Sunday, July 17, 2016

Borders: Protecting Personal Space

It's very perplexing why some people say they want open borders. It's as if they have forgotten the history of why any form of boundaries were created in the first place.

As a reminder, they are there to protect your personal space from invasion of various negative elements, in order to provide safety for you and your family's peace of mind, because history has dictated that there are those who chose not to obey personal space laws much less humane laws. History has dictated that there is still a need for people and things to protect these boundaries. 

Spiritually evolved people know this. They know about the invasion of personal space or they wouldn't use smudging, among other things, to remove negative spirits/energy. Smudging is telling the universe that someone has crossed into, and disrespecting, our personal space and it's not acceptable.

If we believe that this isn't important than, by all means, stop building homes, fences around private property, walls around nations, and stop smudging.

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