Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Simple Dream - A Profound Universal Message

In recent years, I have had plenty of dreams but I don't always remember them unless someone thinks they are important ... as was the case this morning.

This morning, I woke up from a very frustrating dream of trying to get something done but feeling blocked over and over. As I continued to lie in bed, after awakening, I suddenly felt guidance was there and wanting to go into an in-depth interpretation of it with me. This doesn't happen too often anymore either, so I decided to see what was going on.


It started out with me being in the back seat of a car and telling the driver he should lock the car doors as the female passenger in front was leaning against it and I was concerned for her safety in not falling out. His indifference toward her safety irritated me because of what I knew could happen, along with a concern for precaution that he didn't seem to share. 

Then he stopped at a store and gave me five dollars and asked me to go inside and get cereal and milk. That was all I was asked to do. 

I got inside and the store was in a disarray with people standing around and aisles that were showing opened packages and unkempt and filthy product. The people who worked there didn't act as if I existed and never volunteered to help. One man, who was on a ladder putting things on a shelf, looked down at me but never said a thing. 

At this point, I began to think I needed bowls and utensils to buy too. Maybe he didn't think this through when he sent me inside because based on earlier conversation, he didn't appear to be one who did that. I felt that if I could even find anything, I would have to use my money to buy it. I had nothing to go on, from him, but to buy cereal and milk. I knew we were driving somewhere, so how were we to eat cereal with milk if no containers or utensils? 

I kept looking around the messy shelves, I even climbed up on a shelf to reach to a top shelf that had some styrofoam bowls and plastic utensils. Everything was opened or dirty. Then a guy came along and said he would help me put some stuff together but smiled at me and said something about no worries about getting it for me ... as if there wouldn't be any charges. I still hadn't even looked for cereal or milk by this time. 

After he gathered up a few things, I noticed he was tallying up the pieced together products for a bill, as if he had changed his mine. For instance, I noticed he had charged 20 cents for each styrofoam bowl. I thought, no big deal, maybe I misunderstood him. 

At this point, I woke up and I felt guidance wanted to explain the dream. I started to realize that I was being shown the similarities of my life to the dream, yet not just my life, but possibly others felt the same way. 


This is what universal guidance wanted me to know about it. 

I was given limited instructions (buy cereal and milk) and resources ($5) to do a task (mission for earth) from people (man in car) who apparently could care less about another's well-being or how I got the job done. I was doing what I could with what I had, realizing I would have to be creative and add my own resources to make the "mission" work. 

I noticed that people stood around as if it was up to me to do what I needed to do but they didn't want to get involved ... possibly fear or a lack of interest ... or who expect everyone else to do the job and then they slide in on all the glory later. 

Others just waited (in car outside) for me to do what they expected with no personal involvement (guidance). Here's the task, it's up to you to figure out what to do. 

The one man on a ladder represented those who had already climbed the ladder and looked down on me without offering a hand to help. As if they made it up that ladder on their own, and there's not enough room for another. Maybe they feared another's awareness would usurp theirs so it would be best not to open that door ... offer that hand. 

The one who did help, did so, at first, out of what seemed like kindness, but then realizing money could be made off of me decided that was more important instead of the initial kindness. Yet, the confusion I felt was because this person had it within him to be that way; part of his programming to use people for personal gain. 

I also felt that my intentions of looking for something, other then what was initially asked of me, was a form of being side-tracked by my own second guessing or a redirection from an unseen influence to veer me off course. 


I don't expect anyone to help another without being rewarded in some manner. It seems that even with limited resources, by working together and being supportive, the job (mission/s) could have been handled expeditiously and with less confusion. 

Apparently, based on what I saw in the dream and the interpretation later, I feel guidance was saying: one can only do what one can do under those circumstances. 

Many people say they want to be involved in a mission before incarnating, but once here on earth the physical and mental takes over the soul and those past thoughts of being involved can become futile, especially when those who send us on the mission choose not to get involved themselves anymore. 

If their initial intent was false, knowing it would be a futile mission, then they should be reprimanded for setting up something to get us out of the way (out of their hair). To have us return with these false intents will lead our emotions into hopelessness and a lack of trust, which may lead to hate. 

Hate is a fear based emotion which is created due to not knowing who to believe ... who to love ... who to trust. In other words, all the emotions that many are dealing with on this planet is based on a lack of believing, loving and trusting. 

For example, if you can't trust your parents, your peers, your current leadership, or other people anywhere, then who can you trust? Which leads us to a final insult that would be: if you can't trust God, who can you trust? 

So, you see, if we believed that God sent us on a mission that had no end, and only to get us out of the way, placing us in a position of doing what we can when we can, it could end up being a futile mission leading to feel hurt in being used and/or abused under a very selfish reason. 

If we, collectively, set ourselves up on a mission and then, when we were earth bound, decided to turn our backs on one another and the mission, we can blame no one but ourselves. 

Now I know why, for nearly twenty-five years, I've been telling the universe to leave me alone, because I know human frailty. I know that people can pump up their own self importance but without the means they will not accomplish what they set out to do. Without the support the mission is futile. Without cooperation instead of me-me-me, there is no end. Without knowing what one is capable of doing, you could be asking the wrong person to do the job ... and I do mean "asking" not "telling."

If God is all knowing, why would God send anyone on a mission S/He knew would be futile? That means the "block" is within all of us. 

Maybe we're not asking God "today" what S/He wants and that's why the shelves, in my dream, were in disarray, including those top shelves. Also, it could be why, sometimes, no one knows what to do. Should I extend a hand, should I get involved - who can I trust?

Can there still be order out of chaos? All I know is that I feel, at times, I'm trying to talk inside a hurricane (chaos) and no one hears a word, and that there are others who must feel the same way. 

That's why I feel my dream had a universal message ... united we stand, divided we fall (fail). 

We fail because we work for the good of one and not the good of all. We fail because we allow ignorance to rule instead of common sense. We fail because there are people who are jealous and want to drag others down to their level and we allow it. We fail because we cannot see the sign of the times and dig our heels into the old ways for fear of change. We fail due to fear and fear mongers but destroy those that want to show the way of love and truth. Maybe we fail because we we have come to believe we are not entitled to succeed ... we are not worthy. We fail because we are looking for a savior but cannot see the many that are already here due to ego blindness. We fail because it's easier to hate instead of love. We fail because chaos is familiar. 

However, on the bright side, guidance suggests that realizing one is failing can give us an opportunity to reevaluate and re-plan ... if we choose ... and if we have gained the wisdom to do so. 

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