Thursday, July 7, 2016

Psychics: Why Didn't You Know That?

I used to wonder why people say they're intuitive but don't have a clue on many things. Why are they being blocked? For example: you're psychic, why didn't you know that? After many years, based on my personal experiences, I believe I know why: we aren't allowed to know for numerous reasons. Here's a few things I've learned over the years.

1) We would get in the way of another's agenda. We're blocked or sidetracked from knowing. That could even be knowing that someone is going to rob our house. Maybe there's a lesson involved, some prior karma, or we got too busy to ask the universe what's going on around us because we're too busy helping others. Maybe it's only as simple as it's none of our business because we don't have a need to know.

2) We're not "wise" enough to impart a particular or important awareness. For instance, giving vital information to angry or childish people. We haven't earned our dues. We're still learning. Can we be trusted? Many times I've asked: Why don't they know what you (God/Universe) told me? Answer: The timing is off for them. In other words, they're being given examples for having a better attitude or any numerous lessons that are deemed important for their growth first.

3) We've misused our power. Similar to getting a new toy and abusing it. It's taken away until we can be more respectful. I've even seen where psychics were set up to abuse in order to take their power away. Being tested is part of our learning.

4) Being loving and caring doesn't always protect our abilities. Its called gullibility. As Spock would say: it's not logical. We can live in a fantasy world but compassion can backfire because (see #2) it can be used against us. I've seen this happen many times with psychic people who lament later about being duped. More lessons?

5) We're not to have big egos. Oh yes, I've seen many psychics fall on their faces because of big egos. I've seen family and friends pulled away from me to keep me from telling them something. However, when I have attempted to warn them, they've angrily struck back instead of calmly discussing anything. Big egos will get you shut down. Big egos will get you taken away from being helped or helping. When taking in any advice and you immediately feel defensive, angry or cocky - that's a big clue. And it's not always coming from you. It can also be coming from your "psychic" help (or hindrance) around you.

These are just a few major things I've seen over many years. Hopefully, it will help others who are seeking answers but I've learned that nothing helps when someone isn't meant to have it. For instance: being used like a puppet for another's agenda. If you don't know how to have conversations with the universe and just going by feelings, not being aware of those feelings and why they're there, you are more of a pawn in another's game. If you sense something and have the logic or wisdom to know something's not adding up, you are more apt to question it, instead of being a blind follower.

Most importantly, I respect that everyone's on their paths. There are different levels of awareness with each psychic as well as different paths that are being utilized. When I find myself being blocked from knowing something, and sense it's for a good reason, no harm intended for me, I allow and move on. When I sense someone's being set up and it's also being done for a good reason, I may very calmly and quietly disconnect from their lives. Why? So I don't have to participate in the fallout.

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