Thursday, September 17, 2015


Like many things that can morph out of control from the original concept, elementals are no different. Distortion can occur with any truth over time, mainly due to human error input, which often has me wondering why. Maybe it's to prove it's nonsense. To move us on due to the confusion and discrepancies.

My spiritual training has moved me away from such medieval ideas and concepts that don't have merit with me as it does others. To each their own, but I wish they would tell it like it is as opposed to all the fanciful concepts that it has changed into from when it originally began.

This is why I decided to share this link about when it started and why. Notice that it states that an elemental is a mythic being. All myths can have a basis of truth but I find that most long ago supernatural "truths" are cover-ups to what was really going on in the universe.

Besides, how would they know back then? They didn't have the technology we have today. However, to have the technology and not investigate facts is ridiculous in this day and age.

Please, if it's important, do your research. Don't take anything, especially today, at face value.

Wikipedia: An elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus. There are four elemental categories: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders. These correspond to the classical elements of antiquity:  earth, water, air and fire. Aether (quintessence) was not assigned an elemental.

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