Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Psychic Self Defense - Email Response

Every now and then I answer an email and guidance will ask me to share it to help others. I do what I can to channel information off the universe in order to tailor each response for every individual; it is a personal message just for them but others can learn from it. 

This one was in response to handling what they felt they were doing: drawing negativity to them. Along with understanding psychic abilities and protection. 

We can all draw negativity because it's part of life, but we can choose to live in it or not ... feed it or not. We can choose to whine, complain, hate, curse your life, or another's, day in and day out ... or not. You could be drawing it to you because you're living in it. You become your own worse "negative" enemy. You also become an energy vampire and eventually friends and family, not wanting to be sucked into your black hole, will walk the other way ... for protection. Can you blame them?

Also, I don't say my way is the only way, but only that it's my way. Though I still may have attacks, including sexual and physical, what I learned is what saved me, and allowed me peace of mind, over many years. It's like riding out a storm, sometimes, but I do what I can to be the calm within the storm. 

As they say, practice makes perfect, but I wouldn't wish anyone to have psychic attacks from an unseen force (including one's own mind) to become perfect in psychic self-defense, or to understand what I, and others, have experienced, yet, sad to say, sometimes this is what it takes. 

Those that have experienced mental or physical attacks, for whatever reasons, know the reality of it. It is not fun and can be very frightening. Gives insight to the saying: "don't speak ill of the dead." That is, unless you are prepared to deal with the circumstances or you know someone who will for you. 

This is why people ask me for advice and why I give it ... most want to learn. Besides, I would rather teach, and have someone learn, then to do it for them. As I have said many times before: I don't want to be "god" for you, I want you to be "god" for yourself. This allows, and doesn't deny, empowerment. 

That's why I blog and make videos. One day I will be "physically" gone but my words will hopefully live on to help those when I'm no longer there to do so. I can still share when I'm no longer there. ;-) 


We can attract things to us for various reasons, however I am one who likes to thwart any negativity by turning it into positive. Kind of like ... what can I learn from this and how can I use it to better my life? This kind of attitude creates a more positive environment almost immediately. 

Negative things will happen to anyone at anytime, but how we treat it will be what helps or hinders us. We can sit around and say "woe is me" ... or ... "that was interesting." See? It's all part of living and learning ... and the right attitude helps. 

Also, I like to keep my mind involved in order to evolve. Learning things keeps us busy, as well as educated, and out of the darkness of fear based emotions that can control us. It keeps us from brooding over "bad" stuff. It's similar to saying ... ain't got time for that. ;-)

Also, since we all have brains, we all have psychic abilities because we all have a soul/mind that we are born with into each life. Yet, there are those that have a general understanding of what this means and those that are masters in this field. It's no different then any subject that can be learned, we can have different levels of awareness. 

Just as being empathic, most have this understanding, yet again, some more then others. Being empathic is the reason we can sense things around us.  Nothing wrong in that unless we are too open to other's emotions and forget to protect our own. 

I had to learn not to be too caring. I know that may sound harsh, but as one guide reminded me a long time ago, I'm no good for another if I'm no good for myself first. I had to learn to care but not over care. 

As I've been informed before ... I'm not here to save the world. Knowing that there is only so much anyone can do, allowed me an understanding that I can only do what I can when I can. I've incorporated those feelings in my inner guidance and can shut down on things now that I know I cannot have control over in any way, shape or form. 

This is important for you as well. Do what you can to protect your emotions with only doing what you can when you can and watch out for any flow that can lead you into destruction. After all, you too can only do what you can and will not be good for another if you haven't learned to keep a check and balance going within yourself. This is another form of psychic protection. 

Do what makes you happy. Smile often. 

Do what you are strongly pulled to do. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. That is your true guidance. 

Hope that helps.


For more information on this subject: 

Link: Paperback book on Amazon (also available in .pdf format and at with reviews).


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