Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Occasionally, I read things that people say about something being terrible but the flow of emotions in the universe isn't in accord with the sentiment expressed. It may be only a brief expression of emotion before moving on to the next subject.  Because of this, I'm beginning to wonder if our current "awareness overload" is desensitizing humanity.

Here's why.

When people continually do horrible things, in the world, it makes others fearful. This may lead them to do horrible things in return, due to this fear. It's the "shoot first ask questions later" mentality. We become less concerned in harming another due to this fear of needing to survive. 

Add in apathy, due to being scammed way too often or inundated with other's needs. It's not just our family, friends or neighbors, we now have to save the world ... often. It becomes overwhelming and the "who cares anymore" attitude begins. Many times, leading to limited feelings over another's emotional stress or sorrow. 

Let's not forget indifference, due to this desensitizing. We are bombarded daily with a plethora of negative images and words which are overloading our minds. We see them with barely any knee jerk reaction. Movie death and dismemberment merges with real life situations. What's real anymore?

Delusions are running rampant as well. Earlier, as I was wrapping up this blog, a friend commented on another blog of mine that she's seeing a lot of delusional people and questioned why this is occurring. I told her, "These delusional attitudes are part of crossing boundaries. Makes me question why too." I began to think that maybe delusion is helping to counterbalance the impact of the negativity some are feeling. As in, I can't take anymore, so I'll fantasize to help me handle this evil world. Maybe they feel it's the lessor of other escapism evils: drugs, alcohol or suicide.

Sadly, all the aforementioned programming seems to be a part of our world mindset and getting stronger. Those who aren't in this mindset may catch up soon enough if this flow continues. It's only a matter of time before they too will know fear, apathy, indifference or even delusion. They too will become desensitized unless we can turn the tide. Or, is the tide meant to be turn?


  1. Ah, so it's a balancing act, kind of like a the golden scale. Also, giving more of what's asked for from the collective.Similar to there being a lack of rain, a drought, and suddenly raining in order to bring back the green of the grass. It's like we've slighted shifted more towards the darker portion of the polar spectrum.

    Also, while reading the first two paragraphs it reminded me of something I read. In short, the article spoke about how people are still living in the mode of survival, the basic primitive version of survival, when, in this day and age, it's not even needed. Most of our basic needs are met, and yet, most people resort to it.

    I will say that my faith still stands in humanity though, because are those who are still trying their best to help make things better. Whenever I see that, it lights a spark in my heart. Someday a new Golden Age will come. :)

    1. Well said and good points made. I think this is only a warning to humanity to wise up. Like you said, in order to re-balance our lives. I have faith in humanity too. We often seem to go to the dark side which leaves hurtful scars. Hopefully we will remember this and not do it again. I think the world needs a parent like my dad: kind but tough. You have a line and by crossing it you'll pay a price but he wasn't a tyrant. He knew how to listen and reason.

    2. Your dad sounds like an awesome parent :) Yet, it's a shame that there are quite a bit of men out there who aren't willing to step up to the plate of being a father nor a parent, despite the fact that they also played a role and bringing a child into the world. It's quite unfortunate that there are women who place their trust in these men, and then have those men abandon them. Well, as with my mom, I'm sure they have the strength to do it, it may make the child strong. Who knows. But even without a father figure, it's very possible to learn from strong men/women in this world. It's just a lot of us have to be willing to listen is all, and not just hear what's being said. Thanks for sharing this post and replying to my comment :)

    3. It seems the entire family unit is in decline. Maybe it's part of this desensitizing going on because morals are in decline too. Yet, to overcome it and preserve humanity, we learn to adjust our principles. Maybe the family unit us in decline because it's not functioning anymore. It's only logical to get rid of what's not functioning. Maybe one day we will all be test tube babies raised by society and not individual parents. I wonder.

      You're welcome. Thanks for commenting too. It opened up some interesting ideas about our possible future.

    4. Oh god, that's some advance thinking right there! You're probably right! There are already sperm banks. There was a documentary I was watching, in which a man in the (I think) 1980's created a sperm bank with only sperm from intelligent men. People could go through the list of the donators and choose the eye color, the IQ, etc of the child they would want. More than likely, the people who used these banks had fertility issues. But still, if this came out during that time, who knows what the future holds.

      These are definitely some great ideas :)

    5. It could be very far into the future but it's still a possibility and something to consider.
