Thursday, October 17, 2013

Psychic Attacks: To Help or Not Help

There are ways to tell if someone may be under a psychic attack, without necessarily the painful physical attacks but just mental influences that could be causing a possible personality change. I won't go into all of them because there are many helpful web pages that already have a lot of information, however I will share something I've learned. 

Attacks, or influences, can be from a person's soul, based on past life emotions, and not always an outer attachment. Also, not everything is an evil possession, it could be an attachment from a family or friend that has crossed over. When we have a planet under attack, due to battles or wars, it could be an attachment of a confused or angry soul pick up during a conflict. This is a big reason for suicidal thoughts that they start having. 

There are many aspects to investigate to determine the cause and to see if help will be allowed or necessary. Below is an amended comment I made to someone this morning about psychic attacks and why some situations can be difficult to determine or help ... even from those who know they're under attack ... because those around them are influencing them not to listen or causing them to be argumentative when advice is offered. 


I think I know their frustrations in telling people what they feel is going on around or within them. It's the same as anyone that is under attack and "spirits" not wanting anyone to know what they're doing. They will subject confusing thoughts for us, who are trying to help, to pick up on, and will tell the recipient of the attack not to listen to anything we say. Dealt with this way too many times, even had it happened to me a few times. 

Now, when I start feeling this is happening to me, I say - whoa, wait! Let's hear this out to see if there is merit ... or let's talk about it. In other words, before immediate rejection of a thought or idea, someone is suggesting, let's talk it out ... iron out the wrinkles. Not everyone is willing to do so, due to possible outer influences creating this scenario.  


Talking things out should be utilized in any dimension and compromise is important too. After all, we are taught not to be hasty in our judgments of something or someone. Once we do that, then nothing will be resolved and we could become more of a problem by not helping them at all. 

It only makes sense that attachments don't want a person to listen to the advice of a knowledgable metaphysician. Then they wouldn't be able to get away with as much. Right?

Sometimes, it's best to walk away until they are ready to listen or they find another to help. That's something else I've learned: I'm not the only one that can do things. They need to find the one they are comfortable with and even that may take time. 

In that case, I let what I've learned from God to be the deciding factor ... relinquish them. I get attacked for helping another. Yes, I do! First: I cannot help someone if I'm not physically here to do so. Second: Why help someone if I'm not being appreciated for sticking my neck out. No one needs that attitude ... ever. They can utilize the help on the Internet including my book about psychic attacks based on other's stories. Reading increases awareness and knowledge empowers. Maybe that's God's plan ... to teach us to do for ourselves. 

This is a short video I made with the link to my book, please read the notes too. I won't push it at anyone to read it, because I've discovered that those under any "evil" influence may be turned away. Why would they want you educated? Think about it. There are a lot of free teaching videos on my YouTube channel as well. 

In conclusion, I've learned that in order to survive, we have to be smart. I taught my children to pick their battles wisely. It's important for me to listen to my own advice. The battle I save may be my own. 



  1. Perfect timing! In these days I felt stressed due to work and issues I had in the past. I especially started to be a bit cranky and snapped every time my father would "bother" me (or just joke around, like he always does :)).I felt something was going on around and inside me. After reading this I feel reassured it's not just a feeling or me losing it.

    Now I feel better, emotionally speaking. Now I feel motivated again.
