Sunday, September 6, 2015

Let's Talk Reincarnation

Before anyone rebukes reincarnation, let's discuss why you may be mentally blocked from knowing more. Yes, people can be blocked from knowing any truth for numerous reasons. Wouldn't that be a way to keep someone, deliberately, in the dark? We all know this can happen, sometimes leading to serious consequences; ignorance isn't always bliss. People need to be educated on any subject before they critique or naysay it. Reincarnation is no different.

Many historians, philosophers, ancient religions and cultures believed in reincarnation. After all, if our soul is promised eternity, this means it survives death. Eternity is a long time, why wouldn't someone want to experience new things along that eternal path? Does anyone really enjoy anything repetitive, especially if it's for all eternity? To me, that would be hell!

The Catholic dictionary defines incarnation as: "The union of the divine nature of the Son of God with human nature in the person of Jesus Christ. The Son of God assumed our flesh, body, and soul, and dwelled among us like one of us in order to redeem us. His divine nature was substantially united to our human nature. Formerly the Feast of the Annunciation was called the Feast of the Incarnation. In the Eastern Churches the mystery is commemorated by a special feast on December 26. (Etym. Latin incarnatio; from in-, in + caro, flesh: incarnare, to make flesh.)"

The above description has the Son of God incarnating: assuming flesh or to make flesh. However, there are some who believe Jesus was God and not the Son of God. That would still take God's divine energy incarnating into a body. If God (or Jesus) knew how to do that, then why couldn't He have done it before that time or since? Yet today, many people still deny reincarnation. Maybe they think only God or Jesus has this ability. But, why wouldn't this be common knowledge for others to know or do? Why would God allow only himself, or only one of his children, to have this experience? In my humble opinion, that wouldn't represent a loving parental figure.

Is it only hidden from us until we're ready to receive it? For instance, if you look closely, it is in the bible. People are asked to accept that John is the promised return of Elijah. Return of a deceased prophet now embodied (incarnated) in John? Jesus even said that "Elijah is come already, and they knew him not ..." That means many were not aware that John was the reincarnation of Elijah. Probably no different than those unaware of who's incarnated today.

Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Are there lessons to be learned first? Hidden teachings? Empowerment? As Jesus did with his disciples? My questions would be: why is it hidden and for what purpose? Is it because we have to be prepared? Is it because our minds are blocked because our heart isn't in the right place? Is it for privacy or to have us move on from our past life memories?

Perhaps it's all of the above and the real reason that Jesus told us no one will know of his return. Could he be saying that we all have to be trained like him, first, in order to know? After all, he said John was Elijah. How did he know that? How would we know if that chosen soul for Jesus' life hasn't returned since then? Until we know what Jesus knew, we may not know, or that he could be here now. Yes, I'm sure you'll say that you will know ... but will you ... absolutely?

Of course, understanding these Bible mysteries (reading between the lines) may make sense to me because of my training. Is it possible that things aren't hidden from me, and people trained like me, because of it? As I wrote above, perhaps he's already incarnated on earth today; possibly hidden out of a need for protection. I repeat, how would you know? More importantly, if you were taught these lessons, as many like me were, would you even care?

Think about it.


If interested, there's much more in my book Eternity Proven.

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