Saturday, September 7, 2013

Looping: Circle of Life?

This morning I was ironing (a form of meditation to me) and an idea popped into my mind about our future selves looping for self perservation. They know the planet is dying, many eons from now, yet they devise a plan to preserve the human DNA along with developing time travel. 

They reach a point of no return (planet death) and time travel back to a select point in time to continue life at that point. As life and death continues from that point, and upon reaching that future time, we are programmed to loop back again. 

Gives a new meaning to the phrase ... circle of life ... and strangely enough, I've been hearing that phrase in my mind, for several weeks. For that matter, it gives a new meaning to eternity as well. 

Maybe that's why I got that thought this morning: could life, on this planet, be resolved and preserved with looping? 

Several scenarios I felt, while I continued to iron, was that we won't know who they are because they loop back into time before major records are kept. They give up an advanced civilization to a more primitive one, in order to preserve themselves as well as enhance their new environment ... our past ... with creating a better lifestyle. 

Maybe along the future time, some choose to pick a time to return that could be more advanced in civilization, pre-programming their return to fit in with all records necessary to do so. 

We wouldn't be aware of any changes that are made by them because it would still be part of current history. 

They did make a movie in 2012 called Loopers that involved time travel for evil intent that was, I felt, similar to the movie Terminator. However, were these movies to seed our imaginations based on fantasy, or have we actually sensed a hidden fact ... or trying to be hidden from us ... and placed them out as fantasy? 

I did write a blog before about looping but it was about a different matter. You can read it here:

Anyway, I've heard stranger things. What do you think? They do say that truth is stranger than fiction. 

Could our current souls, reincarnated many times over into the future, cross paths with our current life?

Thoughts in the universe? Real or imaginary thoughts? Something to think about ... for us deep thinkers. ;-)

Update: September 8, 2013 - The only additional thing I heard about this was this morning when I heard: no "human" will be on this planet when it dies. 



  1. Interesting, but what did they mean at the end? Could that possibly mean that we will be inhabiting another planet? Or maybe our anatomy will change so much in the future that we wouldn't be considered humans anymore? Or maybe we won't be living in 3-dimentional earth and live in higher dimensions!

    So many possibilities...

    1. All those are future possibilities. As well as coming back to inhabit the past or living on a flying world - a craft. It looks like there are many possibilities for anyone interested. Apparently the message of the planet being empty of humans was due to their awareness of it dying and needing to make preparations long before it does. Long term planning. :)
