of her own to defend herself.

She thought I was crossing a line, just for sharing what I was hearing on the news about pedophiles and kidnappers searching social media for victims because people are so willing to share so much to people they barely know. Holy cow?! I was crossing a line for trying to protect a child from a predator or the parents from sorrow of their child being kidnapped and murdered?! Really?! Don't they understand, after all this information that has been out there for years, that predators are also within the family, neighbors or friends? Even Facebook friends, because, who the hell are these "friends" anyway? 

Do you really know all these "friends" you are befriending? Seriously? Do you?

Furthermore, why don't people know that they are exploiting a child's privacy and rights? Why don't they understand that a predator, they possibly call a "friend," can take these photos and use it for sell-satisfaction like some sick SOB? Think not? Go talk to your local sheriff. Furthermore, all social medias have rules for posting nude pictures, they don't want you to and will take them down if reported. They're doing what some are too ignorant to understand ... protect your children from predators!

Oh, no, it won't happen to me! You're just being too anal!

Right!! So you think it's okay to risk it? Really?!

I want to seriously slap these people upside the head and yell - wake up! This stuff is in the news all the time! What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you deliberately being stupid?! What is it going to take to make you understand these children are counting on you to be protective for their survival? Do they have to sue you because of what you're doing to them and their future state of mind when they grow up and find their baby photo was exploited by some jackass? Maybe that's what it's going to take ... a lawsuit for exploiting their innocence.

On no, wait, how can they sue anyone if they're dead from being kidnapped and murdered just because someone thought it was cute to exploit nude pictures of them on the Internet?

But, it was only to my family and friends.


I have read that predators are in our churches, schools, places of work and looking for weak or innocent people to go after ... all the time ... and it's not just men. You cannot be too trusting anymore. It's very sad how things are becoming.

For instance, how about Hollywood now exploiting babies in films by doing the same thing? I was shocked watching the new Superman movie with the baby boy having his genitals exposed. Was that really necessary to make a point in a movie? Why? It was never needed before! However, I may have been the only one thinking about this child's future due to being exploited in that manner. Who cares that the child may grow up with a stigma because of it - as long as they make their film and their money? Who cares that mindless adults are creating mindless children who will grow up to create more mindless wonders?

Think not? Well then you haven't kept informed of the mental state of many Hollywood children and their stories of feeling used and abused by Hollywood's need to keep crossing the line of decency and respect.

Yes, maybe there is a law about exploiting babies and children but it must be vague in order for Hollywood to get away with it. That's the second thing that got me stirred up to write this blog. Hollywood reminds me of what my mom used to say about kids: give them an inch and they take a mile. Is this what Hollywood is becoming, children who are taking a mile when only an inch is given? Why did we give this inch to begin with and shouldn't it be revoked for exploiting it?

As they say: The Lord gives and The Lord takes away. Isn't that what a parent does when a child abuses a gift? Take it away?

Besides, is anyone in Hollywood asking the baby how it feels about being exploited? Of course not! Babies don't think or speak! That's why they're given ADULTS to do it for them. Get the picture?!

And we wonder why insane things are happening with and by children, as well as young adults and adults that grew up being exploited ... and being allowed to believe it was okay. Only in the pictures? Guess not!

When has it ever been acceptable to exploit babies?

When did it ever become acceptable to exploit anyone?


Oh, that's right, we have been dummied down to think many things are acceptable, because if we don't jump on the bandwagon of insanity, we are not being politically correct or socially acceptable.

Don't get involved! Don't do anything! Don't say anything! 

Right! Let's not say anything because we sure don't want to offend them! We'll turn a deaf ear and blind eye to this truth because it's just too unpleasant to think about it or we might hurt someone's feelings instead of saving a child's life.

Do you think your intuition is always going to save you? I can tell you from personal experience that it will not! Your thoughts can be blocked and - too late - another one bites the dust!

Enough is enough! Or will it take your child being exploited before you reach a level of adult awareness and sanity?

Every time we placate those emotions to not get involved, you give a predator carte blanche for getting away with more. You might as well just turn the baby over to them now. Get it over with!

Yes, there will be those that will call me a prude, however those who really know me will know I'm far from being a prude. I'm not perfect either and I'm not into pointing fingers, but I would rather be a prude then a pervert, a prude rather then a predator, a prude rather then accepting what should never be accepted.

If you feel that playing into a predator's game is acceptable, maybe you need to ask yourself why. Why would you feel that your feelings aren't being subjected to, in order to continually promote this behavior? Go research it, many sites discuss it and the majority of people say no ... don't do it ... including the rules on social medias as I mentioned above.

Until we live in a world of decency and kindness, seeing children as a gift from God as opposed something to be sexually or physically exploited, then these children need us to step up to being adults and not acting like "allowing children with no awareness."

If you are tired of children being exploited by mindless adults only interested in their selfish or thoughtless actions, with no thought of what they are creating for a child's mental future, then write to a local authority and tell them enough is enough. I am ... I'm sending out this blog and anyone is welcome to share it too.

 When one continually takes the "innocent's" privacy and rights away, then stronger laws are needed to protect them; laws that Hollywood cannot corrupt for their selfish interest.

We do hear, we do see and we need to speak out. Stop being mindless monkeys! 



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